African Politics
Recent papers in African Politics
Ethnic identity is often cited as an important variable explaining voter choices in Africa. Ethiopia, since 1994, has adopted an ethnically-based federal system, which makes it an interesting test case of the importance of ethnicity in... more
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Jo-Ansie van Wyk
Follow the African First Ladies Database (AFLD) Project on twitter: @FirstDatabase
Thank you and kind regards
Jo-Ansie van Wyk
Nigerian Political Leaders is a collection of comprehensive and well-researched essays on selected political leaders, both civilian and military written by notable scholars. While many leaders have ruled Nigeria since 1960, not all have... more
The following text is a response sent to an email dispatched to me by the Chairman of the exiled Oromo Parliamentarians who struggle for the Independence and Self-determination of the 5 millennia long Kushitic Ethiopian Nation of the... more
There are more types of borders today than ever before in history. Borders of all kinds define every aspect of social life in the twenty-first century. From the biometric data that divides the smallest aspects of our bodies to the aerial... more
Works on the political and economic thoughts of Thomas Sankara have gained recent currency in the light of the resurgence of decolonization of knowledge in both the global North and South. This chapter works from the wide-ranging and... more
PROGRAMM 13:30 Uhr Kerstin Pinther und Niklas Wolf (LMU München) // Welcome and Introduction 14:00-14:45 Uhr Katarzyna Falecka (University College London) // Mohamed Kouaci and the Photographic Infrastructures of the Algerian... more
Democracy in a post-colonial Africa has not replicated the “Westminster model” that was inoculated upon the continent by its former colonial masters. African democracy, which is flawed mainly in comparison to the West, has posed different... more
Britain, France and the rest. Similarly Portuguese retained it coastal in Guinea, Angola and Mozambique. While among some the African country whom resisted against colonial masters and live free are: Liberia, Ethiopia and Morocco. Though... more
How does neopatrimonialism, a form of governance in some African countries, affect the prospects for economic development?
L’enregistrement des électeurs est un moment clef du processus électoral, trop rarement pris en compte par les chercheurs. Cet article, exploratoire, est écrit du point de vue d’un observateur participant, responsable d’un point... more
These poems, composed in Somali and in English, provide a poetic reflection of the recently emerged debate on the theme of Caddaan Studies which means "White Studies". The criticism and counter-criticism contained in the debate dug so... more
Nonstate transnational actors have long played a central role in Sahelian economic structures and geopolitical arrangements because of their capacity to constitute sources of authority and sustenance outside and across state structures.... more
Analisi della geopolitica e geostrategia di Gibuti.
Primer estudio de conjunto sobre la colonización española y las condiciones de vida y trabajo en Guinea Ecuatorial. Sus 750 págs. nos ilustran la vida de los nativos de la colonia, de los braceros llevados desde otros lugares de África,... more
An intriguing book that could very well leave thoughtful readers somewhat frustrated by the end. Beautifully written with a compelling and challenging main argumentthat the Westerndominated vision of Africa-as-victim or... more
A land comprising more than fifty nations and innumerable cultural and geographic variations, from harsh desert to lush jungle, Africa has long been a favorite subject for photographers. Since the advent of the medium in the first half... more
The rise of Julius Malema in the African National Congress (ANC)/South Africa’s politics has received different interpretations within and beyond South Africa. First, it is because of his personality as a tricky, opportunistic and... more
La figure complexe du révérend pasteur Ntumi, personnage souvent réduit au rang d’« illuminé » ou de « marionnette du pouvoir », ne se laisse pas facilement appréhender. Cet article, sans prétendre à une analyse exhaustive du prophète et... more
على الرغم من أن مفهوم «الشعبوية» كان محدوداً الاستخدام فى الخبرة الأفريقية بعد الاستقلال، غير أن تقاليد مرحلة ما بعد الاستعمار قد شهدت بروز سياقات استثنائية، أفسحت المجال أمام ظهور زعامات شعبوية مثل حالة جيرى رولنجز في غانا. في هذا... more
African urban workers are relatively few in number, but they are often well organized and located close to the centers of power.
Gullah-Geechee Nation Constitution Preamble & Declaration. Futuristic-like
This book presents an innovative model linking insights from democratization, development and conflict studies to explain personalist behavior and their violent transitions. Based on multiple case studies from Sub Saharan Africa, the... more
This essay considers recent debates about an alleged anti-Africa bias at the International Criminal Court and the announced withdrawal of several African states. It looks at international lawyers' responses to these developments,... more
Morocco’s history is closely tied to sub-Saharan Africa. For many centuries, the country experienced vivid exchanges with the rest of the continent. This pattern has radically changed by the 19th century, with European colonialism... more
Como bien sabemos todos el cannabis no es originario de África. Proviene de Asia. Pero la difusión de ésta en el África subsahariana se debe a las comunidades de inmigrantes musulmanes del norte y a comerciantes árabes que viajaban a... more
This writing appears as Appendix I in my book, Transitions in Consciousness from an African American Perspective: Original Essays in Psycho-Historical Context. The book was published in 2004. Appendix I is a comprehensive Timeline of... more
" We do acknowledge we are no longer the poorest of the poor. But we don't accept that we should be totally excluded. "-Former President of Botswana's Pestus Mogae
A assombrosa riqueza petrolífera de Angola e as suas histórias de conflito e desigualdade atrai-nos a construir narrativas binárias sobre o poder e a exploração, as quais não são, todavia, suficientes para uma compreensão precisa e uma... more
This article traces the rise and decline of the Somali jihadi-insurgent group al-Shabab from 2006 to 2014. Particular attention is paid to the group’s implementation of a philistine and coercive interpretation of Shariah in areas under... more