Recent papers in Films
Edited by Rimgaila Salys The early years of the twenty-first century have been an exciting transitional period in Russian cinema, as the industry recovered from the crises of the late 1990s and again stepped onto the global stage. During... more
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
A survey of Stanley Kubrick’s unfinished films generally includes Napoleon, Aryan Papers and A.I. Artificial Intelligence. A few extra projects are commonly included as well: One-Eyed Jacks, The German Lieutenant and The Burning Secret.... more
Fantasy in the cinema is created through the inherently voyeuristic mechanism that comes into play here more strongly than in the other arts. A Freudian psychoanalytic term, voyeurism refers to the erotic gratification of watching someone... more
This study examines whether the romantic comedy as an information source can impact on and shape viewer attitude toward and intention to visit a place. Data were collected from patrons at a large cinema chain located in a major shopping... more
Research about stop motion animation shorts and used as a technique for VFX in movies, done for a Stop Motion workshop given by Bert Brusselman in Córdoba, Argentina.
Intellectual Property, Nollywood, Creative Industry, Nigerian Copyright Laws, Digital Copyright, International Trade & Development, Transactional Negotiation, Animation Rights, Naijacomedy, Folklore, Traditional Cultural Expressions,... more
Songs are the art of speaking I have been using songs to teach English and Polish for a long time. Personally I firmly believe in the power of good music as well as in the power of well-written lyrics. Songs may help with teaching... more
Si le court-métrage est souvent présenté comme une voie d'entrée dans les carrières du cinéma, il est aussi un lieu au sein duquel s'éprouvent, comme dans un modèle réduit, les contraintes plus générales de la production... more
This paper discusses the use of Numicon number teaching materials with children with Down syndrome. The theory underlying the design of the materials is discussed, the teaching approach and methodology are described and evidence... more
... The video-making process The producers of It all began with poverty six women, Thandi, Lizzie, Bongi, Nokukhanya, Thengi, Mavis, and one man, Sipho (all ... Melodrama is a very popular performance genre within the Zulu culture of... more
This book features ten critical essays on ecodocumentaries written by eminent scholars from India, USA, Ireland, Finland and Turkey in the area of ecocinema studies. Situating social documentaries with explicit ecological form and... more
In an attempt to enact equitable practices in U.S. public schools, many critical multicultural and anti-racist theorists, researchers, and practitioners strongly suggest that teacher educators move beyond diversity approaches to... more
La educación para la salud tiene un papel clave en la adquisición de las habilidades necesarias para tomar decisiones que afectan a la salud personal o comunitaria. Por esta razón se debería garantizar en la educación obligatoria.... more
En los primeros años del siglo XXI, el documental mexicano ha incrementado sus niveles de producción, distribución y exhibición, llamando la atención de nuevos espectadores pues ha diversificado notablemente sus temas y ha aprovechado los... more
Mémoire de fin d'études pour l'Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Lyon réalisé en 2017. "Si en 1996, Antoine Coppola décrivait le cinéma sud-coréen comme « l’un des plus méconnu au monde », dès 2005 la Cinémathèque Française lui réservait... more
Il saggio presenta i principali temi che caratterizzano il dibattito sulla pedagogia del cinema in Italia tra la fine degli anni quaranta e l’inizio degli anni cinquanta. La prima parte ripercorre le diverse posizioni in relazione alla... more
The constant, if not growing, popularity of horror makes the question in the title even more intriguing: why do people buy a product for which, out of the context of the movie, they feel different negative and increasingly stronger... more
Promotion films which is one of the ways of self-organization and expression at the institutional level among the important types of effective combination of image and sound. Despite one of those conventional media it seems to have an... more
Plant-based proteins are emerging at the forefront of functional food trends, as well as sustainable components for various environmentally friendly and sustainable polymeric materials. This study focuses on the application of a combined... more
The Visit (M. Night Shyamalan, 2015) : une réécriture de conte(s) horrifique ? Summary In many of his films, M. Night Shyamalan introduces the viewer with a fairytale-like universe. In The Village (2004), the filmmaker employs Little Red... more
"Mujeres y Cine" fue un proyecto de investigación (categoría A) aprobado en 2009, obteniendo financiación por parte de la Comisión Sectorial de Investigación Científica (CSIC) por un año. El mismo pretendió analizar cómo es representada... more
Dialectics of the fable "The Matrix", A philosophical Machine By Alain Badiou “Nevertheless we must recognise that the three films have a problem in common, which is simply the fundamental problem of cognition: what is it that, from... more
Acercamiento académico al video documental realizado en Puebla, México, a partir del estudio de los recursos que utiliza para su construcción como el material de archivo, las recreaciones y las entrevistas.