Linguistic Elicitation
Recent papers in Linguistic Elicitation
Dans ce cours nous allons recueillir et organiser des données d’une langue peu décrite (probablement une langue autochtone) et nous allons utiliser ces données pour préparer des résumés descriptifs de la langue, formuler et tester des... more
This paper discusses a series of so-called “elicitation” games that encourage children to talk in a situation that is as natural and relaxed as possible. Such games have played a central role in language teaching and speech therapy,... more
This chapter provides an overview of theoretical issues and core empirical findings in cross-linguistic research on the acquisition of syntax. Section 1 identifies key issues in syntax acquisition research: (i) the respective contribution... more
This paper argues for the integration of child language data into language documentations projects and shows the benefits that the documentation of child language can have for (i) acquisition researchers, (ii) descriptive, theoretical and... more
Teaching pragmatics and modality to beginners needs context to bring it to life: this paper presents insights drawn from consideration of obligatory evidential marking in Tibetan. Beginners trying to form their first sentences in spoken... more
There is a long tradition in oral language examinations of employing structured interviews with pre-scripted, fixed examiner contributions. This chapter examines an alternative format, the semi-structured interview, in which examiners... more
This paper presents a set of Case Elicitation Games and Stimuli (CEGS). The aim of this elicitation tool kit is to encourage speakers to produce a broad range of case-marked forms in a variety of different syntactic contexts, including... more
This chapter compares Hanks‟ (1990, 2005) „practice‟ approach to the demonstratives of Yucatec Maya based on the recording of spontaneously occurring interactions to the results obtained by the author with the elicitation questionnaire... more
Making students aware of their erroneous utterances effectively is a substantive issue in second language learning. Therefore, the present study set out with the aim of examining whether the corrective recasts could be more beneficial in... more
Traditional data collection methods in dialectology and variationist sociolinguistics have difficulty in gathering sufficient quantities of data from a sufficient range of localities to map variation and study patterns of historical... more
This paper assesses the semantics of two homophonous markers, -in- and =in in Isbukun Bunun (Formosan, Austronesian). While both markers are used to express some kind of anteriority reading, there is no consensus about their semantic... more
Laboratorio de Fonética Universidad del País Vasco. 2015. Esta es una colección de 6 vídeos tutoriales que pueden ser empleados como material educativo en los cursos de fonética en el ámbito universitario. Tratan principalmente del cómo... more
In this document we will describe a semiautomated process for creating elicitation corpora. An elicitation corpus is translated by a bilingual consultant in order to produce high quality word aligned sentence pairs. The corpus sentences... more
In this document we will describe a semi-automated process for creating elicitation corpora. An elicitation corpus is translated by a bilingual consultant in order to produce high quality word aligned sentence pairs. The corpus... more
We contrast elicitation and spontaneous speech data in French-speaking children with developmental language disorder and controls, with a focus on determiner phrase and gender agreement. Eight French-speaking children with developmental... more
La description de langues (ou de variétés de langues) peu étudiées et attestées essentiellement à l'oral pose de nombreux problèmes pratiques – et théoriques – au linguiste désireux d'entreprendre une telle tâche. Dans cet article, je... more