Inteligence,forensics,criminal Investigations
Recent papers in Inteligence,forensics,criminal Investigations
This article is aimed at providing a general overview on electronic criminal investigations in Italy. At first, the concept of electronic criminal investigations is defined, then the peculiarities of such investigations are analysed.... more
Suicide bomb explosions occurred during the period of LTTE terrorism in Sri Lanka, in which motor cycles had been used to pack the main explosive charge.
War Crimes
Ballistics, Detonation of High explosions used by terrorism
War Crimes
Ballistics, Detonation of High explosions used by terrorism
Obaveštajni rad je po definiciji suprotstavljen načelu javnosti i transparentnosti upravljanja u elementarno pravičnoj državi. Kada on dobije kriminalistička obeležja, to jest kada je usmeren prema sopstvenim građanima, „na unutra”, ka... more
They are the flagella that cannot prevent and stop worrying us. Are for the most accurate, take other preventive measures, if you have an structure enough Proactive Factorial and reactive Effective / professional of prevention, to... more
"The purpose of this paper is to comment on one of the developments arising from the 2011 summer riots in England, where a website was set up so that the public could identify those involved and report them to the Police. The use of... more