Fiscal reform
Recent papers in Fiscal reform
This paper adopts a "piece-meal" approach to empirically identify, on a sample of Italian households, a collective model where both nonparticipation and non-convex budget sets are allowed for. Two tax reforms, i.e. the 2002 tax... more
The paper makes an attempt to examine financing of urban services within the broader macro-economic liberalisation and decentralisation context in India. It estimates the resource gap between the present flow of funds and financial... more
This study is devoted to the analysis of the main effects, on the Belgian economy, of various forms of tax shifting aimed at increasing taxes on energy and decreasing other taxes(mainly taxes on labour). Results show that, if the increase... more
In preparing for the discussions of the Iraqi Constituent Assembly, IMF and World Bank staff and consultant experts presented to senior officials from the central and local governments in Iraq, including from Kurdistan, key options that... more
In this paper we construct a standard CGE model to explore the impact of scaling up infrastructure in an African country. As the debate on the importance of scaling up infrastructure to stimulate growth and provide a push to African... more
Fenomena globalisasi saat ini semakin kompleks, dikarenakan kemajuan teknologi yang menjembatani arus informasi, ekonomi dan budaya yang semakin bebas. Oleh karena itu, untuk negara yang terbuka dengan globalisasi, dibutuhkan suatu... more
During last decade, improved macroeconomic and budgetary condi-tions have allowed for fiscal reforms in several EU countries. The main aim behind personal income tax reforms across Europe has been to re-duce the tax burden on labour and... more
This article explores the capacity for environmental fiscal reform to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, stimulate economic performance, and promote fiscal sustainability. Simulation results suggest that reforms based on CO2 taxation... more
Fara Aisyah, IDEAS: Expansionary policy not the way to counter recession, «The Malaysian Reserve», 15 August 2018,
Ideas: Easing monetary policy, fiscal stimuli not the right move, «The Sun Daily», 14 August 2018,
Turkey recently launched a set of structural reforms to address elimination of producer price subsidies in its agriculture, and replacing them with a targeted direct income transfer program. The paper investigates analytically viable... more
South Africa is a significant contributor towards CO2 pollution on the African continent and authorities have started to examine different approaches available to manage the country's extensive resource base. In this regard, a... more
Gli effetti della riforma fiscale sui bilanci delle imprese manifatturiere (di Giovanna Gavana, Antonio Majocchi e Anna Marenzi) - ABSTRACT: The fiscal reform on business income, recently approved by the Italian authorities, has deeply... more
This article treats on the fiscal harmonization process within the European Union being indispensable for assuring loyalty in the competition on its single market, given the fact that different system of taxation had direct and powerful... more