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Germline genetic intervention (GGI) has been one of the most discussed topics within the bioethics literature since 2012, when the programming of CRISPR/Cas9 for a specifically targeted gene region has become possible. While some authors... more
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      BioethicsGenethicsGenome Editinggermline genetic intervention
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      Human GeneticsBioethicsBioethics Reproductive TechnologyGenetic modification
Transgenic science and technology are fundamental to the state-of-the-art plant molecular genetics and crop improvement. The new generation of technology endeavors to introduce genes ‘stably’ into ‘site-specific’ locations and in... more
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      Genome EngineeringTransgenic plantsTargeted Genome EngineeringGMO, Forensic, Genetic Engineering
Development of new plant breeding techniques have facilitated easy manipulation of plants at genetic level. Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR associated protein9 (Cas9) system is a valuable addition... more
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      BiotechnologyBiologyCRISPRGenome Engineering
The CRISPR/Cas9 system is now commonly employed for genome editing in various plants such as Arabidopsis, rice and tobacco. In general, in genome editing of the Arabidopsis genome, the SpCas9 and guide RNA genes are introduced into the... more
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    • Genome Editing
Following the birth in 2018 of two babies from embryos altered using CRISPR-Cas9, human germline gene editing (GGE) moved from abstract concern to reality. He Jiankui, the scientist responsible, has been roundly condemned by most... more
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      Bioethics Reproductive TechnologyPublic Engagement with Science and TechnologyResponsible innovationGenome Editing
Altering the human epigenome with gene-editing technology in attempt to treat a variety of diseases and conditions seems scientifically feasible. We explore some of the ethical and regulatory issues related to the clinical translation of... more
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      BioethicsEpigeneticsGenome EditingEpigenome Editing
In den letzten fünf Jahren ist ein wachsendes Interesse an den neuen Möglichkeiten der Genom-Editierung zu erkennen. So zeigen sich nicht nur eine rasant steigende Zahl an Studien und wissenschaftlichen Publikation zu CRISPR und Co., die... more
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      History Of EugenicsHuman EnhancementEugenics (History)Genetic Engineering
Genome editing is an important tool for gene functional studies as well as crop improvement. The recent development of the CRISPR/Cas9 system using single guide RNA molecules (sgRNAs) to direct precise double strand breaks in the genome... more
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      BioinformaticsGeneticsMolecular BiologyGenomics
Genome editing is a method to change the DNA inside an organism. It allows the scientists to remove, to alter, or to add the DNA sequence in particular location in genome. Nowadays, one of the most known genome editing technologies is... more
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      BiologyBiologiGenetikaDasar Genetika
Crisper/Cas9 is one of the latest and most efficient genome editing tools which is in fact is the part of bacteria and archaea adaptive immunity. Crisper/Cas9 comprises of the guide RNA for targeted binding and Cas9 (endonuclease) for... more
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      Genome EditingCRISPR-Cas9 system
Plants and microbes are co-evolved and interact with each other in nature. Plant-associated microbes, often referred to as plant microbiota, are an integral part of plant life. Depending on the health effects on hosts, plant-microbe (PM)... more
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      Plant microbe interactionsDisease Resistance in plantsMolecular Plant-Microbe InteractionsPlant Growth Promotion
Recently developed strategies and techniques that make use of the vast amount of genetic information to perform targeted perturbations in the genome of living organisms are collectively referred to as genome engineering. The wide array of... more
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      Gene TherapyCRISPRGenome EngineeringCrop Improvement
While CRISPR-Cas genome editing technology has been heralded as a great ad- vancement for science, human health, bioengineering and medicine, there is a potential dark side of CRISPR genome editing that may be a greater danger to humanity... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)EthicsBiomedical EngineeringPeace and Conflict Studies
This paper explores the ethics of introducing genome-editing technologies as a new reproductive option. In particular, it focuses on whether genome editing can be considered a morally valuable alternative to preimplantation genetic... more
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      BioethicsAssisted Reproductive TechnologiesPGDGenome Editing
The interest in exploring the interplay of genomics and Islamic ethics took an important turn at the beginning of the 1990s, when the international Human Genome Project was declared. Since then, both Muslim religious scholars and... more
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      GeneticsGenomicsGene TherapyIslamic Studies
The Portuguese Society of Human Genetics (SPGH - Sociedade Portuguesa de Genética Humana) was founded in 1996 by a group of 68 medical and clinical laboratory geneticists. Its mission, statutes and governance resemble those of societies... more
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      EthicsGenomic ImprintingNeurogeneticsMitochondrial Medicine
CRISPR/Cas 9 is a newly developed and naturally occurred genome editing tool, which is originally used by bacteria for immune defence. In the past years, it has been quickly employed and modified to precisely edit genome sequences in both... more
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      GenomicsPlant biotechnologyPlant Molecular BiologyGenome Editing
The pinnacle of four decades of research, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), and genome editing with the advent of clustered, regularly interspaced, short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) now promise to take drug development and... more
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      Gene TherapyInduced Pluripotent Stem Cells (I Psc)Stem Cells and Gene TherapyiPSCs
While CRISPR/Cas9 has become a lightning rod for fears about humanity’s increasing capacity to engineer biological life, the mainstream of Anglo-American bioethics struggles to discern much wrong with genome editing of human beings in... more
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      BioethicsBioethics Reproductive TechnologyBiopower and BiopoliticsGenome Editing
Desire to have children and genome-editing: Ethical, legal and social aspects of genome- editing in in-vitro fertilisation

Research Retreat for PhD students and Early Career Researchers
10th – 14th of July 2017
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      BioethicsMedical EthicsMedical and Research ethicsCRISPR
This paper provides an overview of the ethical issues in the international clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) genome editing debate from March 2015 to September 2016. We present the regulatory framework for... more
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      GeneticsCRISPREmbryo ResearchGenome Editing
Fragrant rice is favoured worldwide because of its agreeable scent. The presence of a defective badh2 allele encoding betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (BADH2) results in the synthesis of 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline (2AP), which is a major... more
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      TechnologyPlant biotechnologyBiological SciencesGenome Editing
Genome editing, or genome editing with engineered nucleases, is a technology that, using engineered nucleases, allows site-specific single-base mutations or the insertion, deletion or replacement of DNA sequences in a specific site in the... more
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    • Genome Editing
This paper sets out to provide an overview of the ethical issues discussed in the debate on gene editing technology CRISPR Cas9. It shows how the debate has been polarised between positive and negative reactions from the scientific and... more
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      GeneticsBioethics Reproductive TechnologyGenome Editing
We, Other Utopians… Recombinant DNA, Genome Editing, and Artificial Life is analyzing the topics of genome editing/ recombinant DNA on the basis of ethnographic research in the post-communist context. The book focuses on the topics of... more
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      EthnographyUtopian StudiesAnthropology Of Science (Science Technology And Society)Michel Foucault
Ein Supermarkt im Museum? Was bizarr klingt, wurde in Berlin Wirklich- keit: Für zehn Wochen (7. März bis 14. Mai 2019) hatten Besuchende des Museums für Naturkunde Berlin die Möglichkeit, einen poppigen, einen artifiziellen Supermarkt... more
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    • Genome Editing
The complex allotetraploid genome is one of major challenges in cotton for repressing gene expression. Developing site-specific DNA mutation is the long-term dream for cotton breeding scientists. The clustered regularly interspaced short... more
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      Plant biotechnologyPlant breeding and geneticsPlant Molecular BiologyGenome Editing
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      BioethicsSTS (Anthropology)science and technology studies (STS)CRISPR
The central dogma (CD) of molecular biology constitutes the transfer of genetic information from DNA to RNA to protein. Major CD processes governing genetic flow include the cell cycle, DNA replication, chromosome packaging, epigenetic... more
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      Plant BiologyAgricultureCRISPRPlant Breeding and Biotechnology
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      PhilosophyEthicsPhilosophy of ScienceHealth Communication
In July 2018, the Nuffield Council of Bioethics released its long-awaited report on heritable genome editing (HGE). The Nuffield report was notable for finding that HGE could be morally permissible, even in cases of human enhancement. In... more
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      EthicsBioethicsGenome Editing
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      GenomicsGenetic EngineeringGenetic EditingGene Targeting and Genome Engineering
In questo contributo si intende discutere alcuni degli aspetti etici che la tecnica di germline genome editing con CRISPR/Cas solleva. Dopo aver presentato tale tecnica e aver circoscritto l’analisi ai trattamenti per risolvere malattie... more
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      BioethicsPrecautionary PrincipleConsensusGenome Editing
Tendencies and efforts have shifted from genome description, DNA mapping, and DNA sequencing to active and profound reprogramming , repairing life on genetic and molecular levels in some parts of contemporary life science research.... more
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      BiopoliticsSociology of Risk and UncertaintyGenome Editing
Human pluripotent stem cells comprise induced pluripotent and embryonic stem cells, which have tremendous potential for biological and therapeutic applications. The development of efficient technologies for the targeted genome alteration... more
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      Stem CellsHuman Embryonic Stem CellsCRISPRGenome Editing
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      MicrobiologySynthetic BiologyMedical MicrobiologyMetabolic Engineering
CRISPR system is a powerful defense mechanism in bacteria and archaea to provide immunity against viruses. Recently, this process found a new application in intended targeting of the genomes. CRISPR-mediated genome editing is performed by... more
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      BioinformaticsData AnalysisSoftware DevelopmentDatabases
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      EthicsBioethicsGlobal GovernanceRisk Governance
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      BioethicsGenome Editing
Genome editing enables very accurate alterations to DNA. It promises profound and potentially disruptive changes in healthcare, agriculture, industry, and the environment. This paper presents a multidisciplinary analysis of the... more
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    • Genome Editing
Dieser Aufsatz gibt eine Übersicht über die aktuelle Deba􏰁e zu den neuen Me- thoden der Genomedi􏰀erung und legt dar, welche Bedeutung der öffentliche Diskurs dabei hat und wie er aktuell geführt wird. Dafür entwickeln die Autoren ein... more
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    • Genome Editing
We are living in multiple bio-political potentialities, futures resonating ideas of life-as-it-could-be. Life and bodies seem to have become the materialization of various biotechnological utopias. For fifty years, assorted technologies... more
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      EthnographySTS (Anthropology)Qualitative Research (Education)Laboratory Studies
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      PosthumanismScience fictional technologyScience FictionCritical Posthumanism
This paper gives an introduction to the inter-disciplinary special section. Against the historical and ethical background of reproductive technologies, it explores future scenarios of human reproduction and analyzes ways of mutual... more
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      BioethicsNew Reproductive technologiesGenome EditingThalassaemia, Gene Therapy, Genome Editing
Genome editing with CRISPR/Cas has rapidly gained popularity. Base editing, a new CRISPR/Cas-based approach, can precisely convert one nucleotide to another in DNA or RNA without inducing a double-strand DNA break (DSB). A combination of... more
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      TherapeuticsMutagenesisCrop improvementsGenome Editing
Changes in Earth's climate at the end of the last ice age brought about seasonal conditions that favoured the cultivation of annual plants like wild cereals, helping to launch the agricultural revolution. Earth's climate is changing... more
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      Ecosystems EcologyGenomicsSynthetic BiologyAdaptation to Climate Change