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Recent papers in OMA
Perhaps billboards warn about the possibility of a change in attitude that I believe architecture needs to be able to re-introduce itself, but this time, naked and without the self-made shields. Despite being halfway and not a... more
This thesis aims to understand the relationship between theory and practice from the perspective of the architect and his task. The hypothesis of this project, that ‘the practice of an architect-theorist must be analogous to his... more
This article examines the ways that the “Koolhasian Void” interrelates with the “Parisian Void”. Out of the multiplicity of characters which can be derived by this ostensibly obscure relation, this analysis focuses on the void as a... more
This essay is part of a special, guest edited issue of "The Journal of Architectural Education" entitled "#SMLXL." This special issue's publication coincided, down to the month, with the 20th anniversary of the publication of the Office... more
Despite its scale and restrained budget, Villa Dall’Ava, conceived and built between 1984 and 1991, constitutes a melting pot of experiences and explorations, not only related to the domestic space, but also to other notions that will be... more
Entrevista exclusiva realizada a la Directora de Cumplimiento y Facilitación de la Organización Mundial de Aduanas (OMA), ANA B. HINOJOSA, en donde se abordan diversos temas aduaneros de rigurosa actualidad: El Acuerdo de Facilitación del... more
TRAZABILIDAD DE LA CADENA LOGÍSTICA. Hacia una visión integral y sistémica de las operaciones aduaneras. Sumario: 1.- Introducción. 2.- El Marco Normativo SAFE. 2.1.- Objetivos y principios. 2.2.- Los cuatro elementos básicos. 2.3.- Los... more
OMA ha elegido el programa Arc+ para compaginar las exigencias conceptuales del modelado 3D con las necesidades prácticas del dibujo 2D.
Exposición del Dr. Héctor H. Juárez sobre el impacto que el vertiginoso crecimiento del Comercio Electrónico Transfronterizo está produciendo en la operativa cotidiana de los servicios aduaneros del mundo, generando nuevos desafíos que... more