Faith and Science
Recent papers in Faith and Science
The Biblical definition of "faith" is analyzed, where it is found that there is quite surprising confusion among both Christians and atheists as to what faith is, in Biblical terms. It will be claimed that Biblical faith is a sort of... more
How can the Christian in the pew read the Genesis 1 creation account and comprehend the 6 days of creation? This essay explores how an engagement with Genesis 1 on its own terms suggests that a figurative interpretation of the creation... more
Tesis Teológica, Facultad de Teología de la UCA, Buenos Aires, 2007 La moderna cosmología pronostica una disolución final de la armonía física universal, y la ulteriorior imposibilidad de generación de vida. En contraste, la esperanza... more
Il Catalogo della mostra realizzata, con la collaborazione di Fondazione Russia Cristiana, per la XXX edizione del Meeting per l’amicizia fra i popoli; pubblicato anche in "La nuova Europa" XVIII (2009), n. 4, pp. 17-69.
The popular version of Galileo’s final trial goes something like this: Galileo, the free- thinking scientist who confirmed Earth’s motion around the Sun, was forced by the authorities of the Catholic Church to abandon his scientific views... more
Publicado en la Revista Quaerentibus Año I | n.° 1 Julio – Diciembre 2013. Una de las preguntas más profundas que puede formular tanto la cosmología como la escatología versa sobre destino último de la creación:... more
There is a moment familiar to all Bible readers: the discovery of a scripture that, on the face of it, seems contrary to modern sensibilities. Theologians have often sought to resolve such discrepancies in the Scripture by an informal... more
What should be considered "science"? What is the relationship between reason and faith? What role play (or should) the Bible in the research process? This article seeks to make some reflections that encourage changes in the way of seeing... more
The paper reviews these main works about duty by Cicero and the catholic bishop Ambrosius who wanted to educate the former his son and the latter his priests, so they could live and do what is right. There are many concepts and ideas that... more
This Paper, as the title indicates, is meant to look at the topic of ‘Design/non-design’ as well as the question of, “If a Designer designed the Universe, is there a point to science?” To treat this topic with due diligence we introduce... more
This article analyses the conditions of Christian faith in the context of various criticisms levelled against religious belief today.
● James D. Capehart: Gilson’s Notion of Theologism in The Unity of Philosophical Experience and Reason and Revelation in the Middle Ages ● Michał Chaberek: Classical Metaphysics and Theistic Evolution: Why Are They Incompatible? ● Edward... more
The purpose of this study is to discover what influences are the most helpful for a typically conservative Christian university student in reconciling his/her faith with issues in the modern sciences. Many such students come from church... more
Resumen: La presente reflexión tiene como objeto aproximarse al diálogo entre religión y ciencia sobre la base de algunas semejanzas de naturaleza filosófica existentes entre la espiritualidad oriental (principalmente el budismo) y los... more
Publicado en la Revista Digital Tendencias de las Religiones, julio de 2010, (ganó el 2º Premio en el “1er Concurso de Artículos Divulgativos sobre el Diálogo entre las Ciencia y las Religiones para Autores Latinoamericanos”, organizado... more
After summarising the discussion started by Stefano Bigliardi’s SOCIAL EPISTEMOLOGY article, I present some observations on the tendency of Muslim scientists toward cognitive-propositionalism.
La vita spirituale dell’insegnante e del ricercatore.
prof.ssa Giulia Lombardi, Istituto Alberto Magno (PUST) e Pontificia Università
prof.ssa Giulia Lombardi, Istituto Alberto Magno (PUST) e Pontificia Università
Science The best version of metaphysics, a realist conception of the world and God, does not exclude the deep mysteries of our factual encounter with that reality, and the curiosity it piques in us as embedded inhabitants of that same... more
El editor de la revista Fe y Libertad invita a profesores e investigadores de habla hispana a enviar artículos o reseñas sobre el tema " CIENCIA, RAZÓN Y FE " , para su posible publicación en el segundo número de la revista... more
(Introducción al libro:) A día de hoy no cabe rechazar las conquistas de las ciencias o desconfiar de ellas por sistema. Es innegable que su avance, ligado al de la tecnología, ha mejorado sustantivamente las condiciones de vida y ha... more
(Introducción al libro:) A día de hoy no cabe rechazar las conquistas de las ciencias o desconfiar de ellas por sistema. Es innegable que su avance, ligado al de la tecnología, ha mejorado sustantivamente las condiciones de vida y ha... more
In a scientific context such as ours, a true understanding of faith needs a correct approach to its relationship with science. Defending religious belief in the modern age dominated by scientific learning is the main preoccupation... more