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The Czochralski silicon (Cz-Si) has intrinsically high oxygen concentration. Therefore Cz-Si is considered as a promising material for the tracking systems in future very high luminosity colliders. In this contribution a brief overview of... more
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      PhysicsParticle detectors
IITMSAT is a student-built nano-satellite mission of Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India. The objective is to study the precipitation of high energy electrons and protons from Van-Allen radiation belt to Low Earth Orbits... more
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      Gnu RadioNanosatellitesParticle detectorsPlanar Inverted F Antenna
The EUDET-project was launched to create an infrastructure for developing and testing new and advanced detector technologies to be used at a future linear collider. The aim was to make possible experimentation and analysis of data for... more
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      High Energy PhysicsParticle detectorsTime Projection ChamberInternational Linear Collider
The method of cosmic ray neutron sensing - measuring soil moisture non-invasively at the hectometer scale has turned out to be feasible by detecting the environmental albedo neutron density. The key feature of the method is that neutrons... more
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      PhysicsHydrologyRemote sensing and GISArduino
A detailed study is presented of the expected performance of the ATLAS detector. The reconstruction of tracks, leptons, photons, missing energy and jets is investigated, together with the performance of b-tagging and the trigger. The... more
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      HistoryParticle PhysicsData AnalysisCommunity Ecology
A detailed study is presented of the expected performance of the ATLAS detector. The reconstruction of tracks, leptons, photons, missing energy and jets is investigated, together with the performance of b-tagging and the trigger. The... more
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      HistoryParticle PhysicsData AnalysisCommunity Ecology
With the Arduino open source electronics platform microcontrollers have become a comparably easy-to-use tool for rapid prototyping and implementing creative solutions. Their stability especially qualifies them to be used for slow control... more
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      PhysicsMicrocontrollersArduinoElectronics Engineering
The use of a graphene field-effect transistors (GFETs) to detect radiation is proposed and analyzed. The detection mechanism used in the proposed detector architecture is based on the high sensitivity of graphene to the local change of... more
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      NanotechnologyField effect transistorsFilmsResistance
A network of particle detectors located at middle to low latitudes, SEVAN (Space Environmental Viewing and Analysis Network), aims to improve fundamental research of the particle acceleration in the vicinity of the sun and the space... more
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      Cosmic RaysParticle detectors
A 1-meter-long trapezoidal Triple-GEM detector with wide readout strips was tested in hadron beams at the Fermilab Test Beam Facility in October 2013. The readout strips have a special zigzag geometry and run along the radial direction... more
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    • Particle detectors
Earlier we reported that the pits generated in CR-39 detectors during Pd/D co-deposition experiments are consistent with those observed for pits that are of a nuclear origin. Spacer experiments and track modeling have been done to... more
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      WaterMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesLENR
After the major modernization of the data acquisition electronics of the particle detectors operated at Aragats Space Environmental Center (ASEC) calculations of the barometric coefficients of all the monitors were performed in the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringCosmic RaysSpace
We describe the application of superfluid 3 He at very low temperatures as a highly sensitive bolometer for elementary particles detection. Recently we were able to detect the cosmic muon scattering with energy of 45 KeV: The other... more
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsQuantum PhysicsQuantum VacuumParticle detectors
The Indium antimonide (InSb) is one of the promising optoelectronic materials having potential applications in the development of data storage, frequency, parametric oscillations, detectors and related gadgets. Purity of material plays a... more
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      Detectors for AstronomyHomogenizationRadiation DetectorsSolid State Detectors
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      Biomedical EngineeringTerrorismMicroscopyData Analysis
The world of detectors used in thermal neutron scattering instrumentation has changed. By alerts on the future Helium-3 supply, critical to perspectives of the large-scale research infrastructures, the run on substitutional technologies... more
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      PhysicsSmall angle X-ray and neutron scatteringNeutron DetectionParticle detectors
This is the first part of a two-part paper. In this paper, we propose a detector array for detecting and localizing sources that emit particles including photons, neutrons, or charged particles. The array consists of multiple "eyelets."... more
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      RoboticsSignal ProcessingBiomimeticsModeling
This is the second part of our paper. In this paper, we propose, model, and analyze the performance of a detector array for localizing far-field particle-emitting sources, which is inspired by but generalizes the compound eye of insects.... more
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      RoboticsSignal ProcessingBiomimeticsModeling
Energetic and high fluence helium ions emitted in a plasma focus device have been used successfully to study the radiation induced damage on tungsten. The reference and irradiated samples were characterized by optical microscopy, field... more
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      Materials ScienceElectrostatic AcceleratorsExperimental Plasma PhysicsNeutron Activation Analysis
The world of detectors used in thermal neutron scattering instrumentation has changed. By alerts on the future Helium-3 supply, critical to perspectives of the large-scale research infrastructures, the run on substitutional technologies... more
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      Nuclear PhysicsSilicon particle detectorsNeutron DetectionNeutron Physics
The aim of this study is to design a detector module employing multi-pinhole collimator which could be utilized in various SPECT systems. Monte Carlo simulations using Geant4 application for tomographic emission (GATE) were performed to... more
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      Monte Carlo SimulationImage QualityMonte Carlo MethodsImage Reconstruction
The globally increased demand of Helium-3 along with the limited availability for this gas asks for the development of alternative technologies as the nowadays standard technology is still based on the Helium counter tube. We report on... more
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      BoronNeutron DetectionNeutron PhysicsParticle detectors
For application in high-energy physics experiments, this paper describes the design of a nine-channel binary detection system featuring a fully differential 300-W, 40-MHz comparator whose offset voltage is reduced to less than 500 V by... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsHigh Energy PhysicsControl Systems
An electronics system for low-energy cosmic ion detection has been designed and built. This instrument was designed to be shipped onboard a satellite with a mission to detect solar energetic particles (SEP) and to study the anomalous... more
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      PhysicsBiomedical EngineeringCosmic RaysCalibration
We consider an Unruh-DeWitt particle detector, coupled to a massless scalar field, undergoing "acceleration with drift" in a (1 + 3)-dimensional Minkowski spacetime. We use this to model inertial motion in a (1 + 2)-dimensional Minkowski... more
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      EngineeringThermodynamicsQuantum GravityModels
as development phases became shorter, fast defect characterization is highly important. In addition, new chemicals involved in sub 28nm semiconductor processes introduce new types of defects. The variety of defect types complicates defect... more
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      PhotonicsScanning Electron MicroscopyEvaporationSilicon Photonics
In this work we investigate how the intrinsic spatial resolution varies with the number of digitized readout channels for a 64 (8×8) channel detector using a statistics-based positioning algorithm. We report results for both 6 mm and 8 mm... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringLook up TableSilicon PhotomultipliersSpatial resolution
A novel rectangular shape differential CMOS split-drain Hall Effect magnetic field-effect transistor (MAGFET) was designed and fabricated employing a CMOS 0.5 m process. The detection and monitoring of single 2.8 m diameter magnetic beads... more
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      EngineeringBiosensorsField effect transistorsMagnetic particles
In this paper, we propose the technique classifying background area automatically by calculating the color variance in the RGB space of the picture. By this technique, the background classification robust to change of the background... more
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      Image ProcessingImage ClassificationQualitative AnalysisParticle detectors
The method of cosmic ray neutron sensing - soil moisture measurement at the hectometer scale non-invasively has turned out to be feasible by detecting environmental albedo neutron density. The key feature of the method is the... more
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      PhysicsHydrologyRemote sensing and GISSoil moisture
The world of detectors used in thermal neutron scattering instrumentation has changed. By alerts on the future Helium-3 supply, critical to perspectives of the large-scale research infrastructures the run on substitutional technologies... more
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      PhysicsNeutron DetectionNeutron PhysicsParticle detectors
Pores or channels with diameters in the range of nanometers up to micrometers can be used as Coulter counting apertures to detect particles and organic molecules such as proteins. Coulter counting is performed by applying a constant... more
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      Signal ProcessingBiosensorsSupport Vector MachinesSignal Analysis
A detailed study is presented of the expected performance of the ATLAS detector. The reconstruction of tracks, leptons, photons, missing energy and jets is investigated, together with the performance of b-tagging and the trigger. The... more
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      Particle PhysicsData AnalysisSupersymmetryParticle detectors
We introduce an original model of quantum phenomena, a model that provides a picture of a "deep structure", an "underlying pattern" of quantum dynamics. We propose that the source of a particle and all of that particle's possible... more
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      Quantum TheoryParticle detectors
In the last few years CMOS commercial technologies of the quarter micron node have been extensively used in the design of the readout electronics for highly granular detection systems in the particle physics environment. IC designers are... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringMicroelectronicsSignal ProcessingParticle Physics
Using a Perovskite crystal, a thermal detector has been designed for measurements of proton beam currents. For a given energy, the detector has a linear response with current intensity and an inverse response with chopping frequency.
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      Biomedical EngineeringScience and TechnologyCrystalsFerroelectric materials
We examine a maximum-a-posteriori method for estimating the primary interaction position of gamma rays with multiple interaction sites (hits) in a monolithic detector. In assessing the performance of a multiple-hit estimator over that of... more
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      EngineeringAlgorithmsBiomedical EngineeringSignal Processing
Bisher werden zum effizienten Nachweis von thermischen Neutronen Detektoren auf Basis von Helium-3 eingesetzt, welches sowohl als Neutronenkonverter wie auch als Zählgas dient. Die weltweit gestiegene Nachfrage verlangt, einhergehend mit... more
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      Neutron SpectroscopyBoronNeutron DetectionNeutron Physics