Recent papers in Humanitarianism
Programme and participants for the Dún Laoghaire Roger Casement Summer School 2022
The contemporary notion of global citizenship, in its contested and multiple manifestations, has developed out of the idea of cosmopolitanism, which dates back to the Stoics, and more recent formulations of world citizenship and the ideal... more
Sous la direction de Michel Agier, avec la collaboration de Clara Lecadet et les contributions de Hala Caroline Abou Zaki Marc Bernardot Tristan Bruslé Pierre Centlivres Olivier Clochard Alice Corbet Kamel Doraï Jean-Louis Edogué Agnès de... more
Disability studies scholars and activists have long criticized and critiqued so-termed ‘charitable’ approaches to disability where the capitalization of individual disabled bodies to invoke pity are historically, socially, and politically... more
The story of the modern feminist and humanitarian is a relatively short one, at least according to popular knowledge. The timeline tends to begin in 1948, with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Then come moments in the 1960s and... more
Introduction to Allegra themed section on vernacular humanitarianism
Today, Africa is in the grip of an unprecedented crisis, heightened by the inability of homegrown African organisations to engage readily in the search for solutions to the continent's problems. Across the continent, people are forcibly... more
Entretien entre Francesco Zucconi, spécialiste du cinéma et de la culture visuelle contemporaine, et Giovanni Careri, historien et théoricien de l’art, directeur du Centre d’Histoire et de Théorie des Arts de l’EHESS
This guidance is intended for Volunteer and Technical Communities (V&TCs) and tech groups that have a desire to collaborate with Formal Humanitarian Organizations. We hope that it best fits the needs of V&TCs and tech groups that... more
This article uses the example of the Mogadishu International Airport zone and takes a spatio-temporal lens to explore how (sovereign) power unfolds in international interventions that aim at building a sovereign state. I show that the... more
This baseline builds on the previous localisation baselining work in Vanuatu. The international humanitarian sector is currently developing ways to measure progress on localisation following the commitments made at the World Humanitarian... more
This is a paper about the role of religion in the practice of humanitarian/devel- opment work, and the role of humanitarian/development work in the practice of religion. It contends that these are overlapping and indeed mutually... more
A Reader in Medical Anthropology: Theoretical Trajectories, Emergent Realities brings together articles from the key theoretical approaches in the field of medical anthropology as well as related science and technology studies. The... more
The informal refugee camp in Calais, dubbed the ‘new Jungle’, reached an approximate population of ten thousand people in 2016. The settlement, despite these high numbers, did not receive aid from the French government or international... more
This workshop has two aims: first, to bring considerations of gender into international history; second, to reconceptualise international Jewish history as having a gendered dimension. This focus on the experience of a particular group of... more
The important questions in politics are of probability, not possibility. What would the plausible and probable consequences of a particular intervention have been? What would have had to differ in order for successful intervention to... more
This article takes a close and critical look at the question of "how can we help refugees from war-torn countries," frequently asked by Westerners.
Nonstate transnational actors have long played a central role in Sahelian economic structures and geopolitical arrangements because of their capacity to constitute sources of authority and sustenance outside and across state structures.... more
This issue of Limn examines the recent profusion of micro-technologies in the worlds of humanitarianism and development, some focused on fostering forms of social improvement, others claiming to alleviate suffering, and many seeking to... more
PENULIS: LINDA CHRISTANTY Film " Playing Between Elephants " Seekor Pelanduk di antara Gajah Di aula itu berkumpul banyak orang. Geuchik atau kepala desa menyampaikan laporan penggunaan uang. Dari penjelasan geuchik, semua orang jadi... more
Women are under-represented in leadership globally and across sectors. In 2016 in Australia one quarter of organisations reported that they still have no women (none!) in key management positions. Analysis of gender equality in the... more
U.S. humanitarian activity in Jerusalem, and Palestine as a whole, from the early nineteenth century onward challenges the traditional view that the United States played a relatively marginal role in the region until the end of World War... more
Women on all sides of the US war in Vietnam pushed for an end to the conflict. At a time of renewed feminist fervor, women stepped outside conventional gender roles by publicly speaking out, traveling to a war zone, and entering the... more
East Africa and Pakistan are currently suffering from the worst invasion of desert locusts in decades. Threatening agricultural production in East Africa, the assault increases the danger of famine in a region where 19 million people... more
This guide concentrates on Sphere’s four technical chapters covering water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH); Food security and nutrition; Shelter and settlement; and Health. Additional tools and approaches for urban... more
Grassroots refugee hospitality is an innovative, if still little investigated field of practices, which illuminates and reshapes the native/immigrant divide. It also sheds light on ‘domestic humanitarianism’, as a range of everyday modes... more
Literature classrooms hold great potential to educate students for critical global citizenship through serious engagement with marginalized stories that test or subvert mainstream knowledges and structures, including the familiar... more