Japan and ASEAN
Recent papers in Japan and ASEAN
The conference explored ASEAN’s role as a critical actor in southeast Asia, and the nature of its contemporary relations with Japan. The overarching focus of the conference was on ASEAN’s unique institutional identity, its potential... more
Memasuki dekade kedua abad 21, perhatian Jepang terhadap politik internasional lebih berorientasi pada penguatan perannya sebagai aktor global dalam menciptakan stabilitas keamanan dan perdamaian dunia demi keberlangsungan pembangunan dan... more
This report focuses on the latent potential and essentials of impact investing. It is an emerging, innovative form of SDGs investment for realization of the SDGs in ASEAN. Impact investing is distinct in its intentionality in creating and... more
The Fukuda Doctrine has been heralded as “a major turning point” in Japan-ASEAN relations because it represented Japan’s shift away from an economically oriented Southeast Asian policy to a more politically oriented one. But if... more
This work is a collection of lectures by twelve ambassadors to Japan on Japan's perceived position and role in the international community, each followed by transcripts of discussions between the ambassadors and a group of predominantly... more
Presentation at the French ASEAN Business Forum (Forum 2014 des Conseillers du commerce extérieur)
Il Sud-Est asiatico è un'area geografica di grande importanza per il Giappone. Dal punto di vista economico, l' ASEAN è il principale partner commerciale di Tokyo dopo la Cina e gli Stati Uniti, nonché uno dei centri nevralgici delle... more
SUNSHOWER Exhibition catalogue: SUNSHOWER – Contemporary Art from Southeast Asia 1980s to Now, Date of Issue: August 9, 2017 >>Exhibition-catalogues are significant. However big the show, once taken down, it is primarily the catalogue,... more