North Aegean Islands
Recent papers in North Aegean Islands
Η γεωγραφική θέση των νησιών του βορειο-ανατολικού Αιγαίου, μεταξύ Ευρώπης και Ασίας, αναμφισβήτητα παρέχει μια προφανή εξήγηση για τις επιρροές από και προς τους γειτονικούς πολιτισμούς, όπως και για τον σχηματισμό μιας αυτόχθονης αλλά... more
This chapter deals with the cultural and social history of an area encompassing ancient Epirus, Illyria, Macedonia, and Thrace. In the past, these historical landscapes were usually perceived as cultural or ethnic entities, and were used... more
The cavalry formed a large part of the Odrysian army and this article describes their tactics, weapons, apparel, armour, and equipment, based on the latest archaeological discoveries. It is fully illustrated, including (for the first... more
SOMMARIO D. Mustilli, La necropoli tirrenica di Efestia (tav. I-XIX) Introduzione Le esplorazioni sull'isola di Lemno Parte I La necropoli tirrenica di Efestia Descrizione delle tombe Parte II Cap. I Ceramica di... more
Mosaico da Ammaedara (II-III sec. d.C.)
English translation of the paper: Χρ. Ρωμάνου, Η ανασκαφή τμήματος του οικισμού στην περιοχή της Νότιας Οχύρωσης, με χαρακτηριστικά εργαστηριακής και αποθηκευτικής χρήσης. Οι τετράπλευρες κατασκευές- «πλυντήρια», in Λ. Παρλαμά – Μ.... more
GLI AtEnIESI SuLL'ISOLA dI IMBRO Il presente contributo si propone di offrire uno sguardo d'insieme sui reperti archeologici pertinenti all'insediamento ateniese dell'isola di Imbro, soprattutto in relazione al materiale del periodo... more
Ο πρώτος τόμος της σειράς «Αρχαιολογία» αποτελεί μια επισκόπηση της αρχαιολογικής δραστηριότητας στα νησιά του Αιγαίου από τον 19ο αιώνα έως σήμερα, με έμφαση στις σημαντικότερες έρευνες που έχουν γίνει τα τελευταία είκοσι χρόνια. Τα... more
Résumé Quoique la recherche archéologique des dernières décennies dans la région d’Eressos ait prouvé que l’occupation de la campagne commence déjà au Bronze Ancien, il n’existait pas de trouvailles provenant de la cité antique qui... more
Ancient authors report several populations as inhabiting Lemnos over time: Sinties agriophonoi and mixhellenes, Minyans, descending from the Argonauts, Pelasgians-Tyrrenians, who expelled the Minians and inhabited the island until the... more
Osmanlı Devleti’nin Adalar Denizi’nde hâkim olma stratejisi, 16. yüzyılın sonlarına gelindiğinde büyük ölçüde tamamlanmış durumdaydı. Osmanlı sınırlarına katılan adalar bölgesinde ilk egemenlik paylaşımı, Yunanistan’ın 1830 yılında... more
Recent archaeological surveys in 2009 and 2010 at Bozköy-Hanaytepe in the Troad have recovered material very similar to the Early Bronze Age levels of Troy. Bozköy-Hanaytepe located 13 km south of Troy, is about 110 m in diameter and... more
The article is dedicated to isolated fragments of painted Late Geometric and Archaic vases, discovered in the valley of the middle reaches of Maritsa (Hebros) and Tundzha (Tonzos) rivers. In result of the Neutron Activation Analysis,... more
El origen de los Ilicitanos (Elche - Elx) es un extracto del libro Karuo el secreto ibero, poe el cual Enrique Cabrejas o Enric Cabrejas nos relata de modo llano su experiencia personal con lo extraordinario de un descubrimiento. El 21 de... more
nel 2005; tali indagini sono proseguite grazie ad un assegno di ricerca ottenuto, presso la stessa istituzione, nell'ambito di un progetto Prin 2007, coordinato dal prof. E. Greco, avente come titolo 'Atene e le cleruchie ateniesi: il... more
In 2018 the Italian Archaeological School at Athens resumed the study of the archaic sanctuary on the acropolis of He- phaestia (Lemnos) where work was carried out during the twentieth centur. A building containing a rich votive deposit,... more
English translation of the paper: Χρ. Ρωμάνου, Η οχύρωση του Παλαμαρίου, in Λ. Παρλαμά – Μ. Θεοχάρη – Χ. Ρωμάνου – Στ. Μπονάτσος (επιμ.), «Ο οχυρωμένος προϊστορικός οικισμός στο Παλαμάρι Σκύρου. Διεπιστημονική Συνάντηση για το Έργο... more
On sekizinci yüzyılın sonlarında, on dokuzuncu yüzyılın başında, Aydınlanma Çağı’nın ve Fransız Devrimi’nin etkisiyle çok etnisiteli ve dinli imparatorluklarda çeşitli cemaatler, etnik, din ve dil birliği olan bağımsız devletlerini inşa... more
In the historiography of the 1821 Revolution there are but very few and brief accounts of the revolt of the inhabitants of Samothraki and its bloodstained repression. Despite its particular character as an early rebellion of a small... more
Based on the grey pottery from the site of Halka Bunar, municipality Bratya Daskalovi in the south-eastern Bulgaria, the present paper intends a general overview of this class of pottery in inner Thrace, known already since the Archaic... more
In this master's thesis in the field of Political Geography, I clarify how the rightlessness of refugees in Lesvos (e.g., those staying in Moria Camp) is linked to the impossibility of determining who is accountable for the daily... more
Surface and sub-surface research on rock-cut features and related mobile finds at Kastro, a hilly peninsula that delimits the present main port of Myrina (Lemnos Island, North Aegean Sea), has revealed vestiges dating from various phases,... more
In this paper two archaic terracotta fragments from Hephaistia (Lemnos) are presented: a part of the right arm of a draped statue of true size, decorated with a painted meander, from the area of the Isthmus; a female head, probably from a... more
During 2019 the excavation of the 8th-6th cent. B.C. "Edificio con stipe" (Building with votive deposit) at Hephaestia was completed. On the lower level, rooms D7, E, F and G were brought to light. Like those excavated last year (D1-6),... more
Islands are bodies of land surrounded by water; albeit well connected via the waves of ocean, movements of people and flows of technology. Smallness is both aesthetically pleasing and intensely practical. There are increasing challenges... more