KSE 100
Recent papers in KSE 100
Nhận Tổ Chức Lễ Ra Mắt Sản Phẩm Mới Theo Yêu Cầu Tổ Chức Lễ Ra Mắt Sản Phẩm Mới - Tổ chức lễ ra mắt giới thiệu sản phẩm nhằm để quảng bá cho khách hàng, đối tác biết về sản phẩm mới của công ty, cùng những lợi ích đi kèm. - Do vậy lễ... more
Rebung adalah tunas muda yang tumbuh dari akar bambu, berbentuk meruncing ke atas, bagian pangkalnya besar dan semakin keatas semakin kecil. Permukaan dikelilingi oleh daun-daun muda berbentuk segitiga dan bagian ujungnya meruncing... more
Soal pacaran zaman sekarang tampaknya menjadi gejolak umum dikalangan kaula muda.
salah satu penyebab dari tumor paru adalah merokok dan asap rokok.
Merumuskan pengertian agama bukan suatu perkara mudah, dan ketidak sanggupan manusia untuk mendefinisikan agama karena disebabkan oleh persoalan-persoalan yang berkaitan dengan kepentingan mutlak dan tidak dapat ditawar-tawar lagi, karena... more
Tidak peduli apa yang orang Amerika dibasahi di sekitar, Football (atau Sepakbola seperti mereka ingin menyebutnya), adalah olahraga terbesar di dunia. Selama ratusan negara-negara di seluruh dunia, sepak bola adalah olahraga terbesar... more
Semoga bermanfaat untuk temen-teman yang membutuhkan
pada umumnya berada di luar lingkaran konflik. Beberapa bulan terakhir ini (sejak tanggal 27 Desember 2008-20 Januari 2009), dunia internasional dikejutkan dengan adanya serang-an melalui pemboman lewat udara maupun darat yang dilakukan... more
Using two variants of panel data analysis, we attempt to find the determinants of capital structure of KSE listed none-financial firms for the period 1994-2002. Pooled regression analysis was applied with the... more
This study is conducted to investigate the long term and short term relationship between Risk and Expected Return using the Capital Asset Pricing Model in the cement industry of Pakisatn. Pakistan Stock Exchange Database, Business... more
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is one of the first asset pricing models to be applied in security valuation. It has had its share of criticism, both empirical and theoretical; however, with its intuitive appeal and simplicity, it has... more
The debate over ‘why capital and bond markets remain under-developed in Pakistan’ is more than two decades old. Several conceptual papers have highlighted causes responsible for the underdevelopment of these markets;... more
In this paper we have tested the weak-form of efficiency of Emerging South Asian Stock Markets i.e. Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) of Pakistan, Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) of India and Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) of Sri Lanka. Using 13... more
Tổ Chức Lễ Hội Halloween 1. Đôi Nét Về Tổ Chức Lễ Hội Halloween. - Lễ hội Halloween( lễ hội ma quỷ ) là lễ hội lớn trên thế giới có truyền thống từ thời cổ xưa được tổ chức vào ngày 31/10 hàng năm. - Trong những năm gần đây, bắt nhịp với... more
A brief review of measurement techniques and theoretical studies on the surface tensionalloyand mixture hasbeenpresented inthepresentstudy. Itisclearthat the experimental determination of thermodynamic and thermophysical properties of... more
This paper studies the impact of corporate ownership structure on firm performance. This paper tests whether policy intervention with respect to blockholding and higher managerial ownership is required in Pakistan. We hypothesize that... more
Despite of the extensive research being done in developed markets, the empirical studies on Pakistan's equity market are limited. The purpose of this study was to identify the determinants of earning yield and their impact on the... more
The main objective of this study is to assess the macroeconomic determinants of stock price variability in Pakistan. The quarterly data on macroeconomic variables (Gross Domestic Product, Foreign Direct Investment, Interest Rates,... more
Pembuat sandal berskala home industri yang memproduksi sandal jepit. Bahan sandal yang kami gunakan terbuat dari bahan spon eva super dan bahan spon eva biasa dan ada juga yang menggunakan bahan RUBBER atau karet. Bahan spon eva super... more
In this study causal relationship of interest rate and stock prices is investigated using a VAR-based granger causality test. The motivation for this study comes from erratic behavior of KSE-100 Index from 2007 to 2010 while State... more
Pakistan has the vast potential of renewable energy (RE) resources but still, rely on the pricy fossil fuel-based power generation. The developed nation work on the shifting of conventional resources based generation into renewable... more