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      PhilologyReligionHinduismComparative Religion
This chapter analyses the positionality of Halis—former bonded labourers, ploughers and animal carcass removers—who constitute the most subordinated Scheduled Caste (SC) community within the Gaddi tribal orbit. For many Halis, the... more
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      Religious ConversionPolitics of RecognitionIndo-AryanArya Samaj
“This science behind the creation of words, which was neglected for so long, should not be allowed to remain undiscovered,” claims Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar. “This is not only the case here – the same thing has been happening with all of the... more
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      History of LinguisticsLanguagesAcousticsLanguages and Linguistics
The Indigenous Aryans theory, also known as the Out of India theory, proposes that the Indo-European languages, or at least the Indo-Aryan languages, originated within the Indian subcontinent, as an alternative to the established... more
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    • Indo-Aryan
Semenenko A.A. The motif of the three-headed bull in Rigveda and Mature Harappan culture // История. Общество. Политика / РИО ФГБОУ ВО «Брянский государственный университет имени академика И.Г.Петровского». — №3(15). — 2020. — C. 29–37.
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      Indo-european language reconstructionSouth Asian StudiesAncient Indo-European LanguagesIndo-European Studies
Този доклад е продължение (втора част) на лекцията озаглавена “Причерноморието – люлка на европейската цивилизация и Тракия като арийска сърцевина”, изнесена пред Международната научна конференция “Древна Тракия – сакрално и профанно.... more
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      MigrationMigration StudiesHistory of Central and Southeastern EuropeIndo-Aryan Linguistics
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      New Religious MovementsZoroastrianismNew ReligionsPaganism
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      ReligionMythology And FolkloreHistory of ReligionZoroastrianism
A word-by-word explanation of the translation of the so-called creation hymn of Rigveda. The translation is very different from traditional ones. As I demonstrate, the hymn has been completely misunderstood by previous translators. The... more
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      PhilologyReligionHinduismComparative Religion
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A review and discussion of the archaeological and genetic evidence for an Aryan migration into the Indian subcontinent in the 2nd millennium BCE.
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      Population GeneticsIndo-AryanHarappan Archaeology
Indus Civilization: Aryan and Dravidian Hypothesis
Author: Ruk Sindhi
Book in Sindhi Language
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      SindhIndo-AryanIndus Valley CivilizationSindhi Linguistics
(This is my forthcoming research project. Actually, this is a continuation from my Master's thesis in Tribhuvan University (2003). In this work, I analyse the most archaic variety of the Darai language, spoken in the Pipaltar VDC,... more
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      Indo-AryanDarai grammar
Семененко А.А. О прародине индоиранцев (ариев) // Власть и общество: история взаимоотношений. Материалы Десятой региональной научной конференции (г. Воронеж, 19 марта 2016 г.) / под общ. ред. В.Н. Глазьева. — Воронеж: "ИСТОКИ", 2016. — С.... more
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      Ancient Indo-European LanguagesIranian StudiesIndo-European StudiesHistory of Iran
Asiatic Muslims have been using swastikas in architecture and calligraphy for a long time. This paper will introduce the swastika, followed by a virtual tour of Islamic swastikas throughout Asia. Finally, an analysis of the validity of... more
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      ArchaeologyArchitectureReligious PluralismIslamic Studies
This hymn is often misused to claim some kind of geographical order of the rivers mentioned. This translation demonstrates that the said claim is false.
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      PhilologyReligionHinduismComparative Religion
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      Indus CivilizationIndo-AryanIndus Valley CivilizationHarappa
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      History of Central and Southeastern EuropeIndo-Aryan LinguisticsBlack Sea regionBulgarian history
A fresh and original translation from Sanskrit of the dashrajnya hymn (hymn 7.18 of Rig Veda) describing this defining battle between Aryan king Sudas and his Aryan as well as non-Aryan foes. The decisive battle led to the uprooting of... more
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An educational module giving an overview of the Aryan issue in the Indian context
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      Indo-AryanAryanIndo-Aryan Migration
Семененко А.А. Тантра Веды / А.А. Семененко. — Воронеж: На правах рукописи, 2017. — 282 с. — ISBN 978-5-9907439-3-9.
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      AtharvavedaIndo-European StudiesIndo-Aryan LinguisticsProto Indo-European
Семененко А.А. О возможности размещения первичного очага носителей индоевропейских языков в пограничье Ирана, Афганистана, Средней Азии и Индостана // Труды Маргианской археологической экспедиции. Том 7. Исследования Гонур-депе 2014-2015... more
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      Animal ScienceSouth Asian StudiesAncient Indo-European LanguagesIndo-European Studies
Rajan Menon / A Research Study Paper / All Rights Reserved. First Draft - Raw Data Presentation -
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      GeneticsHuman GeneticsAncient Indo-European LanguagesSanskrit language and literature
The paper is dedicated to the so-called Aryan problem in contemporary science, i.e. the issue of the ancestral homeland of the ancient Aryans. Main hypotheses are introduced here.
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      Proto Indo-EuropeanIndo-AryanIndo-Aryan MigrationAryan Problem
In India the race discourse was distorted in the nineteenth century by pseudo-scientific anthropological classifications of Indian populations. Long lists of fictitious races filled academic publications -- and sometimes continue to be... more
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      Population GeneticsIndo-AryanIndo-Aryan Migration
The presence or absence of the horse in the Indus-Sarasvati civilization has long been a matter of debate, especially in the context of the Aryan invasion theory. The argument is familiar: the Rig-Veda uses the word ashva over 200 times,... more
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      Indo-AryanHorses in PrehistoryDomestication of the HorseIndo-Aryan Migration
Although there is some literature on compound and complex verbs (Boyé 1999, Pokharel 1999, Lohani 2003), as well as on finite verbs (Genetti 1999), no work has been done on three-argument verbs and the ways they code arguments in Nepali.... more
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      Indo-AryanSyntactic AlignmentIndo-EuropeanDitransitive Verbs
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsContact LinguisticsLexicology
Semenenko, Aleksandr Andreyevich. The absence of the sword from Rigveda and Atharvaveda and the problem of Indo-Aryans’ origin // Journal «Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research». — № 1(3). — 2019. — e-ISSN 2658-5561. — P.... more
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      Ancient HistoryPrehistoric ArchaeologyAncient Indo-European LanguagesAtharvaveda
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      PhilologyArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyLanguages and Linguistics
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      PhilologyReligionHinduismComparative Religion
An analysis of ditransitive and three-argument verbs of the Nepali language.
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      NepaliIndo-AryanIndo-EuropeanDitransitive Verbs
This translation strikes at the many misconceptions about Indra as well as Vrtra.
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During the Vedic Age in India, a group of people called the Aryans became a dominant culture if north India. These people spoke an early form of Sanskrit, “an Indo-European language closely related to Persian and more distantly related to... more
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      Indo-AryanIndo-Aryan MigrationAryan Culture
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Many languages within the northwestern region of Indo-Aryan display contrastive lexical tone. Most of these languages, and their tone systems, have not yet been extensively studied. I briefly survey these languages and propose an initial... more
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      PhonologySpeech ProsodyEndangered LanguagesPakistan
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      Indo-AryanMitanniBronze Age Central Asia
Agreement with both Agent and Object marking is a typologically less common feature of the languages of the world. It is rare in Indo-European/ Indo-Aryan languages. However, it is widespread in many Sino-Tibetan languages including... more
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      Indo-AryanIndo-EuropeanArdhamagadhiAgreement system
ÖZET Oluşturulduğu dönemde " Millî Tarih Tezi " olarak isimlendirilmiş olmasına rağmen, Türk Tarih Tezi'nin argümanlarının büyük bölümü Batılı kaynaklardan özellikle de dönemin etkin akımlarından olan Aryan teorilerinden derlenmiştir. XX.... more
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      Turkish HistoryIndo-Aryan
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      LanguagesAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryGenetics
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)ReflexivitySanskritVedic Sanskrit
This is a power point presentation done at the SI3 conference on December 23, 2017 challenging the assumptions and methodology of Iravatham Mahadevan's Indus decipherment. This dismantles the 'horse argument' of the Aryan Invasion Theory... more
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      Pali literature & languageTamil LiteratureIndo-Aryan LinguisticsIndo-Aryan
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      NagalandIndo-AryanLanguage contactClause Linkage
Семененко А.А.  Отсутствие меча в Ригведе и Атхарваведе и датировка Самхит // Научные ведомости Белгородского государственного университета. Серия: История. Политология. — 46 (2). — 2019. — С. 203–211.
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      Indo-european language reconstructionSouth Asian StudiesAncient Indo-European LanguagesAtharvaveda
El período histórico situado entre la así llamada “desaparición” de las culturas del Indo y la emergencia de la cultura védica es, indudablemente, uno de los más difíciles de interpretar, debido a la multiplicidad de restos arqueológicos... more
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    • Indo-Aryan
Semenenko А.А. Watery Humpback Cattle Pattern in Rigveda and Archaeology of the Ancient East // Актуальные проблемы аграрной науки, производства и образования: материалы VI международной научно-практической конференции молодых ученых и... more
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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyIndo-european language reconstruction
The article is based upon the thesis of the existence of intense relations between the Northern Black Sea and Macedonia towards the end of the 2nd and the beginning of the 1st millennium BC, confirmed with various traditions related to... more
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      Scythian archaeologyHistory of Ancient MacedoniaIndo-AryanPaeonia
Michaela Ofitsch, Chistian Zinko (eds.), 125 Jahre Indogermanistik in Graz. Arbeiten aus der Abteilung“Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft” Graz, Graz 2000: Leykam, 255-261.
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      Indo-european language reconstructionSanskrit language and literatureIndo-European StudiesSanskrit
Семененко А.А. О «нестандартных» ригведийских «колесницах» (ратхах) // Труды Маргианской археологической экспедиции. Том 7. Исследования Гонур-депе 2014-2015 гг. / Ред. Н.А. Дубова (отв. ред.), Е.В. Антонова, Р.Г. Мурадов, Р.М. Сатаев,... more
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      South Asian StudiesSouth AsiaSouth Asian HistoryVedic Sanskrit
Семененко А.А. О крепостях в Ригведе и Атхарваведе Шаунаки и (Пре)Хараппе и датировке Самхит // Проблемы гуманитарных и социальных наук. Научный журнал / ФГБОУ ВО «Воронежский государственный технический университет». — Выпуск № 2 (15). —... more
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      South Asian StudiesAtharvavedaIndo-European StudiesSouth Asian Archaeology