The power point presentation examines the following questions: 1. Why is occupational insurance being developed in the EU and internationally? 2. Why it is of particular interest to Greece? 3. What is provided by the legislation on... more
The power point presentation examines the following questions: 1. Why is occupational insurance being developed in the EU and internationally? 2. Why it is of particular interest to Greece? 3. What is provided by the legislation on occupational insurance in Greece? 4. What is new in Directive 2341/2016 / EU? 5. What funds have been created since 2002, what they represent and how they are distinguished? 6. What difficulties are faced by occupational funds? 7. Why is the case law of the Council of State an obstacle to the development of mandatory occupational pension funds? 8. What was examined by the courts concerning occupational insurance? 9. What are the main policy choices for occupational insurance? 10. What are the incentives for its development? 11. Who could engage in this activity? 12. What are my suggestions for the development of occupational pension funds in Greece?
The European Union appears to be promoting at the same time both cross-national mobility of workers and an increased role for occupational pensions. There is, however, a potential tension between these two objectives because workers risk... more
The European Union appears to be promoting at the same time both cross-national mobility of workers and an increased role for occupational pensions. There is, however, a potential tension between these two objectives because workers risk losing (some of) their pension rights under an occupational scheme as a consequence of their mobility. After long negotiations, the EU has addressed this issue through a minimum standards Directive. Shortly before the adoption of this Directive, the Court of Justice also delivered an important decision in the same field, in the case of Casteels v British Airways. By analysing the resulting legal framework for safeguarding pension rights under occupational schemes in the context of workers' mobility, we argue that the application of the case law developed by the Court of Justice in the field of free movement of workers has the potential to offer superior protection compared to the Directive. We also highlight the fact that the present legal framework seems to afford a much fuller protection to the intra-company cross-national mobility of workers employed by multinational companies, while also seemingly favouring mobility for highly specialised workers.
W świetle zmian demograficznych i społecznych oszczędzanie tylko w obowiązkowym filarze zabezpieczenia emerytalnego może okazać się niewystarczające. W Polsce wciąż bardzo niska jest świadomość dotycząca możliwości dobrowolnego... more
W świetle zmian demograficznych i społecznych oszczędzanie tylko w obowiązkowym filarze zabezpieczenia emerytalnego może okazać się niewystarczające. W Polsce wciąż bardzo niska jest świadomość dotycząca możliwości dobrowolnego oszczędzania na emeryturę. Jedną z takich możliwości, korzystną zarówno dla pracowników, jak i dla pracodawców, są pracownicze programy emerytalne, które umożliwiają systematyczne gromadzenie pieniędzy na przyszłe świadczenie emerytalne.