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Komputasi awan merupakan teknologi yang menggunakan jaringan sebagai media komunikasi antar komponen satu dengan komponen yang lainnya. Komputasi awan dapat menekan pengeluaran sebuah perusahaan dari proses pengadaan, perawatan, dan... more
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      Multi-reference Coupled Cluster TheoryCloud ComputingICT policy and regulation
CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the work presented in this thesis entitled, Linear response approach to Fock-space multi-reference coupled cluster submitted by Arijit Bag, for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, was carried out by the... more
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      Multi-reference Coupled Cluster TheoryMolecular Property
Profiling a potential energy surface (PES), all the way to dissociate a molecular state into particular fragments and to display real or avoided crossings,requires a multireference description and themaintenance of size-consistency. The... more
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      Quantum ChemistryMulti-reference Coupled Cluster TheoryCoupled Cluster TheoryComputational Quantum Chemistry
Resolution of Identity and Cholesky Decomposition Based Implementation of EOMMP2 approximation. The RI and CD based EOM-MP2 shows significant speed-up and less storage requirement than the conventional canonical version and can be applied... more
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      Multi-reference Coupled Cluster TheoryComputational Quantum ChemistryCholesky Decomposition
We present here the formulations and implementations of Mukherjee's State-Specific and State-Universal Multi-reference Coupled Cluster theories, which are explicitly spin free being obtained via the Unitary Group Adapted (UGA) approach,... more
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      Multi-reference Coupled Cluster TheoryCoupled Cluster Theory
The traditional state universal multi-reference coupled cluster (SUMRCC) theory uses the Jeziorski- Monkhorst (JM) based Ansatz of the wave operator:  =μμ|φμφμ|, where μ =exp(Tμ) is the cluster representation of the component of ... more
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      Multi-reference Coupled Cluster TheoryCoupled Cluster Theory