Öz: Bu araştırmada üniversite öğrencileri ile öğretim elemanları arasında yaşanan öğretim elemanı kaynaklı iletişim sorunlarının öğrencilerin görüşlerine göre belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden olgubilim...
moreÖz: Bu araştırmada üniversite öğrencileri ile öğretim elemanları arasında yaşanan öğretim elemanı kaynaklı iletişim sorunlarının öğrencilerin görüşlerine göre belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden olgubilim (fenomenoloji) deseni temel alınarak hazırlanmıştır. Araştırmanın katılımcıları amaçlı örnekleme türlerinden ölçüt örnekleme yöntemine göre belirlenmiştir. Bir eğitim fakültesinde yer alan 6 lisans programının son sınıflarından seçilen toplam 12 gönüllü öğretmen adayından oluşmaktadır. Veriler görüşme tekniği kullanılarak, açık uçlu sorulardan oluşan yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu yoluyla toplanmıştır. Veriler üzerinde içerik analizi yapılmış ve toplanan veriler temalar altında toplanarak kodlanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre öğretim elemanlarından kaynaklanan sorunlar; eleştiriye kapalı olma, sınıf içi ve sınıf dışı tutarsız davranışlar, etkili dinleme becerisindeki yetersizlik, araştırma görevlilerinin davranışları, egosantrik davranışlar ve dersi sunum becerilerindeki yetersizlik olarak tespit edilmiştir. Bunun yanında öğrencilerin öğretim elemanlarıyla iletişim kurmada yaşadıkları çekinceler; öğretim elemanlarının siyasî ve[ya] dinî görüşlerini belli etmesi, statü farkı ve akademik başarı notuyla ilgili yaşadıkları kaygılar olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Anahtar sözcükler: İletişim becerileri, iletişim sorunları, öğretim elemanları, yükseköğretim, öğretmen adayları.
In literature, there are some studies point that ideal scientists and academicians’ profile, features must-have,
perceptions of each other against teachers and academicians, competencies of lecturers in teaching-learning
process, the level of having “effective teacher behaviours” and democratic behaviours, perceptions about
Research Assistants and communication skills of the academicians from the perspectives of pre-service
teachers (Akbağ & Deniz, 2003; Bayar & Bayar, 2012; Bozdoğan, Şengül & Bozdoğan, 2013; Çermik,
2013; Ergün, Duman, Kıncal & Arıbaş, 1999; Kaya, Taşdan, Kop & Metin, 2012; Kaya, Afacan, Polat &
Urtekin, 2013; Keçeci & Taşocak, 2009; Kumral, 2009; Özaydınlık, Kabaran, Göçen & Altıntaş, 2014;
Özdemir & Üzel, 2010; Saylan & Uyangör, 1998; Şahin, 2011; Şenel & Aslan, 2014; Tortop, 2013; Tutkun
& Gür Erdoğan, 2012). In addition that there was no study about deeply communication problems derive
from academicians in Faculties of Education that educate teachers of the future. The purpose of this study
is to determine the communication problems that derived from academicians regarding to students’ views
in the academician-student communication process.
In the study, “phenomenology” was used from the qualitative research paradigm. For determining the
participants, it was used the criterion sampling methods from purposeful sampling methods. The
participants were totally 12 voluntary students from 6 undergraduate programs. One man and one woman
were chosen from every program in a faculty of education of a public university. The data were collected
with semi-structured interview form. The content analysis was applied on the data and they were coded
under themes.
According to findings, the problems derive from academicians are; being closed to be criticized,
inconsistent behaviours inside and outside of the classroom, lack of effective listening skills, attitudes of
Research Assistants, high ego level and lack of course presentation skills. Besides the situations that the
students hesitate communicating with academicians are; appearing political and/or religious opinions, the
difference in status and anxieties about academic achievement grade.
Conclusion and Discussion
In this perspective of the findings both category, “the communication problems derive from academicians
and “situations that the students hesitate communicating with academicians” it can be said that the most
important situation is about “using power”. These finding are supporting this point “being closed to be
criticized, lack of effective listening skills, high ego level, appearing political and/or religious opinions, the
difference in status and anxieties about academic achievement grade”.
The students consider that the power should be used “horizontally” (friendly and closer relationship), not
“vertically” (hierarchical, superior-subordinate and distanced relationship). Communicating effectively
requires considering on using appropriate language, instruments, and angles in communication contexts
(OECD, 2009). Finally, the students should enjoy and pleasure being in classroom, and do not lose their
need to learn. Accordingly, communication can be thought as base of teaching-learning process. Then the
successfulness and unsuccessfulness in individuals’ life are about not only their cognitive capacities or
backgrounds, but also the variables like attention, morale, motivation, interest, love, etc. Thus academicians
and lecturers should be careful providing an enjoyable, meaningful, understandable and effective teachinglearning
Democratic teaching-learning environment is one of the most important variables in educational processes.
Because, democracy means self-management of a group or society. So democratic environment enforces
the teacher sharing power with the students. Besides democratic educational environments consist of that
taking responsibility self-learning process, no fear about punitive responses of the teacher, having freedom
of thought and expression, supporting group and cooperative life, protecting other’s rights, respecting each
other, and communicating freely and positively (Ocak, 2012; Holmes, 1991).
In Global World the countries do not want to be in disconnected relationships. They want to be a part of
global world and inside of effective communications and relationships. That’s why people in this
globalizing age must have 21th century skills that are being effective communicator, reaching information,
using technology effectively, working cooperatively etc. So it can be seen how communicating effectively
so important.
This research can be interpreted in the light of the Bourdieu’s Field Theory and Homo Academicus (1988)
perspective. Academic field is a conflict, competition and interaction environment. According to the results
of study, this power-based relationship reflects on academician-student communication process. Besides
the academicians those are in Homo Academicus identity (Bourdieu, 1988) reproduce educational ideology
and organizational structure, and use their symbolic capital (lecture, grading, status, etc.) as symbolic
violence instrument against their students. All the findings in this study may be described separately as
symbolic violence instrument. Because of each hosts the dynamics which continue and reproduce authority
of academicians. Consequently, it can be said that these negative situations can be overcomes by
academicians undertaking constructive communicator identity and creating positive, tolerant, democratic,
friendly, sincere communication environments.
Finally, Açıkalın (1994) said that communication was like the skin covering the human body.
Communication is being used in every moment, job, education, etc. processes as an instrument starting
from prenatal period with mother and then close environment to dying, so humankind should be educated
as good communicators. In context of this research according to the findings, academicians’ and lecturers’
communication skills are inadequate. As a consequence, minimizing communication barriers will start new
improvements for individuals, societies and next generations.