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Case-based reasoning (CBR) is one of the most popular prediction techniques in medical domains because it is easy to apply, has no possibility of overfitting, and provides a good explanation for the output. However, it has a critical... more
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      Genetic AlgorithmsGenetic AlgorithmMathematical SciencesGlobal Optimization
The aim of this paper is to study and compare several machine learning methods for implementing a Thai terrorism event extraction system. The main function of the system is to extract information related to terrorism events found in Thai... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingMachine LearningSupport Vector MachinesFeature Selection
viii ix x The IADIS European Conference on Data Mining 2009 received 63 submissions from more than 19 countries. Each submission has been anonymously reviewed by an average of five independent reviewers, to ensure that accepted... more
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      Fuzzy LogicFuzzy ClusteringCategorical data analysisClassification
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      Life Long LearningData DistributionFeature Weighting
Gaussian classifiers are strongly dependent on their underlying distance method, namely the Mahalanobis distance. Even though widely used, in the presence of noise this distance measure loses dramatically in performance, due to equal... more
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      Noise RobustnessFeature Weighting
In this paper, we argue to learn dissimilarity for interactive search in content based image retrieval. In literature, dissimilarity is often learned via the feature space by feature selection, feature weighting or by adjusting the... more
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      EngineeringVisualizationMultimediaActive Learning
Selection of feature subset is a preprocessing step in computational learning, and it serves several purposes like reducing the dimensionality of a dataset, decreasing the computational time required for classification and enhancing the... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningFeature SelectionMultiobjective Evolutionary Optimization
As of today, most movie recommendation services base their recommendations on collaborative filtering (CF) and/or content-based filtering (CBF) models that use metadata (e.g., genre or cast). In most video-on-demand and streaming... more
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      Multimodal FusionCold StartContent-Based FilteringAudio Descriptors
Missing data is a common drawback in many real-life pattern classification scenarios. One of the most popular solutions is missing data imputation by the K nearest neighbours (KNN) algorithm. In this article, we propose a novel KNN... more
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      EngineeringMissing DataMutual InformationPattern Classification
In this paper, we propose a generic text summarization method that generates summaries of Turkish texts by ranking sentences according to their scores calculated using their surface level features and extracting the highest ranked ones... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingMachine LearningPerformance EvaluationText Summarization
Automatic document classification due to its various applications in data mining and information technology is one of the important topics in computer science. Classification plays a vital role in many information management and retrieval... more
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      Information RetrievalInformation TechnologyNatural Language ProcessingInformation Management
Interfering noise severely degrades the performance of a speech recognition system. The Parallel Model Compensation (PMC) technique is one of the most efficient techniques for dealing with such noise. Another approach is to use features... more
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      Cognitive ScienceSpeech RecognitionLinguisticsSpeech Communication
This work investigates the efficacy of heart rate (HR) based measures for patient-independent, automatic detection of seizures in newborns. Sixty-two time-domain and frequency-domain features were extracted from the neonatal heart rate... more
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      EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceBiomedical EngineeringSignal Processing
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      Natural Language ProcessingData MiningParameter estimationText Classification
Data collected from a paper mill using a WIC-100 process analyzer was divided into six classes, each representing a dif-Ž . ferent kind of paper grade or quality. Each of the six classes were modeled separately by principal component... more
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      Analytical ChemistryChemometricsPrincipal Component AnalysisProcess Monitoring
The distance metric is the corner stone of nearest neighbor (NN)-based methods, and therefore, of nearest prototype (NP) algorithms. That is because they classify depending on the similarity of the data. When the data is characterized by... more
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      AlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceMultidisciplinaryDiscriminant Analysis
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      Information SystemsApplied MathematicsGenetic AlgorithmsRisk Management
Heuristic search effectiveness depends directly upon the quality of heuristic evaluations of states in a search space. Given the large amount of research effort devoted to computer chess throughout the past half-century, insufficient... more
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      Theoretical Computer ScienceHeuristic SearchMathematical SciencesSearch Space
This paper describes ACE, a framework for automatically finding effective classification methodologies for arbitrary supervised classification problems. ACE performs experiments with both individual classifiers and classifier ensembles in... more
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      Classifier CombinationFeature ExtractionSupervised ClassificationSuccess Rate
In content-based image retrieval, understanding the user's needs is a challenging task that requires integrating him in the process of retrieval. Relevance feedback (RF) has proven to be an effective tool for taking the user's... more
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      Cognitive ScienceAlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceFeature Selection
The distance metric is the corner stone of nearest neighbor (NN)-based methods, and therefore, of nearest prototype (NP) algorithms. That is because they classify depending on the similarity of the data. When the data is characterized by... more
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      AlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceMultidisciplinaryDiscriminant Analysis
In this paper, fusion of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and generalization of Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) in the context of multiview face recognition is proposed. The generalization of LDA is extended to establish correlation... more
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      Principal Component AnalysisFace RecognitionFacial expressionFacial Features
The Feature Weighting Classifier (FWC) is an efficient multi-class classification algorithm for text data that uses Information Gain to directly estimate per-class feature weights in the classifier. This classifier requires only a single... more
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      Information RetrievalContent AnalysisText ClassificationText
Vehicle detection in traffic scenes is an important issue in driver assistance systems and self-guided vehicles that includes two stages of Hypothesis Generation (HG) and Hypothesis Verification (HV). The both stages are important and... more
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      PcaVehicle DetectionHypothesis GenerationPHOG
In this work we propose a feature weighting method for classification tasks by extracting relevant information from a trained neural network. This method weights an attribute based on strengths (weights) of related links in the neural... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation ExtractionNeural NetworksNeural Network
Classification fusion combines multiple classifications of data into a single classification solution of greater accuracy. Feature extraction aims to reduce the computational cost of feature measurement, increase classifier efficiency,... more
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      Genetic AlgorithmPopulation SizeFeature ExtractionWeb Based System
We tend to think of what we 'really' know as what we can talk about, and disparage knowledge that we can' t verbalize." ((Dowling 1989), 252) The exemplar-based learning model is proposed here as an alternative approach to modeling many... more
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      Computer SciencePattern RecognitionMusic CognitionGenetic Algorithm
The distance metric is the corner stone of nearest neighbor (NN)-based methods, and therefore, of nearest prototype (NP) algorithms. That is because they classify depending on the similarity of the data. When the data is characterized by... more
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      AlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceNeural NetworkMultidisciplinary
This paper analyses the relation between the use of similarity in Memory-Based Learning and the notion of backed-off smoothing in statistical language model-ing. We show that the two approaches are closely related, and we argue that... more
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      Information SourcesMemory Based LearningDomain SpecificityFeature Weighting
In this paper, we argue to learn dissimilarity for interactive search in content based image retrieval. In literature, dissimilarity is often learned via the feature space by feature selection, feature weighting or by adjusting the... more
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      EngineeringVisualizationMultimediaActive Learning
except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known... more
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      Computational BiologyCell CycleImage AnalysisDrug Discovery
Feature selection and feature weighting are useful techniques for improving the classification accuracy of K-nearest-neighbor (K-NN) rule. The term feature selection refers to algorithms that select the best subset of the input feature... more
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      Cognitive SciencePattern RecognitionTabu SearchProstate Cancer
In this paper we present an OCR for Handwritten Devnagari Characters. Basic symbols are recognized by neural classifier. We have used four feature extraction techniques namely, intersection, shadow feature, chain code histogram and... more
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      Pattern RecognitionCharacter RecognitionNeural NetworkArtificial Intelligent
The Feature Weighting Classifier (FWC) is an efficient multi-class classification algorithm for text data that uses Information Gain to directly estimate per-class feature weights in the classifier. This classifier requires only a single... more
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      Information RetrievalContent AnalysisText ClassificationText
Automatic document classification due to its various applications in data mining and information technology is one of the important topics in computer science. Classification plays a vital role in many information management and retrieval... more
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      Information RetrievalInformation TechnologyNatural Language ProcessingInformation Management
We present a gesture recognition approach for depth video data based on a novel Feature Weighting approach within the Dynamic Time Warping framework. Depth features from human joints are compared through video sequences using Dynamic Time... more
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      Gesture RecognitionComputer ModelFeature ExtractionHigh performance
Detection of targets concealed in foliage is a challenging problem and is critical for ground surveillance. To detect foliage-concealed targets, we need to address two major challenges, namely, 1) how to remotely acquire information that... more
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      AlgorithmsRemote SensingMachine LearningChange detection
The exploration of three-dimensional (3D) anthropometry scanning data along with other existing subject medical profiles using data mining techniques becomes an important research issue for medical decision support. This research attempts... more
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      Data MiningGenetic AlgorithmsDecision Support SystemsGenetic Algorithm
The flexibility of activated factor X (fXa) binding site was assessed employing ligand-based pharmacophor modeling combined with genetic algorithm (GA)-based QSAR modeling. Four training subsets of wide structural diversity were selected... more
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      AlgorithmsOrganic ChemistryGenetic AlgorithmStatistical Significance
The Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) and their derivatives are commonly used as acoustic features for speaker recognition. The issue arises of whether some of those features are redundant or dependent on other features.... more
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      Speaker RecognitionGenetic AlgorithmFeature SelectionReal Time
This is the first paper on textual case-based reasoning to employ collective classification, a methodology for simultaneously classifying related cases that has consistently attained higher accuracies than standard classification... more
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      Cross ValidationTextual Case-Based ReasoningFeature Weighting
Many medical diagnosis applications are characterized by datasets that contain under-represented classes due to the fact that the disease is much rarer than the normal case. In such a situation classifiers such as decision trees and Naive... more
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      Decision TreeMedical DiagnosisBiomedical ApplicationContingency Table
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      StatisticsMachine LearningOnline LearningActivity Recognition
In this paper, we propose a feature-weighted mountain clustering method. The proposed method can work well when there are noisy feature variables and could be useful for obtaining initial estimat of cluster centers for other clustering... more
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      Color Image SegmentationClustering MethodFeature Weighting
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      Automatic Text SummarizationFeature Weighting
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      Content based image retrievalUser BehaviorData Mining and Knowledge DiscoveryFeature Weighting
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      Feature SelectionText CategorizationMutual InformationDocument categorization
Fusionplex is a system for integrating multiple heterogeneous and autonomous information sources that uses data fusion to resolve factual inconsistencies among the individual sources. To accomplish this, the system relies on source... more
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      Information IntegrationInformation FusionInformation SourcesData Fusion
In this paper, we present a feature combination approach to object tracking based upon graph embedding techniques. The method presented here abstracts the low complexity features used for purposes of tracking to a relational structure and... more
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      Cross CorrelationObject TrackingSpectral methodCost Function