Recent papers in Marquetry
Le secrétaire à gradin (inv. V4081) conservé au musée du Louvre a fait l’objet d’une restauration en 2013 dans les ateliers du Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France (C2RMF), au pavillon de Flore. L’intervention... more
Conocemos por marquetería a la decoración efectuada encolando sobre la superficie de un mueble piezas de diferentes materiales y formas. En castellano se puede utilizar también el termino taracea como sinónimo de marquetería, su... more
This paper investigates the reception of public clocks in wooden marquetry panels, starting from the earliest representations of the late 15th century. Inlaid images of identifiable tower clocks part of urban views (mostly of Northern and... more
The Elector of Saxony’s wire drawing bench is an extremely complicated piece of art and technology which is relatively unknown outside France and Germany. It deserves to be more widely known not only amongst the general public, but also... more
The thesis deals with the work of a carpentry workshop at the Augustinian monastery in Brno, led by the lay brother Bernard Stöttner between 1737 and 1782. This carpenter contributed to the several construction projects, especially in... more
The marquetries that can be seen in the 17th century choir stalls of the church of San Bartolomeo in Bergamo date back to the beginning of sixteenth century and were made by the Dominican inlayer fra Damiano Zambelli. Originally they were... more
La restauration d’une oeuvre de mobilier offre l’opportunité de s’intéresser à la colle qui assure le maintien des différents éléments sur la structure en bois. Une nouvelle technique d’investigation des colles, jusque-là absente des... more
La réflexion sur le remplacement du traditionnel vernis à la gomme-laque par une autre couche de finition a débuté en 2002 au C2RMF. Elle avait pour but de mettre en évidence les éventuelles relations entre dégradation et composition du... more
in Writing Material Culture History, Giorgio Riello and Anne Gerritsen eds., London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015 Despite this volume addressing themes in material culture, the images are very poorly reproduced and are only in... more
La récente campagne de restauration, au sein des ateliers du C2RMF, d’un ensemble de meubles du musée du Louvre décorés de marqueterie Boulle a été l’occasion de s’intéresser aux pigments utilisés pour mettre en couleur les parties en... more
Lorenzo Lotto e l’intarsiatore fra Damiano Zambelli (1480 circa - 1549) ebbero modo di sperimentare a Bergamo una convivenza pluriennale, nei cantieri patrocinati dal capitano Alessandro Martinengo Colleoni per i Domenicani del convento... more
in Writing Material Culture History, Giorgio Riello and Anne Gerritsen eds., London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015 Despite this volume addressing themes in material culture, the images are very poorly reproduced and are only in... more
Close Document Image Close Document Printer Image Print This Document! Conservation Information Network (BCIN). Author: Rauch, Angelika; Kittlitz, Rose von Title Article/Chapter: "Brunnen am laufenden Band: Serienproduktion... more