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The Falicov-Kimball model of spinless quantum electrons hopping on a 1-dimensional lattice and of immobile classical ions occupying some lattice sites, with only intrasite coupling between those particles, have been studied at zero... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsMott metal-insulator transitionDimensional
A computer simulation method for the calculation of equilibrium constants for the formation of physical clusters of molecules: Application to small water clusters. [The Journal of Chemical Physics 76, 637 (1982)]. William C. Swope ...
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      EngineeringAlgorithmsStatistical MechanicsStatistical Analysis
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsNanotechnologyLow Energy Buildngs
The curvature dependence of the surface tension is related to the excess equimolar radius of liquid drops, i.e., the deviation of the equimolar radius from that defined with the macroscopic capillarity approximation. Based on the Tolman... more
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      EngineeringMicrofluidicsComputer SimulationMathematical Sciences
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      ThermodynamicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesBose-Einstein Condensate
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      ThermodynamicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesCanonical Ensemble
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      EngineeringThermodynamicsComputer SimulationMathematical Sciences
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsThermodynamicsCanonical Ensemble
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsThermodynamicsPhase transition
The cosmological many-body problem is effectively an infinite system of gravitationally interacting masses in an expanding universe. Despite the interactions' long-range nature, an analytical theory of statistical mechanics describes the... more
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      Statistical MechanicsThermodynamicsGalaxy ClustersVelocity Distribution in Open Channel
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      ChemistryMonte Carlo SimulationCarbon DioxideCarbon Monoxide
The relation between chaotic dynamics of nonlinear Hamiltonian systems and equilibrium statistical mechanics in its canonical ensemble formulation has been investigated for two different nonlinear Hamiltonian systems. We have compared... more
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      Statistical MechanicsStatistical PhysicsNumerical SimulationMathematical Sciences
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      Statistical MechanicsPhase transitionCanonical EnsembleCharacteristic Function
In this paper, we consider the volume enclosed by the microcanonical ensemble in phase space as a statistical ensemble. This can be interpreted as an intermediate image between the microcanonical and the canonical pictures. By maintaining... more
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      Statistical MechanicsChaotic DynamicsPhase SpaceCanonical Ensemble
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      ChemistryMonte Carlo SimulationCarbon DioxideCarbon Monoxide
We study the dynamical and statistical behavior of the Hamiltonian mean field (HMF) model in order to investigate the relation between microscopic chaos and phase transitions. HMF is a simple toy model of N fully coupled rotators which... more
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      Applied MathematicsPlasma PhysicsStatistical MechanicsThermodynamics
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      Materials EngineeringIntermetallicsNearest NeighborCanonical Ensemble
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      ThermodynamicsHigh Energy PhysicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
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      EngineeringDirect Numerical SimulationStatistical PhysicsNumerical Simulation
Fluctuations of the instantaneous local Lagrangian strain $\epsilon_{ij}(\bf{r},t)$, measured with respect to a static ``reference'' lattice, are used to obtain accurate estimates of the elastic constants of model solids from atomistic... more
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      Nonlinear dynamicsMonte CarloStatistical PhysicsComputer Simulation
We summarize previous works on the exact ground state and the elementary excitations of the exactly solvable BCS model in the canonical ensemble. The BCS model is solved by Richardson equations, and, in the large coupling limit, by Gaudin... more
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      Dispersion RelationCanonical EnsembleQuantum Dot
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      ThermodynamicsMonte Carlo SimulationMonte CarloProbability Distribution & Applications
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      Statistical MechanicsPhase transitionVan Der WaalsCanonical Ensemble
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      Statistical MechanicsPhase transitionCanonical EnsembleCharacteristic Function
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      EngineeringStatistical MechanicsThermodynamicsProbability Distribution & Applications
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      EngineeringAlgorithmsComputational PhysicsStatistical Mechanics
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      EngineeringChemical PhysicsTaylor ExpansionPhysical sciences
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      EngineeringMonte Carlo SimulationMonte CarloChemical Physics
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      Statistical MechanicsComplex SystemCanonical Ensemble
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      EngineeringHigh Energy Density PhysicsChemical PhysicsReverse Engineering
QCD at non-zero baryon density is expected to have a critical point where the zero-density cross-over turns into a first order phase transition. To identify this point we scan the density-temperature space using a canonical ensemble... more
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      High Energy PhysicsFirst-Order LogicSpace UseCanonical Ensemble
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      EngineeringControl TheoryOptimal ControlChemical Physics
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesLattice QCDCanonical Ensemble
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      ThermodynamicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesBlack Hole
New constraints of radial distribution functions in the canonical ensemble of multicomponent mixtures are derived. These constraints indicate that mixture radial distribution functions are not all independent from each other. One of the... more
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      Statistical MechanicsThermodynamicsEquilibrium Thermodynamics of Liquids and Liquid MixturesCanonical Ensemble
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      Quantum MechanicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCES
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      National Science FoundationPhase SpaceCanonical EnsembleStatistical Model
We study the three-dimensional Ising model at the critical point in the fixed-magnetization ensemble, by means of the recently developed geometric cluster Monte Carlo algorithm. We define a magnetic-field-like quantity in terms of... more
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      Magnetic fieldIsing ModelCanonical EnsembleThree Dimensional
The dynamics and thermodynamics of particles/spins interacting via long-range forces display several unusual features compared with systems with short-range interactions. The Hamiltonian mean field (HMF) model, a Hamiltonian system of N... more
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      Applied MathematicsStatistical MechanicsThermodynamicsHamiltonian dynamics
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      Statistical MechanicsThermodynamicsInformation TheoryStatistical Physics
By means of the Lanczos method we analyze superconducting correlations in ultrasmall grains at fixed particle number. We compute the ground state properties and the excitation gap of the pairing Hamiltonian as a function of the level... more
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      Physical sciencesCanonical EnsembleCorrelation function
We calculate the scale of the critical fluctuations in the quantum parametric oscillator at threshold. This al- lows us to asymptotically calculate the size of both the depletion of the pump mode and the amount of squeezing produced in... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCESSpectrum
We derive Green-Kubo relations for the viscosities of a nematic liquid crystal. The derivation is based on the application of a Gaussian constraint algorithm that makes the director angular velocity of a liquid crystal a constant of... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsCanonical EnsembleLiquid Crystal
We obtain exact expressions for the partition function, the equation of state and heat capacities of the one-dimensional gravitational gas confined to a box.
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      Gravitational GasCanonical EnsembleSelf-Gravitating GasSelf-Gravitating System
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsPhase transitionCanonical Ensemble
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      Materials SciencePhysical sciencesPath Integral DynamicsCHEMICAL SCIENCES
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      Monte CarloQuantum MechanicsQuantum Monte CarloMonte Carlo Methods
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      EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsStatistical MechanicsMathematical Sciences
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      ThermodynamicsLattice TheoryStatistical PhysicsPhysics Education