Infrastrutture Idriche
Recent papers in Infrastrutture Idriche
Os mosteiros e conventos da Idade Média e Moderna, para funcionarem em condições de higiene e salubridade adequadas, careciam de um hidrossistema sólido e tecnicamente eficiente, na forma e no traçado, desde a captação de águas, seu... more
The article describes the discovery of a singular octagonal hypogeum, found fortuitously during the paving of Piazza Papireto in the historic center of Palermo. The survey allowed us to determine the geometric characteristics, the type... more
Il presente lavoro intende offrire un commento sistematico alle principali questioni giuridiche affrontate dalle sentenze del T.a.r. per la Lombardia, sede di Milano, sez. II, 26 marzo 2014, nn. 779 e 780, aventi ad oggetto l’impugnazione... more
The works of water reception and drainage at Cala dell’Acqua (Bay of Water) on the island of Ponza were carried out ahead of the underground aqueduct which, crossing the island along the eastern coast, reached Santa Maria (Saint Mary) in... more
The archaeological research at Leopoli-Cencelle (Tarquinia, VT) has enabled the definition of the urban structure and the network of infrastructures. In particular, water infrastructures were investigated by recording their physical... more
Pisa is one of the cities most interested by investigations of urban archaeology and topography in Italy. One of its most studied areas is the district of Chinzica, South of the river Arno. This essay presents the data collected by the... more
La città contemporanea affronta dei problemi legati alla disintegrazione della sua struttura, e all’espansione urbana crescente. Questo fatto ha degli effetti negativi sui terreni agricoli e sul verde che sono una fonte di energia non... more