Nile Basin
Recent papers in Nile Basin
This article analyzes Egypt’s legal position vis-à-vis the Nile Basin Agreement, which went into force in 2011. Egypt’s position on the Nile Basin Agreement is at a legal crossroads. It steadfastly refuses to sign the Agreement, which... more
The Nile was considered to be the highway for trade and population movements since the early days of Egyptian civilisation. During the riverine transportations history of Egypt, a large number of boat types have been used. From the early... more
At Bîr Tirfawi and Bîr Sahara in the now hyperarid Egyptian Sahara, relict lake deposits located in adjacent deflation basins near 22 54 0 57.58 00 N 28 50 0 19.54 00 E preserve evidence of different hydroclimate conditions that enabled... more
The competing needs and prejudicial consequences entailed by a unilateral exploitation of shared waters have created technical and juridical problems. Thus, the search for plausible criteria for defining the water right of states has... more
In this research paper, the flow characteristics downstream the radial gate of the New Naga Hammadi Barrages physical model were investigated. These characteristics include the main parameters of the submerged hydraulic jump, the vertical... more
In this research paper, the flow characteristics downstream the radial gate of the New Naga Hammadi Barrages physical model were investigated. These characteristics include the main parameters of the submerged hydraulic jump, the vertical... more
Das Säbelrasseln Ägyptens in der Nilwasserfrage stößt an seine Grenzen, meint Tobias von Lossow. Da die Notwendigkeit zu kooperieren stetig zunimmt, müssen Ägypten und Äthiopien ihre politischen Absichtserklärungen endlich glaubhaft mit... more
The Nile (i.e. The Ethiopian Blue Nile) is the longest stream on earth flows a distance of 1,529 km from its source, conceived out of Ethiopian Lake Tana highlands a spring called Gish Abay in Ethiopia and spill into the Egypt... more
Historically the Nile constituted the major source of life for million of inhabitants within its basin. Its basin has been the cradle of ancient and prosperous civilizations. The Nile basin is rich in natural tangible and intangible... more
Trends in rainfall at 39 locations of the Nile River Basin (NRB) in Africa were analyzed. Comparison was made between rainfall trend results from the long-term data and those of short-term series selected over different time periods. The... more