Observers of state economic development policy in the United States have identified two conceptually distinct approaches, often termed industrial recruitment and entrepreneurial policies, and debated the extent to which a “third wave” of... more
Observers of state economic development policy in the United States have identified two conceptually distinct approaches, often termed industrial recruitment and entrepreneurial policies, and debated the extent to which a “third wave” of policy emergent during the 1990s represents a conceptually distinct approach to economic development. Data limitations and conceptual confusion have hindered efforts to distinguish state economic development strategies and to update existing typologies to reflect contemporary practices. This article uses data from the Council for Community and Economic Research’s Expenditures Database in 2007 to evaluate the extent to which the states follow conceptually distinctive economic development strategies. We find that the states’ economic development expenditures reflect a high degree of conceptual hybridity rather than strict adherence to supply-side industrial recruitment or demand-side entrepreneurial development.
Di dalam lingkungan globalisasi terjadi interkoneksipengaruh dari faktor-faktor politik, teknologi, budayadan ekonomi. Hal itu difasilitasi oleh dominasi kemajuanpeningkatan komunikasi dan teknologi sedemikianrupa sehingga menghasilkan... more
Di dalam lingkungan globalisasi terjadi interkoneksipengaruh dari faktor-faktor politik, teknologi, budayadan ekonomi. Hal itu difasilitasi oleh dominasi kemajuanpeningkatan komunikasi dan teknologi sedemikianrupa sehingga menghasilkan uncertainty, complexity dancompetition (Silalahi, 2010). Memperhatikan perkembanganglobalisasi tersebut, maka kepemimpinan nasional harusmempunyai pandangan jauh ke depan atau mempunyaivisi jelas, yang mampu menjangkau ketidak menentuandalam lingkungan yang cepat berubah. Kepemimpinannasional tersebut memerlukan suatu sistem manajemennasional (Sismennas) untuk menjalankan mekanisme sikluspenyelenggaraan negara dan dapat mengge rakkan seluruhtatanan untuk mengantisipasi perubahan dan mendukungkeberlangsungan kehidupan nasional.<br>Iwan Nugroho. 2010. Kepemimpinan Visioner dan Reformasi Birokrasi. Majalah Perencanaan Pembangunan-BAPPENAS Jakarta. 16(3):2-5. ISSN: 0854-3709
When the earth is too narrow to be occupied by mankind, the horizon of the horizon becomes a hope for the future. Poor management of the earth must be a mirror for the management of space can be implemented wisely. Not something personal... more
When the earth is too narrow to be occupied by mankind, the horizon of the horizon becomes a hope for the future. Poor management of the earth must be a mirror for the management of space can be implemented wisely. Not something personal and partial, but whole in the unity of determination, speech and deed. The existence of the nations of the world is in its nature to know one another, so that is the one body, united by similarity and difference. Is not the difference a distant equation? When the existence of the nations of the world represents the one body, then the earth and the universe are also one body. Unified by law, the law of space. The unity of the law in space is in its elegant and dynamic nature, as a momentum between the dominance of economic interests and the promotion of high technology. The power of space law is the sum of the friction and elaboration of the dominance of economic interests as well as the promotion of such high technology which ultimately results in i...
This thesis explores how political actors utilize studies of the arts' impact on state economies to boost -the significance of cultural policy within a given political environment. Specifically, this thesis explains how the current... more
This thesis explores how political actors utilize studies of the arts' impact on state economies to boost -the significance of cultural policy within a given political environment. Specifically, this thesis explains how the current Governor of Maine, John Baldacci and the leaders of Maine's cultural policy bureaucracy utilized a study of creative industries' contributions to the Maine economy to lead an effort to garner public support for a statewide cultural economic development agenda. In researching this topic, I have come to learn how an economic impact study in the hands of an ambitious and enterprising coalition of arts advocates convinced political elites and voters in an overwhelmingly rural state to embrace cultural development as an economic development strategy - a decidedly urban(e) phenomenon - via Governor Baldacci's Creative Economy Initiative. Largely attributable to the state's desperation for economic development, the anomalous political success story of the Creative Economy Initiative is a revealing one, providing a look at how cultural policy can garner high priority status on state policy agendas as well as lessons on how to make cultural economic development politically palatable in rural areas.