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      AnthropologyAnthropology of Children and ChildhoodAnthropology of Health and IllnessPaediatrics
Background: Approximately 5-35% of neonates develop jaundice requiring treatment during the 1st week of life. Prebiotics, a mixture of Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) and Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), has been postulated to reduce serum... more
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    • Paediatrics
Duchene muscular dystrophy (DMD) is one of the most common muscular dystrophy in children. DMD is an x – linked mediated, musculoskeletal disorder common in males which occurs due to mutations in gene of dystrophin, a muscle protein. It... more
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      PaediatricsClinical Pharmacy Practice
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The progressive myoclonic epilepsies are a rare group of debilitating epileptic encephalopathies characterized by myoclonic seizures, progressive neurological dysfunction and dementia. In the past year advances in gene mapping have... more
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      GeneticsAdolescentPaediatricsGene Mapping
Objective: To determine whether infants with chronic lung disease (CLD), ready for neonatal unit discharge, maintain cardiorespiratory stability while sleeping supine. Methods: Subjects were 15 infants born <32 weeks gestational age (GA)... more
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      PaediatricsChronic DiseaseLung DiseasesSleep
An investigation into the feature extraction and selection of infant cry with asphyxia is presented in this paper. The feature of the cry signal was extracted using mel frequency cepstrum coefficient (MFCC) analysis and the significant... more
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      PediatricsSignal ProcessingFeature SelectionPaediatrics
An 8months female child came to our Dept. of Paediatrics, M.K.C.G. Medical College, Berhampur, Odisha, India for evaluation of motor delay with history of cyanotic spell with features of Apert Syndrome. Apert syndrome is a rare type 1... more
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      Health SciencesPaediatrics
Introduction: To evaluate the efficacy of cycled oral cyclophosphamide therapy in recurrent and advanced ovarian cancer patients. Materials and Method: Recurrent and advanced ovarian cancer patients who are unfit for intensive... more
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      OncologyPaediatricsInternational Journal of Medical Paediatrics and Oncology
Newly arrived refugees and asylum seekers are faced with many difficulties in accessing effective health care when settling in Australia. Cultural, language and financial constraints, lack of awareness of available services, and lack of... more
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      Health CareAustraliaRefugeesPaediatrics
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      Motor DevelopmentChild DevelopmentBlindnessEvaluation
Introduction The World Health Organization (WHO) defined stillbirth as the death of a fetus with a birth weight of at least 500g or if birth weight is unavailable [1,2], a gestational age beyond the age of viability. The stillbirth rate,... more
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      PaediatricsReproductive healthObstetrics and Gynaecology
Objective: To determine the source of medical advice to parents and treatment administered at home for children admitted to hospital with acute gastroenteritis. Methodology: A questionnaire was completed by the parents of 231 children... more
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      AdolescentFamily PracticePaediatricsProspective studies
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      Qualitative ResearchPaediatrics
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      PediatricsNuclear medicineImage QualityPaediatrics
Background: Hypoglycemia is a medical emergency. Unless promptly identified and treated, it can lead to irreversible brain damage with risk of long term neurologic sequelae or death. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of hypoglycemia... more
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      Health SciencesPaediatrics
Large medical image datasets form a rich source of anatomical descriptions for research into pathology and clinical biomarkers. Many features may be extracted from data such as MR images to provide, through manifold learning methods, new... more
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      EngineeringAlgorithmsData MiningMagnetic Resonance Imaging
To determine the cost of the dialytic management of paediatric acute kidney injury in a low-income country. All children under the age of 15 years, who had either peritoneal dialysis or haemodialysis for acute kidney injury in Aminu Kano... more
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      PediatricsAcute kidney injuryNigeriaAdolescent
Ventilator Associated Lung Injury (VALI) is an iatrogenic phenomena that significantly impacts on the morbidity and mortality of critically ill patients. The hazards associated with mechanical ventilation are becoming increasingly... more
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      NursingPaediatricsMechanical Ventilation
Primary Sinonasal Small Cell Carcinomas, Neuroendocrine type (SCCNET) are rare tumours. Few cases have been reported in the head and neck region of adult patients. They have a fair response to multimodality therapy; but the prognosis... more
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      RadiotherapyPaediatricsHead and Neck CancerIntensity Modulated Radiotherapy
Objective: To assess the impact of the implementation of a daily goals sheet upon nursing perception of communication in an academic, tertiary care paediatric intensive care unit (PICU). Design: Prospective, longitudinal, before-and-after... more
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      Program EvaluationNursingCommunicationNonparametric Statistics
Background of Study: Competence in motor performance skills is important in enabling children to be physically literate. Plyometric-based training has been suggested as an effective means to enhance motor performance skills in young... more
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Antinuclear antibody (ANA) immunofluorescence tests, using HEp-2 cells, were performed on 100 children without a history of connective tissue disease. Eighteen (18%) were positive at titres greater than or equal to 1:40, nine (9%) being... more
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      AdolescentPaediatricsCell lineChild
Objective: It is uncertain to what degree the relationship between breastfeeding and later cognitive development is a true biological effect, or is confounded by psychosocial factors. The study aim was to further investigate this... more
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      Cognitive developmentChild DevelopmentPaediatricsQueensland
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The 'hybrid' procedure is an alternative to the Norwood operation in classical hypoplastic left heart syndrome to support the systemic circulation until subsequent palliation. This approach has been extended to infants with the borderline... more
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      ImagingTreatment OutcomeLinear modelsPaediatrics
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      Computer GraphicsHuman Computer InteractionPediatricsBiomedical Engineering
Introduction. The influence of the environment on wellness, not only for patients themselves but for all care-givers as well, refers to the humanisation principles of spaces of care. Commencing with an analysis of existing paediatric... more
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      Hospice & Palliative Care NursingPaediatricsHealthcare ManagementHealing Environments
A versatile eccentric-spheres model of the human head is used in this paper to investigate radio-wave absorption. Numerical results, obtained by use of an exact analytical solution, are presented for the total, percentage, and... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringCell PhonesPaediatricsBrain
The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore and describe the extent to which registered nurses’ practice was affected by emergency department overcrowding. Participants were recruited from a tertiary hospital by using the purpose... more
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      Job SatisfactionMedicinePaediatricsDissertation
The pathway to universal health coverage is interlaced by numerous heterogeneous health challenges. The deficit in health workforce and particularly, the skilled professionals is a huge set back in Africa. The insufficient number of... more
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      Public HealthHuman ResourcePaediatrics
t has been long speculated by staff working in paediatric emergency medicine that children with unusual first names are more likely to be admitted to hospital compared with other children. What this study adds This paper demonstrates... more
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      Risk assessmentPaediatricsChildHospitalization
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Abstract Background: Cerebral Palsy (CP) is associated with disorders of movement, posture and intellectual activities which are due to a non-progressive lesion or damage to the immature brain and can be range from mild to profound.... more
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      HippotherapyLiterature ReviewPaediatricsNeurological Physiotherapy
Exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life is recommended as the optimal way to feed infants. This paper reviews the measurement of exclusive breastfeeding in Australian studies over the past 10 years. Only half the studies... more
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      AustraliaHealth PolicyPaediatricsInfant
Background: Pressure ulcer (PU) risk assessment tools are an important component of good nursing care; however, it is essential that these tools offer a good sensitivity and specificity, in addition to clinical utility in the population... more
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      AlgorithmsNursingRisk assessmentAdolescent
Το Ευρετήριο Ισχύουσας Νομοθεσίας για την Κακοποίηση και Παραμέληση Παιδιών περιλαμβάνει μια σύνοψη των βασικών νομικών κανόνων που ρυθμίζουν τις σχέσεις γονέα και παιδιού, την προστασία του παιδιού-θύματος και την υποχρέωση αναφοράς στις... more
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      LawSocial WorkChild abuse and neglectChildren and Families
Objectives: Severe Acute Malnutrition is a significant cause of mortality in children under the age of 5 years in low-resource settings, including Northern Nigeria. The study aimed to determine the associations between selected risk... more
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      Maternal and Child NutritionPaediatrics
Gastroschisis and exomphalos are the most common types of neonatal anterior abdominal wall defects. The aetiology of these two distinct abnormalities is unclear and their pathogenesis is controversial. 1 A higher risk of associated... more
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      AustraliaTreatment OutcomePaediatricsNewborn Infant
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    • Paediatrics
We present a novel method for estimating respiratory rate in real-time from the photoplethysmogram (PPG) obtained from pulse oximetry. Three respiratory induced variations (frequency, intensity, and amplitude) are extracted from the PPG... more
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      AlgorithmsBiomedical EngineeringAdolescentPaediatrics
The convergence of game technology (software and hardware), the Internet, and rehabilitation science forms the second-generation virtual rehabilitation framework. This reduced-cost and patient/therapist familiarity facilitate adoption in... more
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      PaediatricsVirtual RealityVirtualVirtual rehabilitation
Background: Nutrition plays a key role in physical, mental and emotional development of children and much emphasis has been given to provide good nutrition to growing populations especially in the formative years of life. Methodology:... more
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      PhysiotherapyRehabilitation MedicineSurgeryDermatology
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      Respiratory MedicinePaediatrics
A seminar presentation on Cholesteatoma in otorhinolaryngology
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Rubella infection is most devastating to the women of reproductive age group and can cause wide range of congenital malformation and even death and abortion when infected during pregnancy. The present study was a cross sectional study to... more
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      OncologyPaediatricsInternational Journal of Medical Paediatrics and Oncology
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      Child DevelopmentAnthropometryChild WelfareCalcium
High flow nasal cannula for respiratory support in preterm infants.
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Dissertation as part of my BSc (Hons) Nursing Studies 1999-2003
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      School-based health carePublic HealthPaediatricsSchool Health Nursing