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Nakon knjige Ustani, zove te. Bogoslovno-pastoralna razmišljanja, koju je godine 2013. objavila Crkva u svijetu iz Splita, izv. prof. dr. sc. Alojzije Čondić, profesor pastoralne teologije na Katoličkom bogoslovnom fakultetu Sveučilišta u... more
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      Pastoral TheologyChurch Planting Movements
In recent years, missionaries have discussed and strategized ways to catalyze “church planting movements” (CPMs) around the world. However, many people have challenged mission practices that are oriented on CPM-theory. Both sides of the... more
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      MissiologyMissions to AsiaMissiology and Mission TheologyMission Theory
This article unearths the forgotten history of the first modern church planting scheme in the Church of England: an attempt to restructure parish ministry in Chester-le-Street, near Durham, in the 1970s and 1980s. This story of rapid... more
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      Anglicanism (Anglicanism)Anglican Church HistoryChurch plantingChurch of England
Farah, Warrick, and Alan Hirsch. 2021. “Movemental Ecclesiology: Recalibrating Church for the Next Frontier.” IMES (blog). 2021. https://abtslebanon.org/2021/04/15/movemental-ecclesiology-recalibrating-church-for-the-next-frontier This... more
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      TheologyEcclesiologyMissional EcclesiologyDiscipleship
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      Church Planting MovementsDisciple Making Movements
God's mission is diverse, and so are the ways missiologists discuss it. This article outlines a constructive missiology of the current "disciple-making movement" phenomenon in a way that makes creative connections between different... more
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      MissiologyContextual TheologiesMissiology and Mission TheologyDiscipleship
This paper will look at some of the strengths and weaknesses of church planting models and will assess several different popular church planting models that have been used in many different contexts. Also, emphasis will be placed on what... more
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      ChristianityTheologyChristian EducationMissiology
While the dramatic growth of church-planting movements (CPMs) in non-Christian contexts around the world provides ample opportunity to explain their emergence and significance, a missiology of these movements is struggling to keep pace.... more
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      MissiologyHistory of MissionsEvangelical movementsChurch Growth
Este seminario consiste en un taller con ideas y preguntas prácticas para llevar a la hermandad a concretizar la organización de una nueva iglesia en su comunidad. ---------------------------- This seminar consists of a workshop with... more
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      EvangelismChurch plantingTeologiaChurch Growth
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      ChristianityTheologyTrainingLeadership Development
Over the past twenty years church organizations in the global West have looked on with awe, tinged with envy, at the rapid growth of church planting movements (CPMs) in the developing world. These CPMs have emerged while the West has been... more
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      DiscipleshipChurch plantingChurch Planting Movements
The proliferation of church planting movements in least-reached peoples today provides an opportunity ripe for missiological research. Using the online application form for the Movements Research Symposium 2020 of the Motus Dei Network,... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationResearch MethodologyMissiologyMissiology and Mission Theology
Artikel ini adalah sebuah hasil survey terhadap peranan dan kehadiran GMII Kasih Karunia Medan sebagai gereja misioner dalam menjalankan panggilan Allah. Sebuah analisa kritis dan evaluasi.
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      Theology and Religious StudiesChurch Planting MovementsMissions and ContextualizationEarly Chuch Fathers, Early Church History
The 2nd edition of Missions: Biblical Foundations and Contemporary Strategies (Zondervan/Harper Collins) is a handbook of missions but written to describe the process of Christian servants becoming incarnational leaders planting and... more
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      Church Planting MovementsChurch Renewal
A reflection about the theological inadequacy of the now deeply ingrained dichotomy "gathering - sending" as used both in missional and liturgical conversations. Presentation at the first Theological Consultation of the PC(USA)'s 1001 New... more
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      TheologyLiturgical StudiesConstructive TheologyMissiology and Mission Theology
A book review of the book Planting Churches Cross-Culturally by David Hesselgraves
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      Church Planting StrategiesChurch Planting MovementsCross Cultural Church PlantingGospel communication, culture, intercultural church planting
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      Missional Church TheologyChurch Planting MovementsDisciple Making Movements
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      MissiologyChurch plantingChristian StudiesChurch Planting Movements
China Ministries International-Philippines (CMIP) has specialized in forming mission partnerships with seven organizations in order to attain its major goal to effect "Insider (or Kingdom) Movements" (IM) through the use of the... more
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyMissionary HistoryContextual MissiologyChurch Planting Movements
This article discusses the strategic nature of church planting movements research and communal benefits for the Church on mission. A theological concept called "motus Dei" is briefly introduced. This forms the basis for the Motus Dei... more
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      TheologyMissiologyMissiology and Mission TheologyResearch
In Acts 1:8, Jesus gave his disciples one final word. He said, “you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” In Matthew 28:19 he says, “go and make disciples of all nations.” This is... more
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      MissiologyChurch plantingChurch Planting Movements
The purpose of the research is to provide an academic introduction to the Chinese House Church Movement in South Africa, and to give a brief description of the importance of this new missiological event – for, even though the presence of... more
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      MissiologyMissional EcclesiologyChurch plantingMissional Church
The purpose of this paper seeks to discover emerging Christian practices in Western cultures that transcend personal and privatized practices of individuals and looks toward a social involvement of encountering God by way of relationship... more
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      SpiritualityChristian SpiritualityChurch Planting Movements
By most popular North American accounts, the European church is dying. Old, tired, and running out of energy. Soon the last generation will turn off the lights. It is also possible to look at the European church as going ahead of us into... more
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      ChristianityTheologyMissiologyMissiology and Mission Theology
How precisely does culture influence ministry methods? The question is multi-layered. In a missionary setting, the relationship between culture and strategy becomes even more complicated. At one level, Christian practice should stem from... more
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      MissiologyMissiology and Mission TheologyChristian MissionsMission Studies
In this paper I suggest that theologizing is a significant missionary task because theology defines the church's mission and priorities. Theology drives methodology. In a next step I break this down for my missionary work in Thailand... more
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      ThailandMissionaryCharles FinneyChurch Planting Movements
The purpose of the research is to provide an academic introduction to the Chinese House Church Movement in South Africa, and to give a brief description of the importance of this new missiological event – for, even though the presence of... more
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      MissiologyMissional EcclesiologyChurch plantingMissional Church
Un conversatorio con orientaciones y motivación prácticas para trabajar con el núcleo de plantación de una nueva Iglesia.


A discussion with practical orientations and motivation to work with the nucleus of planting a new Church.
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      Church plantingChurch GrowthEvangelism and Church GrowthChurch Planting Strategies
Evaluates the book as a rethinking of the premises made by Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee.
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      Native American StudiesGreek HistoryMissiologyHistorical Theology
Based on our extensive research, this article looks at three of the greatest stated obstacles to church planting. Using real examples, we see how God can turn every obstacle into an incredible opportunity. In the first century A.D. the... more
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      EvangelismDiscipleshipChurch plantingSeventh-day Adventist history
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      EvangelismDiscipleshipChurch Planting MovementsDisciple Making Movements
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      Church plantingMissional Church TheologyChurch Planting MovementsDisciple Making Movements