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Convocation Address at Bethel University, August 29, 2016 about recent troubles in Minnesota, particularly the shooting of Philando Castille, and our responsibility as followers of the Gospel. There is an audio link also available. After... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican StudiesCriminal JusticePolice Science
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      TheologyHistorical TheologyPractical theologySystematic Theology
An excursus on the question of the authenticity of  the variant ἐλθέτω τὸ πνεῦμα σου τὸ ἅγιον ἐφʼ ἡμᾶς καὶ καθαρισάτω ἡμᾶς
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      New TestamentTextual CriticismThe Lord's PrayerLuke's Gospel
Only a select few scholars in the history of New Testament research have achieved the level of stature that Adolf Harnack enjoyed in the eyes of the academic guild of his day. Harnack's importance is often measured with regard to his... more
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      New TestamentBiblical StudiesSynoptic GospelsBiblical Interpretation
Le Prologue de l'Evangile de Luc est-il authentique ?
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      Luke-ActsGospel of Lukenarratology and exegesis of Luke-ActsLuke's Gospel
Miłość nawet nieprzyjaciół jest jedynym skutecznym sposobem przerwania spirali zła i nienawiści. Tego nas uczy Jezus i to jest znakiem rozpoznawczym chrześcijan.
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      BibleGospel of LukeBiblical StudyBible Commentary
This conference paper investigates the story of Jesus Christ as it is presented in Luke and Acts. It shows how Luke in his two volume work connects a specific interpretation of Jesus’ ministry with the mission of the early church,... more
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      Luke-ActsGospel of LukeLukan StudiesLuke's Gospel
The Hebraic Concept of Time is non-linear, made up of repeating types and patterns. As opposed to Western chronology, the Gospels are not written in chronological order, but were written to show how Jesus is the fulfillment of types... more
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      New TestamentTypologyGospelsSynoptic Gospels
I have been writing a commentary on Acts, a biblical book that provides more than enough insights by itself for this series on New Testament missiology. The line between writing a missiological commentary on Acts and developing Luke‟s... more
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      MissiologyMissiology and Mission TheologyMissiology (Religion)Pentecostal Theology
Author: Anna Beresford Publisher: CBE International In his response to a question posed by the Sadducees, Jesus said that those in the resurrection "neither marry nor are given in marriage." The reason women will not be "given in... more
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      TheologyNew TestamentGender EqualityEgalitarianism
Ostatnie godziny życia Jezusa to Jego duchowy testament. Tu każde słowo i gest mają szczególne znaczenie. Wszyscy Ewangeliści opisują ten czas, a w Ewangelii św. Łukasza, którą słyszymy w tym roku, jest coś szczególnego, czego nie ma w... more
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      BibleGospel of LukeTheology/Biblical StudiesPassion of Jesus
This conference paper investigates the story of Jesus Christ as it is presented in Luke and Acts. It shows how Luke in his two volume work connects a specific interpretation of Jesus’ ministry with the mission of the early church,... more
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      Luke-ActsGospel of Luketheology of LukeLuke's Gospel
The scandal of mercy Today's parable is the most moving passage in the Gospel. It reveals what the scandal of mercy is all about: "Why is God merciful to someone who does not deserve it?" (as Archbishop G. Ryś put it). In this parable we... more
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      Biblical StudiesSynoptic GospelsBibleGospel of Luke
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      Greek LiteraturePapyrologyGreek LanguageNew Testament
Three minute sermon delivered at Elim Baptist Church, Minneapolis, MN, on Good Friday, 14 April 2017.
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      ChristianityChristian EducationNew TestamentHistory of Christianity
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      Greek LiteraturePapyrologyGreek LanguageHermeneutics (Research Methodology)
Dzisiejsza przypowieść to jeden z najbardziej poruszających fragmentów Ewangelii. Ukazuje na czym polega skandal miłosierdzia: „Dlaczego Bóg jest miłosierny wobec kogoś, kto sobie na to nie zasłużył?” (jak to określił abp G. Ryś). W tej... more
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      Biblical StudiesSynoptic GospelsBibleGospel of Luke
Dzisiejsza Ewangelia to pożegnanie Jezusa z uczniami przed Jego wniebowstąpieniem. To pożegnanie jest jednak tylko pozorne. Uczniowie to rozumieją, bo reagują radością i uwielbieniem Boga. Jezus jest zawsze ze swoimi uczniami. Co więcej,... more
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      Biblical StudiesBiblical InterpretationBibleGospel of Luke
The episode of the trial of Jesus before Herod Antipas, being unique to Luke’s Gospel (23:6-12) – and despite the popular notion that it does not contribute to the development of the Lukan Passion Narrative – is nevertheless shown to... more
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      Historical JesusLuke-ActsGospel of LukeHerod The Great
Nawrócenie to jest być albo nie być dla człowieka. Pewnie każdy z nas myśli, że mamy jeszcze czas na nawrócenie. To jest jedna z najbardziej przebiegłych pokus. Jezus w Ewangelii mówi do kiedy można się nawrócić.
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      Biblical StudiesBibleGospel of LukeBible Study
Third-year Theology BA essay on the role of honour and shame in the passion narrative, looking predominantly at the gospel of Luke.
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      TheologyNew TestamentSystematic TheologyBiblical Theology
Dopiero wtedy zrozumiemy Jezusa, gdy czytamy Nowy Testament w świetle Starego Testamentu. Trafnie to wyraził św. Augustyn: „Nowy Testament jest ukryty w Starym, natomiast Stary znajduje wyjaśnienie w Nowym”. Przykładem tego jest... more
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      Biblical StudiesSynoptic GospelsBibleGospel of Luke
“When should the children’s education begin? When they are three years old or five or more?” a married couple asked an elderly priest who had worked with families for years. He replied: “Ideally, at least 20 years before birth. Parents... more
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      Biblical StudiesBibleGospel of LukeBible studies
Only when we read the New Testament in the light of the Old Testament do we understand Jesus. St. Augustine aptly indicated that “the New Testament is hidden in the Old, while the Old finds its explanation in the New.” Today's Gospel is... more
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      Biblical StudiesSynoptic GospelsBibleGospel of Luke
The description of the multiplication of bread is very touching. Those who have followed Jesus to the place of his prayer, in the wilderness, and have listened to Jesus' words all day, do not have to leave hungry in the evening. Jesus... more
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      Biblical StudiesSynoptic GospelsBibleCorpus Christi
In today’s Gospel, Jesus gives so much concrete advice and guidance to those who preach the Good News that it safely be called a manual, which applies to every single Christian.
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      Biblical StudiesGospel of LukeBible studiesBible Commentary
Today's Gospel is Jesus' farewell to his disciples before his ascension. This farewell, however, is only apparent. The disciples understood it, and they responded with joy and praise to God. Jesus is always with his disciples. Moreover,... more
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      Synoptic GospelsBibleGospel of LukeBible studies
Poruszający jest opis rozmnożenia chleba. Ci, którzy poszli za Jezusem na miejsce Jego modlitwy, na pustkowie i cały dzień słuchali słów Jezusa, wieczorem nie muszą odchodzić głodni. Jezus daje im wszystkim chleb i ryby. To jest cud, ale... more
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      Biblical StudiesCorpus ChristiGospel of LukeBible studies
This thesis argues that the presentation of the Roman military in Luke’s Gospel is highly surprising and hugely significant. In contrast to Matthew, Mark and John, Luke’s soldiers and centurions are presented in a positive light, which... more
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      Total InstitutionsMilitary chaplaincyLuke's Gospel
"Foxes have dens and birds of the sky have nests but the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head," Jesus says of himself. We find the answer to why this is so in today's Gospel.
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      Biblical StudiesSynoptic GospelsBibleGospel of Luke
Satan pretends to be “better than God,” shows himself to be a friend, and is a master of illusion. He is far more intelligent than man. So how do we respond to his temptations that have the appearance of good? Jesus gives us an example.
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      Biblical StudiesSynoptic GospelsBibleGospel of Luke
„Lisy mają nory i ptaki podniebne – gniazda, lecz Syn Człowieczy nie ma miejsca, gdzie by głowę mógł położyć” – mówi Jezus o sobie. Odpowiedź, dlaczego tak się dzieje jest m.in. w dzisiejszej Ewangelii.
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      Biblical StudiesSynoptic GospelsBibleGospel of Luke
W dzisiejszej Ewangelii Jezus daje tak wiele konkretnych rad i wskazówek dla tych, którzy głoszą Dobrą Nowinę, że można to nazwać podręcznikiem. Dotyczy to każdego chrześcijanina.
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      Biblical StudiesBibleGospel of LukeBible Commentary
The last hours of Jesus' life are his spiritual testament. All his words and gestures have a special meaning. All the Evangelists describe this moment, and in the Gospel of Luke, which we hear this year, there is something special that is... more
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      Biblical StudiesBibleGospel of LukePassion of Jesus
Szatan udaje „lepszego od Boga”, ukazuje się jako przyjaciel, jest mistrzem iluzji. Jest o wiele bardziej inteligentny od człowieka. Jak więc reagować na jego pokusy, które mają pozór dobra? Przykład daje Jezus.
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      Biblical StudiesSynoptic GospelsBibleGospel of Luke
A summary and critical analysis of Hans Conzelmann's life and contributions to the study of Luke-Acts. This chapter particularly focuses on Conzelmann's contributions in the areas of theology (Luke as a theologian) and methodology... more
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      Synoptic GospelsHistory of Biblical InterpretationLuke-ActsGospel of Luke
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      Luke-ActsGospel of LukeLuke's Gospel
This research was prepared in 2004 as part of doctoral work on Lukan Pneumatology
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      AngelologyPneumatologyLuke-ActsHoly Spirit
A review of A Gospel Synopsis of the Greek Text of Matthew, Mark and Luke: A Comparison of Codex Bezae and Codex Vaticanus. Edited by Jenny Read-Heimerdinger and Josep Rius-Camp, in collaboration with Enric Muñarch. Leiden: Brill, 2014.... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek HistoryPapyrologyGreek Language
An exegetical guide to the Greek text of Luke's Gospel aimed at students and Pastors (in the EGGNT series). www.amazon.com/Luke-Exegetical-Guide-Greek-Testament/dp/1433676176
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      Greek LanguageNew TestamentPreachingLuke-Acts
Matthew C. Williams' "Two Gospels from One: A Comprehensive Text-Critical Analysis of the Synoptic Gospels" promises more than it can deliver, misleads readers with its subtitle, and stymies rather than advances the agendas of... more
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      ChristianityGreek LiteratureTheologyGreek Language
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      TheologyNew TestamentSystematic TheologyNarrative
A digital copy of this review can also be found here: http://enochseminar.org/review/23031
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      New TestamentSecond Temple JudaismJewish - Christian RelationsEschatology
"The early papyri of Luke are remarkable for their diversity. Six pre-fourth century witnesses are extant. The content, date, provenance, textual relationships, and scribal habits of each vary from fragment to fragment. Their texts range... more
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      Greek LiteraturePapyrologyGreek LanguageHermeneutics (Research Methodology)
This is a joint meeting of the AAR, SBL, and ASOR academic societies. I presented my paper, "The 'Bad' Samaritan? A View of the Economics of Radical Generosity from Luke 10:25–37" in Session IV (Saturday March 04, 4:30-6:00pm) of the AAR... more
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      TheologyNew TestamentSystematic TheologyBiblical Studies
Roger Stronstad inaugurated what is currently known as the William W. Menzies Lectureship at Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, Baguio City, Philippines, in February, 1993. This volume includes the four major lectures that he gave,... more
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      ChristianityTheologyLuke-ActsCharismatic Christianity
The criminal in Luke 23:42 is the only person in the whole NT who addresses Jesus by his name “Jesus” alone, without any further specification. This literary hapax in Luke’s Gospel has been noticed by the exegetes, but a satisfactory... more
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      TypologyThe Book of JoshuaLuke's Gospel
Examining the biblical passages in Luke, there is clear evidence that there was no "inn."
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      ChristianityTheologyNew TestamentSystematic Theology