Il Kitab ul-Qadr, qui tradotto come Il Libro del Destino, è parte della raccolta Sahih Bukhari e Sahih Muslim, che riporta gli Hadith del Profeta (pbsl) relativi ad un tema fondamentale nella religione islamica ossia la nozione di destino... more
Il Kitab ul-Qadr, qui tradotto come Il Libro del Destino, è parte della raccolta Sahih Bukhari e Sahih Muslim, che riporta gli Hadith del Profeta (pbsl) relativi ad un tema fondamentale nella religione islamica ossia la nozione di destino (Qadar), termine che è stato variamente interpretato e molto spesso equivocato sia in ambito islamico che non. In questo testo vengono riportati in traduzione italiana sia gli Hadith presenti nella racconta dell’Imam Bukhari che in quella dell’Imam Muslim. La traduzione è poi arricchita da un corposo apparato di note esplicative per accompagnare il lettore nella lettura e comprensione dei passi più complessi.
Liqā', which is a concept belonging to the hadith methodology termino- logy, is known as a subject of controversy between al-Bukhārī and Muslim, who are among the most prominent hadith scholars. Although al-Bukhārī did not express it... more
Liqā', which is a concept belonging to the hadith methodology termino- logy, is known as a subject of controversy between al-Bukhārī and Muslim, who are among the most prominent hadith scholars. Although al-Bukhārī did not express it clearly, the attribution of the liqā' condition to himself is accep- ted by most hadith researchers. In the introductory part of Muslim's Ṣaḥīḥ, inferences are made that the person whom Muslim criticizes heavily without declaring a name due to the liqā' condition is his sheikh, al-Bukhārī. In the context of Muslim's criticisms, the nature of the liqā' condition attributed to al- Bukhārī has not been clarified in the previous studies. In this article, it has been examined how the issue of liqā' is understood in the context of al- Bukhārī and Muslim, around whom the debates about the concept of liqā' are shaped. In the context of hadith acceptance conditions, the nature of liqā, the opinions of hadith imams about liqā, and who(s) defended the liqā condition were evaluated and determined. The fact that the liqā' debate is shaped aro- und al-Bukhārī and Muslim requires understanding why inferences are made that these two important hadith imams have different views on the subject. The methodical differences between al-Bukhārī and Muslim are also included in the study. Various opinions on the subject were included and their analysis were to be evaluated.
In questo primo volume delle Tradizioni del Profeta Muhammad (pace e benedizioni su di lui) sono raccolti i seguenti titoli: Il libro della rivelazione, il libro della fede, il libro della sapienza, il libro dell'abluzione, il libro del... more
In questo primo volume delle Tradizioni del Profeta Muhammad (pace e benedizioni su di lui) sono raccolti i seguenti titoli: Il libro della rivelazione, il libro della fede, il libro della sapienza, il libro dell'abluzione, il libro del ghusl, il libro delle mestruazioni, il libro dell'abluzione secca, il libro della preghiera, il libro degli orari della preghiera, ed il libro della chiamata alla preghiera.
Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang pandangan Joseph Schacht yang beranggapan bahwa hadis dijadikan sebagai sumber hukum Islam kedua setelah Al-Qur`an dimulai sejak masa kekhalifahan. Joseph Schacht merupakan tokoh orientalis yang mengkaji... more
Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang pandangan Joseph Schacht yang beranggapan bahwa hadis dijadikan sebagai sumber hukum Islam kedua setelah Al-Qur`an dimulai sejak masa kekhalifahan. Joseph Schacht merupakan tokoh orientalis yang mengkaji hadis dengan nalar akademis. Ia mengkritik dan membuka celah negatif tentang keotentikan hadis dengan menggunakan teori Projecting Back dan Argumentum E-Silentio. Dengan demikian, Schacht tidak mempercayai kebenaran hadis Nabi sebagaimana yang dipercayai umat Muslim. Menurutnya, hadis merupakan ucapan dan tindakan ulama pada abad kedua dan ketiga Hijriah yang digunakan untuk kepentingan pribadi. Untuk melegitimasi perkataannya, maka mereka menyandarkan hadis tersebut kepada nabi Muhammad saw., sehingga umat Islam dapat meyakininya. Dengan menggunakan library research dan metode deskriptif analitis, artikel ini juga menghadirkan contoh aplikasi dari kedua teori tersebut ke dalam suatu hadis.
الملخص تناولت هذه الدراسة التصنيف على الأبواب في صحيح البخاري، وبدأ الباحث في هذه الدراسة بتعريف التصنيف ومراحله، ثم تناول التصنيف على الأبواب وتطوره حتى عهد البخاري، ودور الفقهاء في هذا التطور. وبعد ذلك تناول الباحث دواعي تطوير الإمام... more
الملخص تناولت هذه الدراسة التصنيف على الأبواب في صحيح البخاري، وبدأ الباحث في هذه الدراسة بتعريف التصنيف ومراحله، ثم تناول التصنيف على الأبواب وتطوره حتى عهد البخاري، ودور الفقهاء في هذا التطور. وبعد ذلك تناول الباحث دواعي تطوير الإمام البخاري التصنيف على الأبواب، وفي هذا الإطار تطرق إلى الاختلافات الاعتقادية والفقهية في عهد الإمام البخاري، وأظهر أجوبة البخاري على هذه الاختلافات عن طريق تراجم الأبواب في صحيحه. ثم تناول الباحث تطوير الإمام البخاري التصنيف على الأبواب، وفي هذا الصدد تناول أولا استفادة الإمام البخاري من مصنفات ما قبله في صحيحه من حيث التصنيف على الأبواب، وأبرز استفادته من المصنفات السابقة في وضع عناوين الكتب، وعناوين الأبواب، ومحتوى تراجم الأبواب بالأمثلة المقارنة، وتناول ثانيا تطوير البخاري التصنيف على الأبواب، وإبداعاته فيه، وتأثيره في مصنفات ما بعده من ناحية التصنيف على الأبواب، وأخيرا انتقد الباحث دعوى معارضة في أصالة فن التصنيف على الأبواب عند البخاري، ثم ختم دراسته بخاتمة عرض فيها أهم النتائج التي وصل إليه.
ABSTRACT This study addresses classification of hadith into chapters in the Sahih of Imam al-Bukhari. To begin, the researcher introduces the concept of “classification” and deals with its development until the age of al-Bukhari, in addition to effects of jurisprudents on this development.
Then the researcher explores the reasons why al-Bukhari developed the system of classification of hadith into chapters, and within this scope he begins discussion of theological and judicial topics in the age of al-Bukhari, by shedding light on his views on these topics through the titles of chapters in his book.
After that the researcher devoted a chapter to talk about al-Bukhari’s sources which benefited from in the classification into chapters, and he deals with the way of his benefit in the entitling the chapters of the Sahih, by giving comparative examples. And then, the researcher finds out al-Bukhari’s ingenuities and his innovations on the classification system. In addition, showing the influence of Al-Bukhari on those who came after him in the fields of Hadith in terms of classification system. Finally, the researcher criticizes the idea that there is no innovation and originality in Al-Bukhari’s classification system. And the study is concluded by setting important consequences.
The Imam Al Bukhari Complex is a unique pilgrimage site in Hartang, Samarkand region, Uzbekistan. This site is requiring a better visitation flow by its present administration as unique stakeholder. The goal of this article is to spot the... more
The Imam Al Bukhari Complex is a unique pilgrimage site in Hartang, Samarkand region, Uzbekistan. This site is requiring a better visitation flow by its present administration as unique stakeholder. The goal of this article is to spot the solutions that could further increase the experience at the site as well as the benefits to the local community. The main study methods used were the qualitative observation during fieldwork, the interview with visitors and stakeholders as well as the analysis of online resources. The analysis of the demand and offer of this tourist attraction has highlighted an imbalance towards a wide range of weaknesses that could be fixed in a short-term perspective. The solutions envisage several measures to increase the accessibility and online visibility of the Complex, to enhance the experience of the visitors, to involve the community in order to obtain larger benefits.