Central European history
Recent papers in Central European history
Kapitola pojednává o jménech Přemyslovců objevujících se v místních jménech v Čechách a na Moravě. Věnuje se také proměnám místních jmen v období kolonizace v okolí slezského kláštera Henrykówa. The chapter deals with the names of the... more
Focusing on experts in technology and science, ‘Building Europe on Expertise’ delivers a new reading of European history. The authors show that modern European history was defined by experts using their new knowledge to shape societies,... more
Historical Archaeology in Central Europe contains 25 articles that present archaeological analyses and interpretations on a variety of subjects from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary and... more
Historical Archaeology in Central Europe contains 25 articles that present archaeological analyses and interpretations on a variety of subjects from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary and... more
Shorter English Version:... more
Una versión reducida del texto “An Unexpected Twist of Ideology. Neoliberalism and the Collapse of the Soviet Bloc publicado en "Praktyka Teoretyczna", núm. 5, 2012. Traducción de Luis Martínez Andrade. Metapolítica: marzo 2013. The full... more
This study examines the role of political factors in attitudes toward World War II in contemporary Ukraine. The question under examination is which factors determine public views of the principal warring sides and their leaders in... more
International Symposium "Freemasonry in Central Europe" National Museum of Slovenia, Ljubljana 11 May 2017
ISBN 978-961-6981-27-9
ISBN 978-961-6981-27-9
Chitosan films obtained by dry phase inversion were prepared from an aqueous solution of chitosan in acetic acid. The films, of thickness less than 20 μm, were transparent, very flexible and had smooth surfaces. Increasing the film... more
This paper investigates three case studies: the ideas and fates of three Central European philosophers - those of Wojtyla from Poland, Patocka, from Chechoslovakie and Bibó, from Hungary. It is interested in the idea of embodied thought:... more
Environmental degradation of the oil-rich Niger Delta region has been wanton and continuous with dire health, social and economic consequences for its peoples, for over three decades. Using a sample of 262 crop farmers drawn randomly from... more
Az emlékiratoknak ez a része meg mindig a gyermekkori élményeket idézi fel. A számos gyerekkaland ismertetése mellett villanásszerűen megjelennek a szeretve tisztelt tanárok alakjai is és számos apró adalékkal bővülhet ismeretünk a... more
The article analyses the system of Primary Schools in the Banat region (today Romania) between 1867-1914. The study examines the laws concerning education, the financial background of schools and also the question fo the language of... more
Na tle krajobrazu polskiej opozycji demokratycznej, Ruch Wolność i Pokój jest zjawiskiem nieco zapomnianym. Na pewno pisze się o nim nieproporcjonalnie mało w stosunku do jego historycznego znaczenia. Co jednak ciekawe, pisze się o nim... more
In February 1948, during the political crisis in Czechoslovakia was established a communist regime. This event completed the formation of the Soviet bloc in Europe. It directly impacted the US containment policy towards the USSR and the... more
* Achtung es handelt sich hierbei nicht um ein wissenschaftliches Buch, sondern um ein populärwissenschaftliches Sachbuch - allerdings basierend auf meiner historisch-wissenschaftlicher Arbeit und Quellenrecherche aus den letzten 15... more
Although the first world, as seen through the lens of academia, seems to be prospering, and the third world has found its own place in the postcolonial intellectual order, the post-cold war world of semi-peripheries in East and Central... more
MYZ, Roman: Keleti egyházak. (Ford. SZABÓ Judit) Szeged: Agapé, 1999. 207. ISBN 963 458 148 X (Scentia christiana, 7. ISSN 1218-4950) - Reviewed in: Reviewed in: Századok, Magyar Történelmi Társulat (Hungarian Historical Society):... more
The challenges that official migration statistics face in the 21st century are manifold. In line with intensifying globalisation processes, and new patterns and types of migration, new routes and new migrant identities... more
Volume II. Issue 1 (2021)
Urban Identities – Renewal and Heritage (Part I)
Urban Identities – Renewal and Heritage (Part I)
Review of the collected volume "The Intermarium as the Polish-Ukrainian Linchpin of Baltic-Black Sea Cooperation" by Francesco Trupia. The review was published in Eastern European Politics... more
This chapter discusses the evolution of minority policies in Poland after 1945 in the context of the processes of ethnic homogenization and nationalization of the Polish state. It analyses the impact of political changes and ethnic... more
Spatio-temporal correlations of intensity of traffic are analysed for one week data collected in the motorway M-30 around Madrid in January 2009. We found that the lifetime of these correlations is the shortest in the evening, between 6... more
The Czechoslavic Ethnographic Exhibition, which took place in 1895 in Prague, was a part of a wider phenomenon across Europe and North America of the second half of the 19 th century -the rising interest in folk culture and its... more
Obviously, the Europeanization process has not yet brought the expected “common house of Europe” with all the freedoms and values linked to the symbol of 1989. It is true that Europe has been able to give important support to the... more
How does creativity thrive in the face of fascism? How can a highly artistic individual Composers of the Nazi Era: Eight Portraits: Michael H. Kater the Wehrmacht and its involvement in Nazi racist warfare in the East. True, Michael Kater... more
Norbert Wójtowicz, Kryptonim "Mikron". Bezpieka wobec Juliusza Sokolnickiego (Poznań 2015), ISBN 978-83-901606-8-9.
THE WEAPONRY OF GUILDS IN HERMANNSTADT IN THE 15–16TH CENTURY By the time of the late middle ages Hermannstadt (Nagyszeben/Cibium/Sibiu) had significant economycal power, in which the local crafts played an important part. In this era... more
"crackle[s] with insight and revealing detail" (Jakub Benes on H-nationalism) "a major contribution to the study of nationalism" (Carl Strikwerda in American Historical Review) "This well-written, innovative, and engaging study pushes... more