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      Decision MakingMedical EthicsAdolescentHumans
Cardiac surgery in Jehovah's Witnesses may be challenging during the operation and postoperative period given their refusal of blood products. The aim of this study was to document our center's experience with Jehovah's... more
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      DemographyCardiothoracic SurgeryMedicineCardiac Surgery
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      ImmunologyAdolescentHumansJehovah´s Witnesses
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      Religion and medicineMedicineMaternal MortalityCaesarean Section
The question of whether clinical ethics consultants may engage in patient advocacy in the course of consultation has not been addressed, but it highlights for the field that consultants' allegiances, and the boundaries of appropriate... more
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      Applied EthicsReligion and medicineConflict of InterestAdolescent
The refusal of medical treatment is a recurrent topic in bioethical debates and Jehovah’s Witnesses often constitute an exemplary case in this regard. The refusal of a potentially life-saving blood transfusion is a controversial choice... more
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      BioethicsAutonomyGermanyJehovah´s Witnesses
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    • Jehovah´s Witnesses
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      Anthropology of BiomedicineDown SyndromeJehovah´s WitnessesAnthropology of Religion
Parole e pensieri di un Testimone di Geova qualunque.
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      Biblical StudiesGospelsBible TranslationsChristianity and Rome
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      HumansJehovah´s WitnessesBlood TransfusionMedicina Clinica
Over the past three decades more than 200 children have died in the U.S. of treatable illnesses as a result of their parents relying on spiritual healing rather than conventional medical treatment. Thirty-nine states have laws that... more
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      Applied EthicsHealth CareMedical EthicsHumans
This paper has long been in my mind and on my heart, and I was finally compelled to work on it and bring it to completion. The length of the work is largely due to the fact that: 1) The Godhood glory of our Lord has been demonstrated... more
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      TheologyTrinityTrinity (Theology)Jehovah´s Witnesses
Medical researchers must continue to develop and test non-blood oxygen-transport products. Resources provided by the Jehovah's Witness Hospital Assistance Line must be consulted. Sickle cell researchers must continue to test non-blood... more
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      ChristianitySickle Cell AnemiaMedical EthicsReligion and medicine
Dopo aver trascorso l’ultima cena con i suoi apostoli, Gesù si reca in un vicino giardino per pregare prima del suo arresto. Cosa ci insegnano le parole che pronunciò in preghiera?
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      Early ChristianityBiblical StudiesGospelsTrinity
Author has a goal both to defend Jehovah’s Witnesses against false accusations, and correct erroneous views of Watchtower organization’s members and sympathizers. Among other things he discusses such topics, as motives behind Witnesses’... more
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      Christian ApologeticsJehovah´s Witnesses
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      History of ReligionSoviet Union (History)UkraineJehovah´s Witnesses
Book review.
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      Sociology of ReligionSoviet HistoryHistory of ReligionReligious Studies
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      AlgorithmsNursingPrimary Health CareHumans
Interview given over WhatsApp (21/10 and 25/10 2021). This interview is circulated among my students as course material. An Italian translation is scheduled to be published in the Italian magazine L'Atea in 2022. The entire document (PDF)... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsAtheismScience and Religion
The article reconstructs and analyses the writings of author, ex-Jehovah's Witness (JW), and YouTuber Darek C. Barefoot. Barefoot wrote his first book in the early 1990s to explain how his attempt at demonstrating and denouncing the... more
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      New Religious MovementsTheologyConspiracy TheoriesNew Religions
That early Christians and Jews from the same period were not doing what many modern Christians are doing: They were not replacing the name Yahuah every time they saw it in a text or when praying, they were using it. This is consistent... more
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      New TestamentHebrew BibleBible TranslationBible Translations
A generation of Watchtower publishers waiting for year 1925 is almost extinct, but thousands of former and present Jehovah’s Witnesses who remember hopes connected with year 1975 are still alive. Although 40 years passed after that... more
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      Christian ApologeticsJehovah´s Witnesses
I quattro Vangeli fusi in un’unica narrazione della vita di Cristo in ordine cronologico.
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      GospelsBible TranslationsNew Testament Textual CriticismKingdom of God
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      Early ChristianityBiblical StudiesBook of GenesisGenesis 1-11
Come stanno le cose?
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      BeethovenUmberto EcoLudwig van BeethovenJehovah´s Witnesses
Una rispettosa novella fondata sulla verità delle cose e dei fatti.
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      Biblical StudiesAngelsBook of JobBook of Genesis
In 2006 Jehovah’s Witnesses organization published an eschatological tract The End of False Religion Is Near! It contains serious accusations against Christian churches and a prophecy that Babylon the Great of the book of Revelation, as... more
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      Christian ApologeticsJehovah´s WitnessesChristian Eschatology
La parola greca “Diatessaron” significa “attraverso i quattro” e fin dal II secolo fu utilizzata in relazione ai Vangeli. I quattro Vangeli (la parola “Vangelo” significa “buona notizia”) sono testimonianze complementari che si integrano... more
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      Early ChristianityBiblical StudiesGospelsBible Translations
This book is the journal of a Charismatic Christian Gentile Noachide journey from the title Lord to the name Yahuwah. His investigation began with a dream that sent him to Israel December 1998. In the dream he was told he would go to a... more
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      PhilologyNew TestamentHebrew BibleEschatology and Apocalypticism
Parole e pensieri di un Testimone di Geova qualunque.
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      Early ChristianityBiblical StudiesGospelsHistory Of The Bible/Biblical Canon
Gesù ci dice di essere Dio (il Creatore, l’Onnipotente, il Dio della Bibbia) oppure no?
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      Early ChristianityGospelsJehovah´s WitnessesDoctrine of the Trinity
The late Nelson Herle worked on this for many years including frequently providing updates. I am making this available to anyone who may benefit from it. The edition is 2003 Revised. (I did not have anything to do with this, except... more
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      History of ChristianityEarly ChristianityTrinityChristology
A volte anche Gesù Cristo provò forti emozioni che lo portarono a piangere. Abbiamo notizia di tre di questi momenti.
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      Early ChristianityBiblical StudiesGospelsTrinity
La parola greca “Diatessaron” significa “attraverso i quattro” e fin dal II secolo fu utilizzata in relazione ai Vangeli. Come indica il resto del titolo, “Le varianti testuali dei più antichi manoscritti dei Vangeli”, quest’opera è un... more
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      Early ChristianityBiblical StudiesBible TranslationManuscript Studies
I quattro Vangeli fusi in un’unica narrazione della vita di Cristo in ordine cronologico.
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      GospelsBible TranslationsNew Testament Textual CriticismKingdom of God
Raccolta di ritagli.
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      Early ChristianityBiblical StudiesGospelsSynoptic Gospels
This interview is circulated among my students as course material. An Italian translation is scheduled to be published in the Italian magazine L'Atea in 2022. The entire document (PDF) can be circulated freely; however, if you intend to... more
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      ChristianityNew Religious MovementsAtheismContemporary Christianity
Qual è la differenza tra i Testimoni di Geova e le altre religioni che si dicono cristiane? Ci hai mai pensato?
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      Biblical StudiesBible TranslationGospelsBible Translations
La parola greca “Diatessaron” significa “attraverso i quattro” e fin dal II secolo fu utilizzata in relazione ai Vangeli. Come indica il resto del titolo, “Le varianti testuali dei più antichi manoscritti dei Vangeli”, quest’opera è un... more
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      Textual CriticismEarly ChristianityBiblical StudiesBible Translation
A private ethnography of Jehovah's Witnesses
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      Sociology of ReligionTheologyJehovah´s WitnessesJehovah's Witnesses
Possiamo imparare molto dai saggi proverbi della Bibbia e da alcune delle preziose gemme che contengono: 1) “Il meglio” secondo i proverbi della Bibbia. 2) I paragoni nei proverbi della Bibbia. 3) I proverbi della Bibbia: Il valore del... more
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      Hebrew BibleEarly ChristianityBiblical StudiesBook of Psalms
Tramite le parabole di Gesù Cristo possiamo imparare molto sulla personalità di Dio. Esaminiamo sette delle parabole di Gesù in cui, tra i personaggi, è presente suo padre, Geova Dio.
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      Early ChristianityGospelsGospel of JohnGospel of Luke
Dai quattro Vangeli, ecco TUTTE le preghiere pronunciate da Gesù Cristo in ordine cronologico.
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      Early ChristianityBiblical StudiesBible TranslationGospels
Per rispondere a questa domanda esaminiamo tre aspetti basati sulle parole di Gesù stesso: 1) Cosa ci insegnano le parole di Gesù al Getsemani? 2) Gesù e Dio sono una sola persona? 3) Cose che Dio conosce e Gesù no, e cose che non... more
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      Early ChristianityBiblical StudiesGospelsBible Translations
La parola greca “Diatessaron” significa “attraverso i quattro” e fin dal II secolo fu utilizzata in relazione ai Vangeli. Come indica il resto del titolo, “Le varianti testuali dei più antichi manoscritti dei Vangeli”, quest’opera è un... more
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      Early ChristianityBiblical StudiesManuscript StudiesGospels
Ecco TUTTI gli episodi dei Vangeli dove Gesù Cristo interagisce con demòni, con indemoniati, oppure parla di loro.
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      Early ChristianityBiblical StudiesGospelsGospel of John
A maioria dos estudos religiosos em Portugal tem centralizado o seu enfoque na Igreja Católica e nas diversas denominações protestantes. Contudo, durante o período ditatorial que envolveu o país de 1926 a 1974, e especialmente desde 1961,... more
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      Portuguese HistoryPortuguese Contemporary HistoryMozambiqueReligious History
Parole e pensieri di un Testimone di Geova qualunque.
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      Biblical StudiesBible TranslationsBook of GenesisGenesis 1-11