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Derived from Doll’s (1993) seminal conceptualization of a post-modern curriculum with the criteria of 4Rs (i.e., richness, relations, recursion and rigor), the present research continues the effort to complexify and theorize recursion and... more
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      Mathematics EducationCurriculum StudiesHermeneuticsComplexity Thinking
Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuoltojärjestelmän uudistamisen (myöh. sote-uudistus) tavoitteita ovat alueellisten hyvinvointi-ja terveyserojen kaventaminen, laadukkaiden ja helposti saavutettavien palvelujen turvaaminen, tuottavuuden kehittäminen... more
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      Public Sector ReformComplexity Thinkingto determine the relationship between perceived social support with anxiety, depression, and stress in pregnant women attending to Zanjan-Iran health care centers.
Approche qui intègre les multiples perspectives, basée sur l’interconnexion des domaines de savoir académiques et non académiques afin d’obtenir une compréhension complexe et holistique du monde.
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      EducationComplexity TheoryEducational ResearchTransdisciplinarity
The focus of this book leans us toward the future of Coaching Supervision1. What is happening now that offers insights into what might become? Throughout this book, we are invited into little-explored avenues. Here, we found ourselves... more
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      Systems ThinkingCoaching SupervisionComplexity Thinkingsimple rules
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      Cultural EvolutionComplexity Thinking
Research on the theoretical conceptualisations and research methods informing current change agency theory and practice in the field of Organisation Theory (OT) in general, and Organisational Change and Development (OCD) in particular,... more
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      Organizational ChangeAction ResearchComplexity TheoryOrganisational Development
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      Teacher EducationCritical PedagogyPhysical EducationDance
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      Complexity TheorySelf-OrganizationEmergenceComplexity Thinking
From 2012 until today, I have given several seminars on metadesign, strategic design and collaborative design in Brazil (Unisinos), Mexico (Universidad Iberoamericana and Tecnológico de Monterrey), Italy (Università di Bologna), Guatemala... more
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      Critical TheoryInformation SystemsFuture StudiesStrategy (Military Science)
The aim of this contribution is to reflect on a complex translation theory as a theory of possibility (Görnitz and Görnitz 2008). The starting point is Edgar Morin’s concept of homo complexus (1999), which by analogy suggests the idea of... more
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      Complexity TheoryInterpreting StudiesTransaltion and Interpreting StudiesTraducción e interpretación
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      CreativityComplexity TheoryManagement of InnovationComplexity
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      Organizational BehaviorInformation SystemsManagementEngineering
Slow translation refers to translation practices that allow reflexivity and debate by people who translate, publish, read, comment on, or republish translations. Slow collaborative activist translation (SCAT) is an example of slow... more
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      Complexity TheoryTransdisciplinarityComplexity ThinkingActivist Translation
In the novel San Manuel Bueno, mártir (1933), Unamuno's existential contradiction is expressed through the intra-history of the characters, the cultural landscape and the village of Valverde de Lucerna. How does the translator-reader... more
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      SemioticsCultural StudiesComplex ThinkingMiguel de Unamuno
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      SociologyOrganizational ChangeAction ResearchComplexity Theory
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      Curriculum DesignPhenomenologyPaulo FreirePhysical Education
The complexity of teacher education is fascinating, illusive, and creative. While it is simultaneously difficult to grasp and conceptualize, complexity has real presence and effects, and needs to be managed and simplified for meanings to... more
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      SociologyTeacher EducationPhysical EducationComplexity Thinking
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      EducationTeacher EducationDiversityCritical Pedagogy
La constante búsqueda de una teoría de la traducción que fuera científica ha llevado a los distintos investigadores a ampliar cada vez más el campo de estudio, hasta tal punto que se ha llegado a hablar de multidisciplinariedad,... more
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      Translation StudiesComplexity TheoryInterpreting StudiesTranslation
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      Teacher EducationPhysical EducationComplexity Thinking
Interdisciplinary or trans-disciplinary research is becoming more common and their importance is increasingly being recognized. However, in practice many of these efforts tend to end up in more or less isolated activities around a common... more
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      PatternsComplexity Thinking
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      EducationTeacher EducationDiversityCritical Pedagogy
Although the term 'pattern' is often used in science, it is an elusive term and can have different dialectic meanings in various disciplines. Yet, the 'feel' for this term is fairly consistent; it usually requires little explanation to... more
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      PatternsComplexity Thinking
The Flow System shows how to generate and nurture self-organizing teams that mobilize the full talents of those doing the work to cope with dizzying change and complexity, while also drawing on the contributions of those for whom the work... more
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      Organizational TheoryLeadershipTeamsComplexity
Background: Academics, teachers and policy-makers across the world have discussed how to develop a relevant physical education (PE) curriculum that addresses the ‘body education’ needs and interests of twenty-first-century students. In... more
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      Curriculum DesignPaulo FreirePhysical EducationComplexity Thinking
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      Teacher EducationEducational ResearchCurriculum StudiesEarly Childhood Education
Complexity concepts help to open the black box of social innovation for public sector managers and policy-makers and to understand why social innovation can simultaneously be both a solution and problem. Complexity thinking guides... more
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      Complexity TheorySelf-OrganizationComplex SystemsEmergence
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      Early Childhood EducationCurriculum TheoryEarly Childhood CurriculumCurriculum and Pedagogy
The guidebook for The Flow System.
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      Distributed LeadershipTeam ScienceComplexity ThinkingTriple Helix of Flow
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      Early Childhood EducationCurriculum TheoryEarly Childhood CurriculumComplexity Thinking
Interdisciplinary or trans-disciplinary research is becoming more common and their importance is increasingly being recognized. However, in practice many of these efforts tend to end up in more or less isolated activities around a common... more
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      PatternsComplexity Thinking