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This article presents a summary of applications of chaos and fractals in robotics. Firstly, basic concepts of determin‐ istic chaos and fractals are discussed. Then, fundamental tools of chaos theory used for identifying and quantifying... more
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      Fractal GeometryMobile RoboticsMathematical BiologySwarm Intelligence
The present paper deals with the concept of new emerging technology called Claytronics. This paper explores the published articles that report on results from research conducted by the Intel and Carnegie Mellon University. Claytronics is... more
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      Modular RoboticsProgrammingClaytronics
High Speed, Modular and Reconfigurable Object Tracking Module: Cuboid Object Tracking Module COTM is an object tracking module that supports intuitive interfaces (like speech and sound based tracking), swarm planning and tracking (for... more
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      Transportation EngineeringRoboticsMachine LearningSignal Processing
Purpose – The Printable Modular Robot (PMR) is a highly customizable, modular, snake-like robot platform for research and education. The robot can be assembled and re-assembled on the fly and automatically detects changes in its topology... more
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      Modular RoboticsDistributed Embedded SystemsRapid PrototypingArduino
This work presents an integrated simulation system for development of modular robotic locomotion patterns. Using graphical configuration interfaces users can create robots, attach sensors, create and assign actuation algorithms, build an... more
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      Reinforcement LearningOptimization techniquesModeling and SimulationBio-Inspired Systems
Large facilities present with wide rage of tasks and modular robots present as a flexible robot solution. Some of the tasks to be performed in large facilities can vary from, achieving locomotion with different modular robot (M-Robot)... more
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      Modular RoboticsReconfigurable RobotModular robotsReconfigurable Robotics
The emergence of nano-electromagnetic communications ba- sed on graphene nano-antennas has opened new perspec- tives for communications between small things, referred as to the internet of micro-things or even as the... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsNanotechnologyModelling and Simulation of communication networksModular Robotics
This paper surveys modular robot systems, which consist of multiple modules and aim to create versatile, robust, and low cost systems. The modularity allows these robots to self-assemble, self-reconfigure, self-repair, and self-replicate.... more
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      RoboticsGenetic ProgrammingGenetic AlgorithmsModular Robotics
The proposed research effort explores the development of active cells—simple contractile electro-mechanical units that can be used as the material basis for larger articulable structures. Each cell, which might be considered a ‘muscle... more
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      RoboticsActive StructuresModular RoboticsShape Memory Alloys
Articulated caterpillar robot has various locomotion patterns-which make it adaptable to different tasks. Generally, the researchers have realized undulatory (transverse wave) and simple rolling locomotion. But many motion patterns are... more
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      Modeling and SimulationModular RoboticsSimulationSimulators
In this paper we present the development of a new self-reconfigurable robotic platform for performing on-line and on-board evolutionary experiments. The designed platform can work as an autonomous swarm robot and can undergo collective... more
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      Modular RoboticsEvolutionary Robotics
Self-reconfigurable modular robots have been studied worldwide mainly for autonomous exploration in unstructured environments. In previous studies, robotic modules were designed to be functional only as a part of an assembled structure,... more
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      Modular RoboticsReconfigurable Robot
In this paper a hardware and software architecture based on a modular approach for a reconfigurable mobile robot is developed with intended use as remote experiment. A Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) was chosen as control unit for... more
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      RoboticsFPGAModular Robotics
An impressive variety of systems have been designed with capabilities such as forming, growing, reconfiguring, repairing and replicating themselves, based on information coded in their components.
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      DesignBiomedical EngineeringTaxonomyNanobiotechnology
OMNIMO as a modular reconfigurable robot module which can navigate and perform some simple tasks, for complicated duties, proper robot type can be constructed by multiple homogeneous robot modules. It has five different active degrees of... more
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      Modular RoboticsReconfigurable Robot
Nanowireless electro-magnetic communication networks in the Terahertz band have raised interest in the networking community these very last years. However, if detailed studies have been published on analytical modelling of... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsWireless Sensor NetworksNanotechnologyWireless networks
ABSTRACT Nested reconfiguration is an emerging research area in modular robotics. Such a novel design concept utilizes individual robots with distinctive reconfiguration characteristics (intra-reconfigurability) capable of combining with... more
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      Computational GeometryMorphologyModular RoboticsMobile Robots
We consider the modular principle for the construction of functional units of mobile robots. The main ideas of this concept and the general structure of the heterogeneous robot are presented. Basic functions of the robot are used to... more
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      Mobile RoboticsModular RoboticsControl Systems
Wearing the playware them into a real-world/real-body context through the use of multiple sensors which detect posture, gesture, physical and body parameters, location, proximity, direction, etc.
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      ArtModular RoboticsWearableInput Output
This paper introduces ModGrasp, an open-source virtual and physical rapid-prototyping framework that allows for the design, simulation and control of low-cost sensorised modular hands. By combining the rapid-prototyping approach with the... more
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      Modular RoboticsGrasping
A bio-inspired mechanism to optimize infor- mation foraging in modular robotics is presented. In this context, information exchange between robotic modules are performed through intercommunication of neighbour- ing robotic modules with... more
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      RoboticsNetworkingModular RoboticsBioinspired Robotics
The main objective of the proposed research work is to establish communication between different modules in modular robots. In this paper, a 7 module modular robot system capable of achieving both local and global communication is... more
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      Modular RoboticsInternational and Global Strategic Communication, Global Media and Public Relations Ethics, and Public Affairs and Issues Management in Countries with Transitional EconomiesGlobal communicationLocal communication
A controller of biological or artificial organism (e.g. in bio-inspired cellular robots) consists of a number of processes that drive its dynamics. For a system of processes to perform as a successful controller, different properties can... more
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      Cognitive ScienceAlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceEvolutionary Computation
This paper describes the design and development of a modular soft manipulator for minimally invasive surgery, which equals the high dexterity of classic hyper redundant continuum, but rigid, robots resulting in safer potential interaction... more
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      Wireless Sensor NetworksModular RoboticsMedical RoboticsSurgical Robotics
This paper introduces a new modular approach to robotic grasping that allows for finding a trade off between a simple gripper and more complex human like manipulators. The modular approach to robotic grasping aims to understand human... more
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      RoboticsModular RoboticsGrasping
In this paper we present the development of a new self-reconfigurable robotic platform for performing on-line and on-board evolutionary experiments. The designed platform can work as an autonomous swarm robot and can undergo collective... more
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      RoboticsComputer SciencePower ManagementModular Robotics
In an attempt to solve the problem of finding a set of multiple unique modular robotic designs that can be constructed using a given repertoire of modules to perform a specific task, a novel synthesis framework is introduced based on... more
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    • Modular Robotics
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      Cognitive ScienceModular RoboticsEnvironmental ChangeAdvanced Robotics
Self-Reconfigurable Robots have shown great versatility and promise for building dynamic and self-adapting structures of modular robots. Unfortunately, the structural requirements for building structurally-sound robotic structures of... more
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      Modular RoboticsSelf reconfigurationSelf-Reconfigurable Robots
Homogeneity and heterogeneity represent a well-known trade-off in the design of modular robot systems. This work addresses the heterogeneity concept, its rationales, design choices and performance evaluation. We introduce challenges for... more
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      Modular RoboticsPerformance EvaluationSoftware DesignReconfigurable Robot
This paper introduces a new modular approach to robotic grasping that allows for finding a trade off between a simple gripper and more complex human like manipulators. The modular approach to robotic grasping aims to understand human... more
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      RoboticsModular RoboticsGrasping
— A novel compliant robot is proposed for traversing on unstructured terrains. The robot has a set of modules where each module contains a trunk or link and an active wheel-pair, and it is connected to the adjacent module using a passive... more
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      RoboticsMechanism DesignModular Robotics
A bio-inspired mechanism to optimize infor- mation foraging in modular robotics is presented. In this context, information exchange between robotic modules are performed through intercommunication of neighbour- ing robotic modules with... more
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      RoboticsSynchronizationNetworkingModular Robotics
Like cellular systems-Modular Self-Reconfigurable Robots (MSRR)-accomplish certain tasks through coordination of numerous independent modules. At the center of Cellular Automation (CA) is the sliding cube model (SCM) that is a mainstay... more
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    • Modular Robotics
Self-reconfigurable modular robots have been studied worldwide mainly for autonomous exploration in unstructured environments. In previous studies, robotic modules were designed to be functional only as a part of an assembled structure,... more
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      Modular RoboticsReconfigurable Robot
The mechanical design of a novel robotic module for a self-reconfigurable modular robotic system is presented in this paper. The robotic module, named Scout robot, was designed to serve both as a fully sensorized autonomous... more
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      Modular RoboticsSwarm Robotics,Industrial Robotics, Mobile Robotics,Bionics, Assistive Robotics, Automation, Machine vision, Artificial Intelligence, PLC, Control SystemsReconfigurable Robot
During the last decade, the main challenge for autonomous robots was the ability to adapt adequately to continuously changing environments, or to the ones with uncertain/not com-plete information. Different from traditional robotics, with... more
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      RoboticsAutonomous RoboticsMechatronics & RoboticsModular Robotics
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceModular RoboticsLife Cycle
In the domain of modular self-reconfigurable robotic systems, self-reconfiguration is known to be a highly challenging task. This article presents a novel algorithm for distributed self-reconfiguration by combining cellular automata and... more
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      RoboticsPlant BiologyModular RoboticsEmbedded and Reconfigurable Systems
In this paper we present the development of a new self-reconfigurable robotic platform for performing on-line and on-board evolutionary experiments. The designed platform can work as an autonomous swarm robot and can undergo collective... more
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      RoboticsPower ManagementModular RoboticsEvolutionary Robotics
This paper presents a novel mechanism to implement caterpillar-like locomotion. First, the caterpillar-like locomotive pattern in nature is investigated and analyzed systematically. From a biological point of view, caterpillar locomotion... more
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      Modular RoboticsMobile RobotsRobot kinematicsOscillations
This paper presents a novel mechanism to implement caterpillar-like locomotion. First, the caterpillar-like locomotive pattern in nature is investigated and analyzed systematically. From a biological point of view, caterpillar locomotion... more
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      Modular RoboticsMobile RobotsRobot kinematicsOscillations
The mechanical design of a novel robotic module for a self-reconfigurable modular robotic system is presented in this paper. The robotic module, named Scout robot, was designed to serve both as a fully sensorized autonomous miniaturized... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringModular RoboticsManufacturing EngineeringReconfigurable Robot
cle represent a first step in our research towards autonomous aggregation and coordination of robots to higher-level, modular robotic organisms that consist of several joined autonomous robotic units. In the end we plan to achieve such... more
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      Cognitive ScienceCyberneticsSystem DynamicsSensitivity Analysis
The HYDRA work provides insight into the exploitation of holistic behavioural and morphological adaptation in the design of new artefacts. The potential of the new design principle has been exemplified through the construction of robotic... more
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      MorphologyCell BiologyModular RoboticsNeural Network
In this work, the open-source plugin OpenMRH is presented for the Open Robotics Automation Virtual Environment (OpenRAVE), a simulation environment for testing, developing and deploying motion planning algorithms. The proposed plugin... more
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      RoboticsModular RoboticsGraspingRobotic Grasping
The object-oriented (OO) paradigm is a wel-lknown model that is used widely in the fields of both artificial intelligence (AI) and software engineering. OO models have been shown to be very powerful tools for dealing with complex human... more
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      Educational TechnologyComputer Science EducationEducation Innovation and VenturesE-learning
The mechanical design of a novel robotic module for a self-reconfigurable modular robotic system is presented in this paper. The robotic module, named Scout robot, was designed to serve both as a fully sensorized autonomous miniaturized... more
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      Modular RoboticsReconfigurable Robot
The HYDRA work provides insight into the exploitation of holistic behavioural and morphological adaptation in the design of new artefacts. The potential of the new design principle has been exemplified through the construction of robotic... more
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      Modular RoboticsMulti Robot SystemsMultirobot systems