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Review of Zuo Tradition / Zuozhuan 左傳: Commentary on the “Spring and Autumn Annals”, translated with an introduction by Stephen Durrant, Wai-yee Li, and David Schaberg. 3 vols. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2016.
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      Ancient HistoryTranslation StudiesHistoriographyTranslation and Interpretation
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      Chinese Language and CultureChinese Ancient TextsAncient Chinese TextsChinese Language Teaching
The paper summarizes current knowledge on the paleographical evidence for rén 仁 and its earliest variants. It is argued that no reliable attestations of the character exist prior to the mid-Warring States period. The variants recently... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyChinese Language and CultureEarly ChinaClassical Chinese Philosophy
This article investigates 所 suǒ character in Classical Chinese, attempting to provide a proper syntactic analysis of it and its countless usages through relevant quotations taken from Classical texts. The Classical 所suǒ, in a way similar... more
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      Chinese StudiesClassical Chinese GrammarClassical ChineseClassical Chinese Language and Translation
Sutra of Miscellaneous Jewels which reads Za-Baozang-Jing (雜寳藏經) in Chinese, is a Buddhist Literature translated into Classical Chinese by Sramana Kekaya and Tanyao around 472 C.E. Chattopadhyaya (1977) suggested its original Sanskrit... more
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      BuddhismBuddhist StudiesJatakasTranslation
《师说》为唐宋八大家韩愈之代表名作,流世甚广,脍炙人口,学者钱仲联先生就曾评价道:“韩愈散文,气势充沛,纵横开合,奇偶交错,巧譬善喻,或诡谲,或严正,具有多样的艺术特色“ ,足可见其文章在古典散文领域之成就。而此篇《师说》也见录于清人吴楚才、吴调侯选编之《古文观止》中,为古人操觚习文之典范。而此篇所言及阐述者,更乃现世当代匮乏而当法者,即学习之道、从师之道,一个不会过时的课题。有见于其文章内容之重要与意义,译者于是做了一个大胆的尝试——把《师说》翻译成英文。
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      Chinese StudiesClassical Chinese literatureChinese-to-English translation ( literary and non-fiction)Classical Chinese Language and Translation
Traducción académica comentada del libro clásico chino 'Lijing' (Tratado de los Ritos). En este primer volumen se encuentran los primero ocho libros de la obra, traducidos de la versión en inglés encontrada en 'Chinese Text Project'. Los... more
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      HistoryChinese PhilosophyChinese StudiesChinese Religions
Quotations from the Hanfeizi, ancient China's most prominent Legalist philosopher, mostly based on the W.K. Liao and Burton Watson translations of the work (although note that I convert W.K. Liao's romanization into pinyin). These quotes... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyAncient Chinese TextsChinese history (History)Classical Chinese Philosophy
The Shījīng 詩經 (Classic of Poetry or Book of Odes) is the oldest Chinese poetic collection and plays a fundamental role in Chinese culture, in particular for the moral function which it has been ascribed by the most important Chinese... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyChinese StudiesChinese Language and CultureClassical Chinese literature
This volume contains 81 carefully selected Chinese poems arranged in chronological order, from antiquity (c.2000 BCE) to the modern time (1972), though most of them are from the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties, since these... more
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      Chinese Language and CultureChinese poetryChinese linguisticsChinese literature
A number of different languages in outside of the Indo-European family were analyzed based on how difficult it would be for a native English speaker to learn them. They were then rated on a purely impressionistic 1-6 scale of easiest to... more
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      Hebrew LanguageJapanese Language And CultureArabic Language and LinguisticsGeorgian Language
This is an epistolary conversation between Ed Shaughnessy and 李山 concerning the Shi jing 詩經 and unearthed manuscripts. It also touches on Western vs. Chinese methods of reading early Chinese texts.
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      Chinese Language and CultureClassical Chinese literatureClassical Chinese Language and Translation
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      Classical Chinese literatureClassical Chinese Intellectual HistoryClassical ChineseClassical Chinese Language and Translation
Traducción académica comentada del libro clásico chino 'Lijing' (Tratado de los Ritos). En este segundo volumen se encuentran desde el libro IX al XVIII de la obra, traducidos de la versión en inglés encontrada en 'Chinese Text Project'.... more
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      HistoryChinese PhilosophyChinese StudiesChinese Language and Culture
Ханмун — традиционное корейское название древнего и средневекового литературного китайского языка, который исторически являлся официальным письменным языком Китая и многих сопредельных с ним стран, в том числе Кореи. Данное пособие... more
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      Korean StudiesChinese Language and CultureKorean Literature and CultureClassical Chinese Grammar
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      Classical Chinese GrammarClassical Chinese Language and Translation
西方學者的道家與道教研究起於十九世紀後半,當時大部分的功勞是翻譯[道德經]與[莊子]兩書。二十世紀初[正統道藏]問世後,學者不斷地鑽研不同的經典,保括[南華真經]的不同版本。二十世紀初到現在出現各種各樣的翻譯版本。西方學者的研究傾向於解說與分析[莊子]故事的寓意及其道德觀。明朝的注疏者程以寧,以內丹學解說[莊子]的短文,且證明[周易]所奠定的理論有著密切關聯。作者提出,翻譯[莊子]此類的書,得加上註解才能仔細地解釋文字隱涵之意,否則讀者難以深入理解。 In the... more
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      ZhuangziDaoismTranslation from ChineseDaodejing, Zhuangzi
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      Chinese LanguageChinese Historical PhonologyMonosyllabicizationClassical Chinese Language and Translation
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    • Classical Chinese Language and Translation
A bibliography of Laozi Daodejing translations that includes 1575 entries in 72 languages《老子道德经》,也称《老子》《道德经》《道德真经》《五千言》,是《圣经》以外译本最多的经典。它是中国文化走向世界的经典现象,但完整的译本目录尚未出现。本总目正是以此而发,它共计72种语言1575种译本,是国际汉学、思想史、诠释学、文化间哲学、翻译学、语言学等学术领域的宝贵资料。
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      Intellectual HistoryChinese PhilosophyTranslation StudiesDaoism
The claim that Chinese had neither unambiguous, nor obligatory syntactic or morphological markers of counterfactuality, which has loomed large with philosophers of language, sinologists, and cognitive psychologists during the better part... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyClassical Chinese GrammarChinese PhilologyEarly China
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      Translation and literatureTranslationClassical Chinese Language and TranslationDaodejing
Volume 2
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      Ancient Chinese TextsClassical Chinese literatureEarly ChinaClassical Chinese Philosophy
Cai Ze le dice al señor de Ying que debe abandonar su cargo tras haber llegado al punto más alto de su carrera.
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      Chinese StudiesChinaClassical Chinese Language and Translation
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    • Classical Chinese Language and Translation
The language of pre-imperial China is usually presented as if it was an entity isolated from external influences, isolating in its morphological structure, monolithic in its geographical spread and petrified in its diachronic... more
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      Sino-Tibetan LinguisticsEarly ChinaPre-Qin Period in Chinese HistoryPre-Qin Chinese literature
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      Classical Chinese GrammarClassical Chinese Language and Translation
Este artigo objetiva instigar uma breve discussão e reflexão sobre a questão da (in)traduzibilidade da poe-sia chinesa ao português. Para isso, primeiramente serão feitas algumas considerações sobre as línguas chine-sas e a necessidade de... more
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      Translation from ChinesePoetry TranslationClassical Chinese Language and Translation
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      Classical Chinese literatureTeaching and Learning of Chinese as a Second LanguageClassical Chinese Language and Translation
Following the translation of Scroll 6:76 Seven Kinds of Giving 七種施因緣 of Saṃyukta Ratnapiṭaka Sūtra, this current piece of translation of Scroll 9:105 discussed the true way of gaining wealth in Buddhism through a story of two brothers,... more
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      BuddhismBuddhist PhilosophyChinese BuddhismBuddhist Studies
Review of The Gongyang Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annals: A Full Translation, by Harry Miller. JAOS
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      Early ChinaClassical Chinese Language and Translation
This paper takes another look at two sub-types of ditransitive clause in Late Zhou Chinese: the privative and the benefactive. Such clauses are composed of a Verb and three bare NPs:[NP1 V NP2 NP3]. A perennial question concerns the... more
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    • Classical Chinese Language and Translation
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    • Classical Chinese Language and Translation
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      Strategy (Military Science)Chinese PhilosophyTranslation StudiesChinese Studies
This article compares several post-1950s translations of the Liezi, and examines the concept of originality, the degrees of closeness to the original text a modern translation can achieve, and how this “faithfulness” can be understood. I... more
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      Daoist PhilosophyLieziTranslation theoryClassical Chinese literature
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      Translation StudiesClassical Chinese literatureClassical Chinese Language and Translation
«Жизнеописания достойных монахов Страны, что к востоку от моря» (Хэдон косын чон), составленные в начале XIII в. монахом Какхуном, — древнейший сохранившийся до наших дней памятник корейской буддийской историографии. Из этого сочинения... more
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      Buddhist StudiesKorean StudiesKorean BuddhismKorean History
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    • Classical Chinese Language and Translation
В статье предпринята попытка классификации тибетских конструкций с падежной частицей ལ་ и ее синонимами согласно семантическому типу образующих эти конструкции глаголов. Параллельно рассматриваются аналогичные конструкции литературного... more
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      Chinese StudiesTibetan StudiesSino-Tibetan LinguisticsTibetan Language
The description of sound correlated figures of speech in early Chinese prose − where it was attempted since Jiāng Yŏugàos (d. 1851) trailblazing work on prose rhyming at all − typically did not go beyond the analysis of prosodic phenomena... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyClassical Chinese GrammarChinese PhilologyClassical Chinese literature
Статья содержит комментированный перевод на русский язык одного из наиболее известных произведений корейского буддийского наставника Вонхё 元曉 (617–686). The paper contains an annotated Russian translation of one of tne most well-known... more
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      BuddhismBuddhist StudiesKorean StudiesKorean Buddhism
Debido a la tardía aparición de la sinología en España, en relación con otros países europeos, las investigaciones sobre el Zhuangzi莊子son más bien escasas. Sí debemos prestar atención a los trabajos de traducción y exegesis de Carmelo... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyZhuangziChinese StudiesDaoism
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      DaoismOld Chinese Phonology, Morphology, EtymologyTextual and Philological Study of Original Buddhist texts in Pali, Sanskrit, Tibetan and Classical ChineseEarly Chinese Philosophy
The Classical Chinese modal negative wu, which may be represented by the graphs 毋, 無, or 无, has traditionally been labeled “imperative” or “prohibitive,” but its use is not restricted to negative commands. Modal wu is not simply an... more
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      ModalityChinese linguisticsNegationImperatives
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      Translation from ChineseTranslation and InterpretationDutch East India CompanyChinese translation history
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      Chinese PhilosophyChinese StudiesSinologyClassical Chinese Philosophy
Select bibliography of important materials for the teaching of introductory Classical Chinese.
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      Classical Chinese GrammarChinese PhilologyClassical Chinese literatureEarly China
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      Classical Chinese literatureClassical Chinese PhilosophyClassical Chinese Intellectual HistoryClassical Chinese Language and Translation
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      Classical Chinese literatureClassical Chinese Intellectual HistoryClassical Chinese Language and TranslationConfucius Analects
Статья посвящена сравнительному исследованию «Жизнеописаний достойных монахов [Страны], [что к] востоку [от] моря» 海東高僧傳, составленных корейским ученым монахом Какхуном 覺訓 около 1215 г., и одного из использованных им источников — «Лянских... more
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      Buddhist StudiesKorean StudiesKorean BuddhismKorean History