Natural Building, Permaculture
Recent papers in Natural Building, Permaculture
Satın almak için ( adresini ziyaret edebilir ya da adresine yazabilirsiniz! Fiyatı 23 TL DÖRDÜNCÜ BASKI İÇİN ÖNSÖZ Sevgili Okurlar, Birinci baskısı üç yıl önce yapılan “Börtü Böcek... more
Facilitating a hands-on earth oven course is a beautiful way to connect people and create community. I hope this manual will help you with all of the logistics of running your own successful oven course. The first section of this book is... more
Se presenta el plan de manejo ambientalmente amigable, de la Unidad de Manejo Ambiental El Tepez. Es un programa integral, para las 42 hectáreas (420,000 metros cuadrados) de gran diversidad biótica, cuyo centro es un zoocriadero de... more
Şehir permakültürü şehirde bahçecilik yapmaktan fazlasıdır. Şehir permakültürü bahçede öğrendiklerimizi alır ve bunu çok daha geniş bir insan deneyimine uygular. Bu sayede yalnızca bitki bahçeciliği değil; insan, mahalle ve hatta kültür... more
This book explains everything about what one would need to know to set up an eco-friendly garden and maintain to replenish the cycle of organic life.
The report is not a plea for stand-alone greywater management systems for all situations and at all costs but aims at providing a comprehensive description of the main components for successful greywater management. Recommendations are... more
In recent decades the Earth has entered a period of challenges. Uncontrolled modernity and technological development has brought about numerous issues. Anthropogenic climate change, war, poverty, famine, pollution of food, air and water,... more
The Transition Movement is based on the premise that the dual threats of Peak Oil and anthropogenic climate change require humans to rethink and redesign how they live, with the focus becoming the creation of resilient, sustainable... more
Thesis for a Candidate of Science degree (PhD) of Architecture in speciality 18.00.02 – Architecture of buildings and structures. – Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Kyiv, 2019. The dissertation is devoted to the... more
Raccolta dei post relativi alle rispote date ai quesiti più usuali sull'utilizzo della terra di risulta dagli scavi per la tealizzazioni di intonaci in terra cruda.
Este trabajo se realizó con el fin de comparar el sistema de labranza Keyline con el convencional y proponerlo para el manejo adecuado de suelos oxisoles, ya que responde a los problemas de orden físico, químico y biológico planteados por... more