Medieval Arcaheology
Recent papers in Medieval Arcaheology
Ely, Cambridgeshire, is known to tourists as an incredible city steeped in myth and legend and dominated by the Norman Cathedral, a masterpiece of medieval architecture. There have been many popular books written about the Isle, but in... more
The author presents a lot of 16 Wallachian coins issued during the reign of Mircea the Elder (1386-1418) and kept within the “Maria and Dr. George Severeanu” collection. One of these pieces is part of the great coin hoard discovered on... more
Convegno Internazionale di Studi - L'Italia Meridionale nel Medioevo. Un centro politico, culturale ed economico (Secoli V-XIII), Centro di Cultura e storia amalfitana, Amalfi Biblioteca Comunale Pietro Scoppetta, 9-11 dicembre, 2021.
Se presenta una síntesis de los datos recabados durante 15 campañas de excavaciones en Els Altimiris que permiten clasificar el yacimiento como un monasterio de montaña fundado hacia mediados del siglo V y con su momento álgido en los... more
Diretta streaming su Zona rossa web tv in occasione delle Giornate europee dell'Archeologia incentrata sui romanzi storci "Gli ultimi giorni del comandante Plinio" e "Nero saraceno"