Greek Lyric Poets
Recent papers in Greek Lyric Poets
Tipo di tesi Tesi di dottorato di ricerca Autore BENELLI, LUCA URN etd-12092013-172526 Titolo SAPPHOSTUDIEN ZU AUSGEWÄHLTEN FRAGMENTEN Settore scientifico disciplinare L-FIL-LET/02 Corso di studi DISCIPLINE UMANISTICHE Commissione tutor... more
Ancient Greek popular songs are a heterogeneous group. They vary in subject matter, tone and dialect. They, usually, have a different geographical origin and they are composed at a different date. It is extremely difficult to determine... more
This is a meticulous survey of the reception of some lyric subgenres in Hellenistic poetry and it is meant to be the first of a series of contributions on the subject. Leaving aside lyric in a religious context, the paper is divided into... more
Exegetical and critical notes on Archil. fr. 8,1 (connecting ἐυπλοκάμου with ἁλός), 33 (editorial history of the fragment, elimination of a false reading, analysis of the context of quotation in [Luc.] Am. 3), and °°328,9 W.2 (new reading... more
RESUMEN Este artículo examina el fragmento 8 IEG de Arquíloco, centrado en su recepción en la erudición clásica y, tal vez, en el poema de Mallarmé, " A la nue accablante tu.. . ". ABSTRACT
Abstract: Attraverso l’analisi di una serie di passi tratti dai frammenti del P.Oxy. 3722 (hypomnema ad Anacreonte) si tentano nuove strade nell’interpretazione e nella comprensione testuale, ricorrendo anche a nuovi supplementi o ipotesi... more
The paper is the first part of S. Barbantani’s contribution "Lyric for the Rulers, Lyric for the People: The Transformation of Some Lyric Subgenres in Hellenistic Poetry", in E. Sistakou (ed.), "Hellenistic Lyricism: Traditions and... more
Bacch. fr. dith. 29d M. Tra i dithyramborum vel epiniciorum fragmenta dell'edizione di Bacchilide curata da H. Maehler (Bacchylidis carmina cum fragmentis, Monachii-Lipsiae 2003 11) compaiono, sotto il nr. 29, sette lacerti (a-g)... more
Abstract: Textual notes and new reconstruction of Sappho Fr. 90a, col. III 22–23 V. (from a papyrus commentary: P. Oxy. XXI 2293). In l. 23 ἀν[εμ]ο̣φορητο[ cannot be a lemma from a poem of Sappho, as printed by Voigt, because it has an... more
Abstract: All the editors of Sapph. fr. 117 V. print the text with the words †χαίροιϲ ἀ νύμφα† between cruces and overlook a testimonium to the fragment which is quoted in the schol. vet. in Arat. Phaen. 250. This scholion, which... more
Abstract: Textual notes on a series of verses from Sappho Fr. 44A a-b V. At the beginning of v. 3 the new textual supplement ἐν Δάλωι κρανάαι Κρ]ονίδαι μεγαλωνύμω̣<ι> is very likely and would solve the textual problems linked with this... more