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      Karst GeomorphologyGeomorphological MappingGeological mapping
Physiographic maps summarize and group the landforms of a territory into homogeneous areas in terms of kind and intensity of the main geomorphological process. These maps are often produced at semi-detailed scales, while examples at the... more
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      Landscape EcologyHuman GeographyGeologyGeomorphology
lterations in river morphological quality are derived from quantification of human pressures as well as river morphological alteration. Taleghan River is an important source of water for the irrigation of Agri cultural lands in Qazvin... more
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      GeomorphologyFluvial GeomorphologyGeomorphological HazardsEarthquake
Physiographic maps summarize and group the landforms of a territory into homogeneous areas in terms of kind and intensity of the main geomorphological process. These maps are often produced at semi-detailed scales, while examples at the... more
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      Landscape EcologyGeomorphologySoil ScienceRemote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape Research
PËRMBLEDHJE Dihet se është e pamundur të rindërtohet zhvillimi i peizazhit vetëm prej hartave topografike. Prandaj, prej më shumë se rreth 100 vjet, përdoren studimet dhe hartat gjeomorfologjike në të cilat përshkruhen veçoritë... more
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      CartographyGeomorphologyGeomorphological MappingMapping
A review is given of the techniques that are available to extract relevant information from multi-temporal aerial photographs for use in the monitoring stage of landslide assessments. It is shown that aerial photograph interpretation... more
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      PhotogrammetryLandslidesDigital Elevation ModelsGeomorphological Mapping
The objective of this work is to propose a geomorphologically-guided method for the interpretation of L-band ALOS/PALSAR interferograms created by Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (D-InSAR). The in- terferograms are... more
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      InSAR (Earth Sciences)LandslidesGeomorphological MappingSlope Stability and Landslides
This paper demonstrates the value of historical aerial photographs for assessing long-term landslide evolution. The study focused on two case histories, the Mam Tor and East Pentwyn landslides. In both case histories we explored the... more
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      PhotogrammetryLandslidesDigital Elevation ModelsGeomorphological Mapping
Replacement of forests by cultivation in hilly regions can dramatically increase overland flow and soil erosion, frequently resulting in land degradation. This study aimed to determine the impact of long-term human activity and natural... more
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      IndiaGeomorphological MappingLandformsLand Use
Meandering rivers are characterized by a high degree of lateral mobility which guarantees its dynamics and forms. The study of the evolution of channel and floodplain forms, throughout the geomorphological cartography, presents a high... more
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      Fluvial GeomorphologyGeomorphological Mapping
This paper aims to provide a more comprehensive characterization of piping systems in mountainous areas under a temperate climate using geomorphological mapping and geophysical methods (electrical resistivity to-mography – ERT and ground... more
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      GeomorphologyGeophysicsGround Penetrating Radar (GPR)Piping
The Val Viola Pass is a transboundary area between Italy (Val Viola Bormina) and Switzerland (Val da Camp), whose evolution has been triggered, since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), by intense reactivation of surface processes.... more
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      GeomorphologyPeriglacial GeomorphologyGlacial GeomorphologyGeomorphological Mapping
The removal of beach-cast Posidonia oceanica seagrass litter, called 'banquettes', was analyzed on the island of Sardinia (western Mediterranean) in order to quantify this practice on a broad scale, to evaluate the potential impacts on... more
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    • Geomorphological Mapping
Small hydropower plants (SHP) affect river flow and sediment transport and thus impact river morphology. Eight hydropower schemes were studied along the meandering middle and lower reaches of Aragón River (Spain) to assess their effects... more
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      Earth SciencesFluvial ProcessesFluvial GeomorphologyBiological Sciences
This contribution shows,
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      Geomorphological MappingTerritorial Planning
The paper reviews recent advances in landform mapping and interpretation in the mountainous terrain of the Sudetes (SW Poland), possible due to the availability of high-resolution airborne LiDAR data. They are particularly useful in the... more
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      LiDARGeomorphometryGeomorphological MappingDEM
In this paper, we present a geomorphological landslide inventory map for an intermountain catchment in the southern Italian Apennines. The study area is seismically active, and it is characterized by high uplift rates produced by... more
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      GeomorphologyLandslidesItalyGeomorphological Mapping
In this paper, we present a geomorphological landslide inventory map for an intermountain catchment in the southern Italian Apennines. The study area is seismically active, and it is characterized by high uplift rates produced by... more
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      Human GeographyGeologyGeomorphologyLandslides
The paper reviews recent advances in landform mapping and interpretation in the mountainous terrain of the Sudetes (SW Poland), possible due to the availability of high-resolution airborne LiDAR data. They are particularly useful in the... more
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      LiDARGeomorphometryGeomorphological MappingDEM
This paper presents a multidisciplinary approach for studying the evolution of an alluvial fan system in Lower Khuzestan (SW Iran). The study draws on previously collected data from geological and archaeological field campaigns and new... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyGeologyGeophysicsRemote Sensing
or from our website www.oxbowbooks.com Front cover: Étang de Montady, Languedoc-Roussillon in southern France. A remarkable pattern of fi eld boundaries created in the 13th century on a reclaimed lake photographed on 6 August 1944. Drains... more
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      GeoarchaeologyMesopotamian ArchaeologyQuaternary GeologyHistorical maps
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      Fluvial GeomorphologyGeomorphological Mapping
The paper reviews recent advances in landform mapping and interpretation in the mountainous terrain of the Sudetes (SW Poland), possible due to the availability of high-resolution airborne LiDAR data. They are particularly useful in the... more
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      GeologyLiDARGeomorphometryGeomorphological Mapping
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      GeologyFluvial GeomorphologyGeomorphological Mapping
The paper reviews recent advances in landform mapping and interpretation in the mountainous terrain of the Sudetes (SW Poland), possible due to the availability of high-resolution airborne LiDAR data. They are particularly useful in the... more
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      LiDARGeomorphometryGeomorphological MappingDEM
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      PalaeogeographyGeoarchaeologyMesopotamian ArchaeologyQuaternary Geology
Recent advances in the fields of remote sensing and GIS provide the techniques to establish a firm geomorphological framework to the historical and archaeological studies in the Mesopotamian region. This study presents a practical... more
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      GeoarchaeologyMesopotamian ArchaeologyQuaternary GeologyFluvial Geomorphology
Conventional methods for the estimation of flood frequency are generally based on the statistical analysis of data series resulting from the measurement of water levels at specific locations, which are translated into discharges (m 3 /s)... more
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      Environmental ScienceHydrologyMultidisciplinaryGeomorphological Mapping
This paper presents a geomorphological, pedological and geochronological characterization and contextualization of geomorphogenetic, chronomorphological and environmental sequences from the Araraquara area (central São Paulo State,... more
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      PedologyFluvial GeomorphologyGeomorphological MappingQuaternary Sedimentology and Geomorphology
Erg of Gavkhooni Playa is one of the important geomorphologic landforms of Quaternary period in Iran. The area is located on the western part of Gaovkhoni Playa and 140 km to the Southeast of Isfahan, Iran. This study presents a display... more
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      Geomorphological HazardsGeomorphological MappingGeomorphological HeritageGeomorphological approach for earthquake-induced landslides
In this paper, we present a geomorphological landslide inventory map for an intermountain catchment in the southern Italian Apennines. The study area is seismically active, and it is characterized by high uplift rates produced by... more
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      Human GeographyGeologyGeomorphologyLandslides
In this paper, we present a geomorphological landslide inventory map for an intermountain catchment in the southern Italian Apennines. The study area is seismically active, and it is characterized by high uplift rates produced by... more
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      Human GeographyGeologyGeomorphologyLandslides
A review on Quaternary tectonic and nontectonic faults
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      Geomorphological MappingPaleoseismology
Erg of Gavkhooni Playa is one of the important geomorphologic landforms of Quaternary period in Iran. The area is located on the western part of Gaovkhoni Playa and 140 km to the Southeast of Isfahan, Iran. This study presents a display... more
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      Remote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape ResearchRemote sensing and GISGeomorphological HazardsGeomorphological Mapping
Erg of Gavkhooni Playa is one of the important geomorphologic landforms of Quaternary period in Iran. The area is located on the western part of Gaovkhoni Playa and 140 km to the Southeast of Isfahan, Iran. This study presents a display... more
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      Remote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape ResearchRemote sensing and GISGeomorphological HazardsGeomorphological Mapping
Physiographic maps summarize and group the landforms of a territory into homogeneous areas in terms of kind and intensity of the main geomorphological process. These maps are often produced at semi-detailed scales, while examples at the... more
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      Landscape EcologyHuman GeographyGeologyGeomorphology
Recent advances in the fields of remote sensing and GIS provide the techniques to establish a firm geomorphological framework to the historical and archaeological studies in the Mesopotamian region. This study presents a practical... more
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      Remote SensingGeoarchaeologyMesopotamian ArchaeologyQuaternary Geology