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The paper explores Tati's use of new film media in 'Playtime' in ways that reveal more fundamental modes of social, mimetic and situational mediation as performed in the film by architects, and architect-like characters, and by the... more
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      Urban GeographyArchitectureFilm StudiesFilm Theory
Investasi dikota Yogyakarta dinilai menarik oleh beberapa kalangan, kemudian pemerintah kota Yogyakarta membuka lebar untuk berinvestasi terutama dibidang sektor telekomunikasi. Yogyakarta menduduki peringkat ke enam dalam kemudahan kota... more
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      ArchitectureBioclimatic ArchitectureGreen DesignCommercial Architecture
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      Commercial ArchitectureDaylighting
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      Energy efficiencyCommercial Architecture
El presente artículo aborda uno de los fenómenos que más influenció la arquitectura de cinemas en el mundo –hasta la década de 1960– gracias a su difusión a través de libros y revistas de arquitectura: tal es el caso de los tipos de salas... more
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      Commercial ArchitectureMovie TheatersArchitectural Historiography
La arquitectura exterior de los edificios diseñados para albergar espectáculos cinematográficos adquirió, durante las dos décadas que van de 1920 a 1940, características estéticas y formales que hicieron de ella un referente inconfundible... more
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      Architectural LightingCommercial ArchitectureMovie Theaters
La evolución de la espacialidad de las salas de cine ha sido un tema poco abordado por la historia de la arquitectura, y en torno al cual se ha privilegiado la anécdota, dejando de lado el estudio del debate profesional, teórico y... more
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      Architectural HistoryCommercial ArchitectureMovie Theaters
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      Gothic architectureCommercial ArchitectureHistory of BarcelonaLate Medieval Secular Architecture
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      Commercial/ Contract ArchaeologyCommercial HistoryCommercial ArchitectureHistória Da Arquitetura E Do Urbanismo
Los estudios que se han erigido como referencia para quienes se interesan por la historia comparada de la arquitectura para la exhibición cinematográfica, provienen fundamentalmente de Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, Alemania, Italia y,... more
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      Commercial ArchitectureMovie TheatersArchitectural Historiography
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      Roman Architecture and UrbanismCommercial ArchitectureRoman Macellum
Juan Sordo Madaleno was one of the most important architects of Twenty Century in Mexico. Unfortunately many of his ouevres has been destroyed or transformed, this cases are analyzed as part of the Docomomo work of registering Modern... more
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      Architectural HistoryModern ArchitectureMexicoCommercial Architecture
Presentation of my bachelor thesis "Der Bedesten in Jambol Der Bau, sein Entstehungskontext, seine Geschichte und Rekonstruktion und seine Bedeutung für die osmanische Architektur" at the 7. Nachwuchsworkshop der Mittelmeerstudien,... more
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      BulgariaOttoman StudiesOttoman BalkansHistory of Ottoman Art and Architecture
Ayant émergé aux États-Unis en tant que composante d’un certain continuum urbain — ou plutôt suburbain — caractérisé par la dispersion de la population, la conception du centre commercial régional s’intégrait dans une stratégie de... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban StudiesUrban formCity and Regional Planning
Depuis l’été 2005, les vestiges d’un édifice de marché d’époque romaine font l’objet de fouilles dans la ville antique de Sagalassos. Située au sud-ouest de la Turquie à environ 100 km au nord d’Antalya, la cité pisidienne et son... more
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      Hellenistic and Roman Asia MinorRoman Architecture and UrbanismCommercial ArchitectureMacellum
Portland is fortunate to have retained a disproportionately high percentage of operating historic movie theaters, the largest number per capita of any city over 500,000 in the country. It is the purpose of this paper to speculate why. The... more
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      HistoryHistoric PreservationCinemaTheater History
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      Architectural HeritageCommercial ArchitectureMovie TheatersXXth Century Architecture