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      Power SystemsPower SystemSystem DesignCost Estimation
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      ImpedanceMathematical ModelLoad FlowPower flow
The paper describes the software system which supports the planning and operations functions in the electricity market environment. The system automates the management of the power system and electricity market data used in the decision... more
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      Power SystemDecision Support SystemsEnergy ManagementElectricity Market
This work presents a general and simple method to obtain a single multiphase equivalent pi-circuit, suitable for power flow studies that takes the coupling effects into account for any line transposition scheme. The resulting circuit,... more
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      Power SystemReactive PowerElectric UtilitiesVoltage
This paper proposes parallel algorithm of a general three-phase load flow calculation based on symmetrical components. The proposed algorithm comprises of two part i.e. sequence admittance matrix construction and sequence decoupled... more
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      Parallel AlgorithmsParallel ProgrammingIterative MethodsParallel Processing
Due to the important role that distribution systems play in quality of power delivered to the customers, there has always been a great deal of interest in investigating different methods of efficiency enhancement for these networks. Two... more
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      Particle Swarm OptimizationNetwork TopologyReconfigurationSwitches
The power flow is the fundamental tool for the study of power systems. The data for this problem are subject to uncertainty. This paper uses interval withmetic to solve the power flow problem. Interval arithmetic takes into consideration... more
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      Computer ScienceObject Oriented ProgrammingMonte Carlo SimulationMonte Carlo Simulations
This paper provides a new approach for modelling of distribution transformer in the forward/backward sweep-based algorithms for unbalanced distribution systems. For the transformer modelling symmetrical components theory is used and zero... more
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      Distributed SystemUPECPower flowLoad Flow Analysis
In developing country there is a perpetual growing demand for electricity with an efficient and reliable system of power supply. Power system is the most complex network with power generation, transmission and distribution system to... more
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      Distribution networkLoad Flow Analysis
Incorporation of HVDC transmission subsystems in AC transmission networks has been a major change in power transmission during the last few years. This change required modifications in the performance evaluation procedures notably for... more
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      Power system stabilityTransient Stability AnalysisHVDC Transmission LineLoad Flow Analysis
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      Computer SciencePower SystemsPower SystemDatabases
This study presents a forward/backward sweep (FBS) load flow method for AC autotransformer (AT)-fed electrical railway networks considering dynamic movement of trains. Field measurements of Tehran -Golshahr suburban railway are compared... more
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      EngineeringPower QualityPulse Width ModulationLoad Flow
In recent days, due to advancement in technology, the end users are facing severe power quality issues. Load flow analysis is one of the fundamental methodologies in solving power network problems. The key importance of load flow analysis... more
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      Power System StabilizerLoad Flow AnalysisAutomatic voltage regulator
This paper describes frequency-dependent characterization of multi-terminal decoupling capacitors 8, 14, and any arbitrary number of terminals) by using a full-wave tool developed at Intel. This tool can capture high frequency effects... more
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      ModelingHigh FrequencyFrequencyDigital Systems
An outline is presented of the development process of the intelligent load flow engine. Building the engine proceeds from simple to hard tasks by incrementally improving the organization and the representation of the knowledge base.... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceExpert SystemsPower Systems
... Reconfiguration: A Soft Computing Approach Sandeep Chakravorty Jaydeep Chakravorty Shweta Sarkar ... Goswami and Basu [2] have shown that it is inappropriate to represent initially the distribution network as a meshed network and open... more
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      Computer ScienceGenetic AlgorithmsSoft ComputingGenetic Algorithm
Electric vehicles are the demand of the current scenario to fight with the increasing levels of pollution. Electric vehicles operate by getting power from the battery which needs to be charged after a particular duration. Battery swapping... more
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      Particle Swarm OptimizationSolar Battery Charging StationLoad Flow Analysis
This work presents an approach aiming at inferring the operative configuration (OC) of distribution networks. In order to attain this objective, the OC problem is decomposed in two parts. In the first part, the available real-time data... more
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      Fuzzy LogicFuzzy SystemsState EstimationPES
Este trabalho consiste na modelagem e simulação de um aerogerador de pequeno porte interligado à rede elétrica de distribuição secundária, ou seja, conectado à rede de baixa tensão. O sistema implementado computacionalmente é constituído... more
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      Modeling and SimulationDistributed SystemFuel CellRenewable Energy Resource
In this paper, an improved power flow analysis algorithm for distributed generation (DG) units controlled with P/Q droop functions and virtual impedances in a low voltage (LV) microgrid is proposed. The proposed analysis provides in... more
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      Reactive PowerImpedanceLoad FlowLoad Flow Analysis
This paper describes predictive load balancing schemes designed for use with parallel adaptive finite element methods. We provide an overview of data structures suitable for distributed storage of finite element mesh data as well as... more
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      Computer ScienceFinite Element MethodsMesh adaptationFinite Element Analysis
... formulate the network reconfiguration problem for both loss reduction and load balancing as a multi-objective, non-differentiable optimization prol~- lem with both equality and inequality constraints. 'Ihv formulation is... more
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      MathematicsComputer ArchitectureDistributed SystemOptimization
The paper describes an algorithm for determining the line outage contingency of a line taking into account of line over load effect in remaining lines and subsequent tripping of over loaded line(s) leading to possible system split or... more
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      Power SystemVoltage StabilityLoad FlowElectrical And Electronic Engineering
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      Wind FarmLoad Flow Analysis
Network reconfiguration is a combinatorial optimization problem that can be used to reduce power losses in distribution systems while satisfying all operating constraints. Distribution systems are greatly impacted by the increasing... more
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      OptimizationReal Time SystemsLoad Flow Analysis
This study presents a forward/backward sweep (FBS) load flow method for AC autotransformer (AT)-fed electrical railway networks considering dynamic movement of trains. Field measurements of Tehran-Golshahr suburban railway are compared... more
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      Power QualityPulse Width ModulationLoad FlowStatic VAR Compensator (SVC)
Abstract—Energy power from renewable sources, especially wind turbine generators, are being considered as an important generation alternative in the electrical power systems around the world due to their non contaminant nature and low... more
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      Wind EnergyPower SystemVisual basicEnvironmental Effect
A study was conducted to improve the Iraqi National Control center by adapting the facilities of the agent technology and to obtain an automated control system for controlling and monitoring the electrical network. This study presents... more
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      MultidisciplinaryControl systemPower flowLoad Flow Analysis
Access to electric power is critical to societal welfare. In this paper, we analyze the interaction between a defender and a terrorist who threatens the operation of an electric power system. The defender wants to find a strategic defense... more
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      Game TheoryInteger ProgrammingTabu SearchDecision support system
The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has recently released the Technical Report IEC/TR 61000-3-13 for the assessment of voltage unbalance emission limits to individual customer installations connected to medium-voltage... more
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      Power SystemHigh VoltageTechnical ReportFlicker
for transformers and circuits, respectively, to zero). Although the masking is not completely eliminated, its effects are reduced. In summary, the new ranking algorithms does remarkably well and is superior to the old algorithm. The... more
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      Power SystemsStability AnalysisImpedanceVoltage
This paper describes frequency-dependent characterization of multi-terminal decoupling capacitors 8, 14, and any arbitrary number of terminals) by using a full-wave tool developed at Intel. This tool can capture high frequency effects... more
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      ModelingHigh FrequencyFrequencyDigital Systems
AC/DC is one of the most common power conversions in power electronics. DC loads should be fed with a stable and a tight regulated voltage. At the same time, the ac/dc converter should comply with low-frequency harmonic regulation. The... more
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      EngineeringPower ElectronicsLow FrequencyReactive Power
Power systems are continually experiencing fluctuations of small magnitudes. However, for assessing stability when subjected to a specified disturbance, it is usually valid to assume that the system is initially in a true steady-state... more
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      Load Flow AnalysisAC/DC Power System