Cascadia Subduction Zone
Recent papers in Cascadia Subduction Zone
We model tsunami runup and inundation along the Northern California Coast caused by hypothetical earthquakes on the Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ). The CSZ forms the boundary between the Pacific and North American tectonic plates and... more
During the Holocene, numerous great earthquakes have occurred along the west coast of North America. Enormous seismic waves, triggered by these colossal forces of nature, have episodically inundated vulnerable regions of the Cascadia... more
Episodic tremor and slip (ETS) events in Cascadia include slow earthquake phenomena such as slow slip events, tremor, low frequency earthquakes (LFEs), and very low frequency earthquakes (VLFEs; Rogers & Dragert, 2003,... more
Source geometry and simple propagation of S waves generated by low- frequency earthquakes (LFEs) in northern Cascadia results in strong waveform coherence on horizontal channels for stations at smaller epicentral distances. As recognized... more
During the Holocene, numerous great earthquakes have occurred long the west coast of North America. Enormous seismic waves, triggered by these colossal forces of nature, have episodically inundated vulnerable regions of the Cascadia... more