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PIOVEZAN, U. ; ANDRIOLO, A. ; TORRES, H. A. ; LEMES, M.R.S. ; RAMOS, H.G.C. ; COSTA, Mateus José Paranhos da ; DUARTE, J.M.B. . Home range and survival of marsh deer Blastocerus dichotomus (Mammalia; Cervidae): The artificial flooding for... more
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    • Cervidae
Nature's contributions to people (NCP) are all the contributions of living nature, both beneficial and detrimental, to the societies' life's quality. Ungulates play this dual role of providers of beneficial and detrimental NCP, as they... more
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      ZoologyEcosystem ServicesSocial PerceptionHuman-wildlife conflicts
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      ArchaeozoologyLandscape HistoryBiogeographyFaunal Analysis
Three assemblages of fallow deer (Dama sp.) bones excavated from the early middle Pleistocene (oxygen isotope stage 18) layers of the Acheulian site of Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov, Israel, furnish evidence of systematic and repeated exploitation... more
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      ZooarchaeologyArchaeozoologyEvolutionary AnthropologyHominin Diet
En este trabajo reportamos la identidad taxonómica de los cérvidos capreolinos de un yacimiento fosilífero del centro-occidente de México que corresponde al Pleistoceno tardío y a la edad biogeocronológica de mamíferos terrestres... more
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      Vertebrate PaleontologyPleistoceneCervidaePaleontologia de Vertebrados
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      Animal BehaviorFallow deerDeer ManagementCervidae
The primitive small-sized representatives of the "Cervus elaphus group" (Cervus nestii and Cervus abesalomi) appeared in Western Eurasia (Georgia and Italy) in Early Pleistocene. C. nestii already shows the basic primitive plane of antler... more
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Third molars of extant-and fossil Southeast Asian deer were metrically compared using a linear-and geometric morphometric approach and discussed in relation to known taxonomic information from the literature. Our analysis suggests the... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)PaleontologyArchaeozoologyMammalogy
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)PhylogeneticsTaxonomyEvolution
M. Wild / M.-J. Weber, Ein schräger Typ. Eine Geweihspitze aus Lasbek (Kr. Stormarn) und ihr Verhältnis zum europäischen Jung- und Spätpaläolithikum. In: B. V. Eriksen/A. Abegg-Wigg/R. Bleile/U. Ickerodt (eds.), Interaktion ohne Grenzen.... more
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      Bone and AntlerBone Technology (Archaeology)MagdalenianCervidae
The report proposes a revision of poorly known fossil cervid forms and a new look on Late Neogene cervid phylogeny with implication of known already data from mitochondrial and nuclear genetic analysis. Pliocervus matheroni from Late... more
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      Evolutionary BiologySystematics (Taxonomy)Molecular BiologyEvolutionary genetics
The fossil remains of cervids from Trlica in Montenegro are described and assigned to the elk or moose Alces cf. carnutorum, the roe deer ?Capreolus sp., the red deer Cervus elaphus, and Eucladoceros. The new species Eucladoceros... more
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      Early PleistoceneCervidaeCervids
The taxonomy, systematics, morphology and evolution of Praemegaceros (Nesoleipoceros) cazioti and Praemegaceros (Nesoleipoceros) solilhacus are discussed in the present paper. The morphology of antlers and dentition suggest that the... more
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      Evolutionary BiologySystematics (Taxonomy)Vertebrate PaleontologyMammalian Paleontology
The report proposes a revision of poorly known fossil cervid forms and a new look on Late Neogene cervid phylogeny with implication of known already data from mitochondrial and nuclear genetic analysis. Pliocervus matheroni from Late... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)PhylogeneticsEvolutionVertebrate Paleontology
The Plio-Pleistocene fossiliferous mammal sites of the Upper Valdarno Basin (Tuscany, Italy) have been known since Renaissance times. Several mammal collections from there are housed at various Museums and Institutes. Various scientists... more
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      PaleontologyPleistocene VertebrateVertebrate PaleontologyMammalian Paleontology
Age-graded fossils of Pleistocene endemic Cretan deer (Candiacervus spp.) reveal unexpectedly high juvenile mortality similar to that reported for extant mainland ruminants, despite the fact that these deer lived in a predator-free... more
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The paper deals with remains of the elks Cervalces latifrons, Cervalces sp. and Alces alces from Middle and Late Pleistocene sites in Poland. A form of the genus Cervalces occurred in Poland from the early (Kozi Grzbiet, MIS 19–17) to the... more
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"Biśnik Cave (Poland). The giant deer from Biśnik is represented by a rather small-sized form. Upper and lower tooth rows are generally shorter than in the sample from Ireland, just slightly overlapping with the smallest individuals from... more
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      Vertebrate EvolutionVertebrate PaleontologyLate Pleistocene to Early HoloceneCervidae
The article presents a description of new fossils of Arvernoceros ardei from the Pliocene of Southern Moldova, followed by an overview on the important data regarding the representatives of the genus Arvernoceros from Plio-Pleistocene of... more
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      PaleobiologySystematics (Taxonomy)Vertebrate PaleontologyMammalian Paleontology
En los sitios del centro de la Pampa Húmeda argentina es frecuente el hallazgo de restos de asta de venado de las Pampas (Ozotoceros bezoarticus). Sin embargo, estos materiales suelen registrarse en escasas cantidades y, salvo... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyBone and AntlerLithic Technology
A revision of Early Pliocene deer from Poland, Slovakia, Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, and South Russia is proposed in the present study. The following forms of Cervidae are described: Muntiacus polonicus/pliocaenicus (most probably, only... more
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      Evolutionary BiologySystematics (Taxonomy)PhylogeneticsEvolution
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyArt HistorySocial and Cultural Anthropology
"The article presents a systematic revision of early Pleistocene small-sized deer of Europe, their taxonomy, morphology, individual and ontogenetic variation, ecology and evolution. Cervus nestii (AZZAROLI, 1947) is the most ancient... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)TaxonomyVertebrate PaleontologyMammalian Paleontology
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)TaxonomyVertebrate PaleontologyMammalian Paleontology
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The site of Untermassfeld (Germany) documents flood catastrophes of the Werra River ca. 1 Myr years ago. Although all vertebrate individuals of an equivalent thanatocoenosis in principle undcrwent the same taphonomic history different... more
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      ZooarchaeologyArchaeozoologyTaphonomyArchaeology of Hunting
This article reports antler remains from the Late Paleolithic site of Climăuți II (Republic of Moldova) confirming the presence of wapiti Cervus canadensis in the Late Pleistocene of Western Eurasia. The occurrence of wapiti in the East... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)TaxonomyPleistocene VertebrateVertebrate Paleontology
This paper refers to the remains of ruminants originating from the Lower Pleistocene site of Monte Riccio situated at northern part of Lazio (Italy). The assemblage of ruminants from Monte Riccio includes Leptobos sp. (possibly, similar... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)PaleontologyTaxonomySystematics
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      ArchaeologyGeologyPaleontologyMorphological evolution
Remains of the large-sized deer Megaceroides obscurus have been recognised in mammal assemblages from early Pleistocene sediments of Moldova. The species M. obscurus is fairly well represented in the early Pleistocene localities of... more
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      Vertebrate PaleontologyMammalian PaleontologyPleistocene mammalsCervidae
La Reserva Nacional Nonguén (RNN) es un área silvestre protegida, incorporada al SNASPE el año 2010, y que limita en parte con la ciudad de Concepción, Región del Biobío. Evaluamos la presencia de mesomamíferos mediante estaciones... more
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      Conservation BiologyConservationEcologyChile
The article describes morphology and biogeography of four cervid species from the Late Villafranchian site of Ceyssaguet (France): Eucladoceros ctenoides, Praemegaceros obscurus, Metacervocerus rhenanus, Dama cf. vallonnetensis. A special... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)Vertebrate PaleontologyCervidae
The paper presents description of giant deer remains from Upper Paleolithic (Late Pleistocene) sites of Moldova. The comparison of size and proportions of dentition and lower mandibles revealed the resemblance of Moldavian with giant deer... more
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      Vertebrate PaleontologyMammalian PaleontologyCervidae
A new fossil mammal locality, situated in Lokrís, Central Greece, is described in this paper. It was tracked down in fluvio-lacustrine sediments in the area of the village Reghínio. The fossil mammal remains comprise a partially preserved... more
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      PaleontologyMammalian PaleontologyArtiodactylaGreece
New dental material of cervids from Middle Siwalik deposits of Potwar Plateau, Pakistan has been described. The remains are recovered from the outcrops, situating in three districts of Punjab, namely Kaulial Kas in Attock district, Dhok... more
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      PaleontologyVertebrate PaleontologyCervidaeFossils
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)PleistoceneArtiodactylaMammals
A systematical revision of Cervus (Rusa) moldavicus Janovskaya 1954. The species under consideration is places in the genus Procapreolus. Procapreolus wenzensis Czyzewska 1960 is a junior synonym of Procapreolus moldavicus (Janovskaya,... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)Vertebrate PaleontologyMammalian PaleontologyCervidae
NEW DATA ON SYSTEMATICAL POSITION OF THE GIANT DEER MEGALOCEROS GIGANTEUS (BLUMENBACH, 1799) FROM THE LATE PLEISTOCENE OF MOLDOVA. The aim of present article is to clarify the chronological frame, the systematical position and the... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)Vertebrate PaleontologyArtiodactylaMegafauna
The article attests the presence of the genus Rucervus in the paleontological record of Europe and presents the description of new species of large-sized deer Rucervus radulescui sp. nov. from the Early Pleistocene of Valea Grăunceanului... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)PaleoanthropologyPaleontologyVertebrate Paleontology
L'été 2003, une quinzaine d'ossements appartenant à un cerf mâle adulte a été découvert dans le lac Supérieur de Fully (2135 m alt.). Une datation C14 place la mort de l'animal vers le milieu du 6 e millénaire av. J.-C., soit à... more
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      Alpine ResearchTaphonomyCervidaeHolocene
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Species flexibility in diet and habitat and their ability to tolerate a range of unfavourable ecological conditions and survive in unusual habitats accompanied by unexpected faunal components has been determined from various research... more
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      PaleobiologyHuman EvolutionPaleoecologyEvolutionary Ecology
Among ungulates, artiodactyls constitute the major part of the collected Greek Plio-Pleistocene (MNQ17–MNQ18) faunas, represented by numerous genera and species. Apart from bovids, the Plio-Pleistocene Greek record includes several suid,... more
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      PaleontologyMammalian PaleontologyArtiodactylaGreece
M. Niedziałkowska - K. Doan - M. Sykut - M. Górny - K. Stefaniak - N. Piotrowska - B. Jędrzejewska - B. Ridusch - S. Pawełczyk - F. Zachos - P. Mackiewicz - U. Schmölcke - P. Kosintsev - D. Makowiecki - M. Charniauski - R. Smith - D.... more
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      GeographyEarth SciencesEnvironmental HistoryArchaeozoology
Carnivores and their prey occurring at the extremes of their ecological niches face particular constraints in terms of habitat suitability (HS). We combined the use of camera traps and Ecological Niche Factor Analysis (ENFA) to calculate... more
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      Ecological Niche ModelingWater ManagementCervidaeJaguar Ecology and Conservation
El registro fósil mexicano abarca desde el Precámbrico, hasta el Holoceno. La época mejor representada de este lapso es el Pleistoceno. Este incluye tres edades biogeocronológicas de mamíferos terrestres norteamericanos, de las cuales el... more
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      Vertebrate PaleontologyPleistoceneCervidaePaleontologia de Vertebrados
New osteological material of the endemic deer from Lunel-Viel and L’Igue des Rameaux (France) reveals its evolutionary specialization, and gives reason for establishing a new genus, Haploidoceros, with a single species H. mediterraneus... more
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      Evolutionary BiologySystematics (Taxonomy)SystematicsVertebrate Paleontology
RESUMEN: El objetivo del estudio fue describir las características anatómicas y establecer hipótesis morfo-funcionales del esqueleto del miembro torácico de Mazama gouazoubira. Para ello, se utilizaron los miembros torácicos de cuatro... more
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      Veterinary MedicineOsteologyMammalsCervidae
In southeastern Mexico the White-Tailed Deer is an important source of food for the inhabitants of rural communities in the tropics, but little is known of this deer. In this study we determined the density, sex ratio and age classes of... more
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      Conservation BiologyConservationBiologyMammalogy