Recent papers in Levees
This is an unpublished essay that I circulated privately in September 2005, several weeks after Hurricane Katrina struck the City of New Orleans. Having lived in the Big Easy while in college and having made it and its culture and its... more
In November 2004, a team from the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center conducted a ponding test on a reach of the Retamal levee in the Lower Rio Grande Valley to simulate performance of the levee during a flood event. The... more
WTI Stochastische OndergrondSchematisatie, hoe en waarom is het gemaakt?
A methodology to assess levee structural integrity using high resolution airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data is investigated for a 16 km reach of the Sacramento River within the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta... more
Application of the Slope Stability Probability Classification (SSPC) system is discussed and how to use the SSPC classification system for estimating the future degradation of rock masses due to weathering. Remote sensing terrestrially on... more
As part of a national study analyzing the relation between hydric soils and wetland vegetation, the vegetation associated with a series of known soils was sampled along the Connecticut River floodplain in Massachusetts. Weighted average... more
De ondergrond is een belangrijk onderdeel van een waterkering. Hij bepaalt voor een groot deel de kans op falen door de verschillende faalmechanismes. In de volgende toetsronde zal de ondergrond op een andere manier meegenomen worden dan... more
The article presents the trends in non-invasive monitoring of flood levees using a variety of photogrammetry and remote sensing technologies. Referring to those solutions of the SAFEDAM project is introduced in this article. The aim of... more
In 2009 tests have been performed at the Afsluitdijk, the closure dike of Lake IJssel in the Netherlands. This dike has a sand core covered by layers of clay and boulder clay, and a grass cover. In 2010 succeeding tests were performed at... more
Abstract : In June of 1981, Iroquois Research Institute performed a cultural resources survey of three Mississippi River Levee Setback and Borrow items in Plaquemines Parishes and St. Bernard Parishes, Louisiana. The project included a... more
Abstract : In September of 1980, Iroquois Research Institute conducted an archaeological survey of six revetment and levee items on the Mississippi River in Ascension, Jefferson, St. James, St. John the Baptist, and St. Charles Parishes,... more
L'obiettivo dello studio è la messa a punto di un metodo per il controllo del grado di compattazione e/o delle caratteristiche prestazionali di rilevati (manufatti) in terreni a grana fine. La metodologia proposta è da tempo... more
Flood Control 2015 is five years of innovation directly towards increased flood protection. The private sector, knowledge institutes and public users united their skill and expertise through an integrated effort to achieve a cohesive,... more