Continuum Mechanics
Recent papers in Continuum Mechanics
A method is proposed for deriving dynamical equations for systems with both rigid and flexible components. During the derivation, each flexible component of the system is represented by a ``surrogate element'''' which... more
This paper addresses the simulation of ductile damage and fracture in metal forming processes. A combined continuous-discontinuous approach has been used, which accounts for the interaction between macroscopic cracks and the surrounding... more
This article describes a fiber-optic interrogation device based on the pulsed time-of-flight technique. The apparatus is capable of measuring time delays between wideband reflectors, such as connectors, along a fiber path with a precision... more
On the basis of continuum mechanics, a rate dependent directional damage model for fibred materials with application to soft biological tissues is presented. The structural model is formulated using the concept of internal variables that... more
By means of computer simulation, we study the deformation of nanoscale poIymer films under the action of external bending forces. The polymer is represented by a generalized bead-spring model, intended to reproduce characterisUc features... more
We study the shapes of human red blood cells using continuum mechanics. In particular, we model the crenated, echinocytic shapes and show how they may arise from a competition between the bending energy of the plasma membrane and the... more
Numerical simulation can provide a useful tool for investigating the dynamics of phenomena like rock avalanches, within realistic geological contexts and in the framework of a better risk assessment and decision making. Difficulties in... more
Using a transparent tool entrapment, compression and eventual escape of liquid lubricant in surface pockets is observed in plane strip drawing. The two mechanisms of lubricant escape, Micro Plasto HydroDynamic and Hydrostatic Lubrication... more
A device to study the friction of two molecularly smooth surfaces separated by an ultrathin liquid film is presented along with its design, calibration, and performance. The apparatus can move one of the surfaces and measure the friction... more
Abstract The steady, laminar, non-isothermal fully developed flow of a class of non-linear viscoelastic fluids in tubes of arbitrary contour is analyzed under constant wall heat flux including viscous dissipation. Equations of motion and... more
In this paper we compare two alternative theoretical approaches for simulating the growth of cell aggregates in vitro: individual cell (agent)-based models and continuum models. We show by a quantitative analysis of both a biophysical... more
An overview of the micromechanical theoretical and numerical models of wood is presented. Different methods of analysis of the effects of wood microstructures at different scale levels on the mechanical behaviour, deformation and strength... more
This paper presents a study of a roll compaction process as a dry granulation method for typical food materials such as maize powder. This process is widely applied in industry as it can continuously produce large quantities of granular... more
Analytical formulations are presented to predict the elastic moduli of graphene sheets and carbon nanotubes using a linkage between lattice molecular structure and equivalent discrete frame structure. The obtained results for a graphene... more
The fracture mode of austenitic steel may feature a ductile to brittle transition (DBT), depending on alloy composition and temperature. The DBT variation can be explained in terms of the actual deformation structure evolving during cold... more
Preface This book collects most of the lecture notes I have developed and I have been using in a course on Continuum Mechanics for the Master of Science Course on Computational Mechanics and the Master Course on Numerical Methods in... more
ABSTRACT: A survey of secondary flows of viscoelastic liquids in straight tubes is given including recent work pointing at striking analogies with transversal deformations associated with the simple shearing of solid materials. The... more
The problem of formulating and numerically solving the equations of motion for a multibody system undergoing large motion and elasto-plastic deformations is considered here. Based on the principles of continuum mechanics and the finite... more
This thesis is a pilot study, designed to test and develop methods suitable for the study of Scandinavian flint spearhead functionality. The functionality of projectile and lithic point armament has not been studied for almost 30 years in... more
This paper deals with the erosion rate of stainless steels due to the impact of solid particulate. These materials are used in high temperature applications. Several theoretical models have been developed for determining the erosion... more
W szczegółowy sposób omówione zostały założenia ogólnej nieliniowej teorii sprężystości i wyprowadzenia podstawowych elementów mechaniki ośrodka ciągłego, a także przytoczone zostały dowody fundamentalnych twierdzeń rozważanej teorii w... more
Items with a reviewer byline (coded R) are by AMR's corps of dedicated outside volunteer reviewers. AMR will attempt to get critical reviews of all relevant textbooks, reference works, and monographs. Items without a reviewer byline... more
Continuum Mechanics [250952] Master: Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Computational Mechanics, Barcelona School of Civil Engineering, UPC BarcelonaTech Master: Numerical Methods in Engineering, Barcelona School of Civil Engineering,... more
In this study, flow simulation of the two-fluid system with sharp interface and soluble surfactants is performed using OpenFOAM, an object-oriented C++ library for simulations in continuum mechanics. The Finite Volume method with moving... more
A computational methodology is presented for modeling the non-linear mechanical behavior of composite structures made of FRP (Fiber-Reinforced Polymers) laminates. The model is based on the appropriate combination of the constitutive... more
The existing motorcycle helmets are thermally uncomfortable as there is no provision for air flow inside the helmet. A new design of helmet, with grooves in the liner foam and slot in the outer shell and liner foam to improve the... more
A computational methodology is presented for modelling the material non-linear mechanical behaviour of composite structures made of FRP (Fibre-Reinforced Polymers) laminates. The model is based on the appropriate combination of the... more
Assume that the physics on the microscale (interactions between atoms, molecules, defects in crystals . . . ) is understood.What is the appropriate mesoscale continuum theory for the problem? What are the assumptions involved and how do... more
Cette thèse a été réalisée au Laboratoire de Mécanique et Rhéologie (LMR) de l'université François Rabelais de Tours dans les locaux du Centre d'Etude et de Recherche Matériaux Elastomère (CERMEL). Je remercie Naranayaswami Ranganathan,... more
Apostila sobre a teoria da plasticidade
Continuum Mechanics [250952] Master: Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Computational Mechanics, Barcelona School of Civil Engineering, UPC BarcelonaTech Master: Numerical Methods in Engineering, Barcelona School of Civil Engineering,... more
The generation of direct current electricity using solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) involves several interplaying transport phenomena. Their simulation is crucial for the design and optimization of reliable and competitive equipment, and... more
This paper starts out by recalling the basic assumptions required for the classical (Cauchy type) continuum mechanics to hold. It turns out that the micro-and nano-scale structures of many materials -such as lattice-type porous solids and... more
Project Description: Perform a literature review on the origins and derivation of the principle of virtual power and its advantages and disadvantages as a means to find solutions to boundary value problems. Explain the meaning of the... more