Film Genre
Recent papers in Film Genre
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
Page 1. Girl Meets Girl: Lesbian Romantic Comedies and the Public Sphere Kelly Ann McWilliam BA (Hons), GC Arts A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Queensland in May 2006. ABSTRACT: Six... more
Les reconfigurations actuelles des films et documents audiovisuels, qui changent notamment de support ou de média, interrogent bien sûr les définitions acquises de ce que nous appelions sans trop d’incertitude, jusque dans les années... more
This presentation will examine the history of Africans servants in Israeli, British and American films and examine why these problematic representations are still being consume by a global audience.
P. Dudzińskim, R. Dudziński, Zabić tysiąc kobiet na tysiąclecie państwa polskiego. Władza (ludowa) i śmierć w filmie Janusza Kidawy „Anna” i wampir [w:] Między przymusem a akceptacją. Meandry władzy w literaturze i kulturze popularnej,... more
Global Cinema Networks investigates the evolving aesthetic forms, technological and industrial conditions, and social impacts of cinema in the twenty-first century. The collection’s esteemed contributors excavate sites of global... more
Course that never was...
"Thanks to their huge market success, animations from The Disney Company and blockbuster franchises like Harry Potter have dominated 'family film' production. Yet there is a long, varied and largely untold history of films made for... more
This chapter discusses the femme fatale and the homme fatal as figures of transnational transmission in Riso amaro (Bitter Rice, De Santis, 1949) and Ossessione (Obsession, Visconti, 1943)
Este artículo reformula un análisis de Machuca (2004) de Andrés Wood como una película de género(s), reconsiderando los aspectos melodramáticos y a la vez, examinando estrategias narrativas del cine de horror. Machuca produce una reacción... more
A book that looks at the relationship between melodrama, gender, sexuality and nationalism per se, and with reference to Hindi cinema between 1970-2000. Table of Contents: 1. Political History, Political Economy 2. Bombay Cinema and... more
This book starts from the empirical analysis of five drama series: /The West Wing/, NBC: 1999-2006;/ Lost/, ABC: 2004-2010; /Desperate Housewives/, ABC: 2004-/; House, M.D., /Fox: 2004- and /CSI: Crime Scene Investigation/, CBS: 2000-.... more
En los primeros años del siglo XXI, el documental mexicano ha incrementado sus niveles de producción, distribución y exhibición, llamando la atención de nuevos espectadores pues ha diversificado notablemente sus temas y ha aprovechado los... more
Telling the story of the American frontier and the rise of a nation, the Western has usually been associated with what is called ‘Americanness.’ Of the richest genre of Hollywood both in number of the films produced, and the timespan... more
Franny Armstrong’s climate change-documentary The Age of Stupid (2009) presents itself as a film about ecological risk and environmental injustice in different geographical regions, while at the same time appealing strongly to our... more
Este estudo monográfico busca analisar a suposta permanência do gênero “chanchada” no cinema contemporâneo brasileiro. Em um primeiro momento, analisaremos os filmes estrelados por Xuxa Meneghel e Renato Aragão depois da retomada nos anos... more
A close study of John Ford's Indian images in his Western movies, from Iron Horse to Cheyenne Autumn. While many believe that Ford's Native American portrayals began as negative (Stagecoach) and developed into more sympathetic treatments... more
Mixing facts and fiction, Hollywood screen biographies have told the lives of popular music icons at least since The Jazz Singer (1927). However, biopics construct narratives that deal problematically with issues of race. This article... more
The constant, if not growing, popularity of horror makes the question in the title even more intriguing: why do people buy a product for which, out of the context of the movie, they feel different negative and increasingly stronger... more
PALABRAS CLAVE: Homeland, Sully, Clint Eastwood, locura, compromiso, héroe Mediante el análisis de algunas escenas seleccionadas del último capítulo de la sexta temporada de Homeland y de la película Sully, reflexiono sobre el origen... more
Mother earth tied to the train tracks: The scriptive implications of melodrama in climate change discourse abSTracT This article examines the way climate change narratives have mobilized melodramatic frameworks, by examining An... more
Este artigo pretende examinar a trajetória na cultura midiática do ciclo de faroestes populares italianos (produzidos nas décadas de 1960 e 1970), em particular a obra de Sergio Leone, através de uma análise dos processos de valoração... more
This course will examine the surreal, whimsical, grotesque, and weird films of director Tim Burton. We will come to know his body of work as a series of narrative, visual, and thematic preoccupations that have influenced a variety of film... more
Acercamiento académico al video documental realizado en Puebla, México, a partir del estudio de los recursos que utiliza para su construcción como el material de archivo, las recreaciones y las entrevistas.
Fundamentals of Screenwriting
In 1996, The Quiet Man topped an Irish Times poll for the best Irish film of all time. Almost ten years later, with many more Irish (and Irish-themed) films made, The Quiet Man still occupied number four in a poll of 10,000 people across... more
Encyclopedia of Racism in American Cinema. Ed. Salvador Murguia. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017. 491-92. Print.