Postformal Reasoning
Recent papers in Postformal Reasoning
In this article I aim to broaden and deepen the evolution of consciousness discourse by integrating the integral theoretic narratives of Rudolf Steiner, Jean Gebser, and Ken Wilber, who each point to the emergence of new ways of thinking... more
Abstract We are living in times of great transition and uncertainty. We hear the present times being referred to as chaotic, turbulent, even “postnormal.” Futurist, Zia Sardar (2010) refers to postnormal times as being characterized by... more
Abstract This paper focuses on emergent signs of evolutionary change in human thinking that run parallel with many of the exponential changes manifesting in the external world. Weak signals are identified from the early twentieth... more
**This paper is the most cited paper in the journal.** [See Taylor & Francis, Routledge, information] Rudolf Steiner and Ken Wilber claim that human... more
An extensive bio-bibliographical overview of the work of Edgar Morin, followed by a discussion of his "complex thought" in the context of the history of ideas. This is the Introduction to his "On Complexity."
In the current models of cognitive development some phenomena cannot be categorized: self-actualizing people (Maslow), Buddhism and Taoism. Using Piaget´s genetic epistemology we can argue that the human cognitive system is not flexible... more
Human consciousness and behaviour have been changing rapidly since the last ice age, never more so than since the industrial revolution. Moreover, there is an acceleration of change. The last century, for instance, has seen an explosive... more
This conceptual dissertation is both a study of, and an enactment of, the evolution of consciousness for the purpose of evolving education. The research draws attention to and situates itself within four complex, interlinked challenges:... more
In this article I re-evaluate the potential contribution of postmodernism to integral theory via integrally-derived perspectives. I identify a premature foreclosure: the underappreciation of postformal modes of thinking (cognitive... more
This paper takes as its starting point the notion that human consciousness is evolving beyond the boundaries of formal, reductionist modes of thinking and beginning to open to postformal, integral and planetary consciousness. It explores... more
"This paper proposes that all aspects of educational futures are affected by the new thinking patterns and ways of knowing that have been emerging over the last hundred years as part of the parallel processes of evolution of human... more
Uncertainty is a pervasive feature of our times. In this paper I argue that an age of uncertainty is not a reason for despair, but rather an opportunity to develop and mobilize our capacities for creativity, complexity, and collaboration.... more
Das Konzept des postformalen Denkens beschreibt Denkstrukturen, welche sich nicht mit der von Piaget postulierten letzten Entwicklungsstufe, die des formal-operationalen Denkens, erklären lassen. Seit seinem Aufkommen sind verschiedene... more
In its inadvertent creation of multiple ecological crises including climate change, humanity as a whole appears caught in a lemmings loop, racing toward a probable future identified as The Long Emergency. One might think that even the... more
This paper focuses on emergent signs of evolutionary change in human thinking that run parallel with many of the exponential changes manifesting in the external world. Weak signals are identified from the early 20th century indicating the... more
It is becoming increasingly apparent that creativity and imagination are key to envisioning alternatives to the problems of postnormal times. At the same time, educational institutions all over the globe are still mired in assumptions... more
This article concentrates on the latest international trends in the research on psychological development of adults, and especially on the development of cognition. The field of research has been very fragmented, and researchers have kept... more
Uncertainty is a pervasive feature of our times. In this paper I argue that an age of uncertainty is not a reason for despair, but rather an opportunity to develop and mobilize our capacities for creativity, complexity, and collaboration.... more
L. Wittgenstein is mostly known and treated as a thinker of two periods with two different accents: one determined strictly logically and second more liberal concerning logic. Increasingly more precise notion comes on, which interprets... more
"This essay is a postformal rejoinder to Ziauddin Sardar’s Welcome to Postnormal Times. I have no quarrel with Sardar’s conclusion that these times are postnormal, nor do I disagree with many of his observations, but our standpoints... more
We are living in times of great transition, uncertainty and exponential change. In the 1990s the US Defense Department coined a new term to describe this period: VUCA, that stands for "Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous." VUCA is... more
This study empowers a dialogue between the East Asian Taijitu—related to yin-yang theory—and Western dialectics; in so doing, it also enriches the notion of dialogue itself. Applications or resonances, such as found in quantum physics,... more
" Altogether the ambition of this volume is enormous. " Helen E. Lees " In postformal education as phrase we have a rather new domain for the everyday educationist: one replete with views, perspectives, ideas that are not everyday … any... more
In this chapter I offer a big picture overview of cultural history as a context for understanding our present situation in relation to education. Ever since human beings first appeared as Homo sapiens around 200,000 years ago, human life... more
Development of Adult Thinking is a timely synthesis and evaluation of the current knowledge and emerging issues relating to adult cognitive development and learning. Focusing on psychological and educational cutting-edge research as well... more
This book explains why the current education model, which was developed in the 19th century to meet the needs of industrial expansion, is obsolete. It points to the need for a new approach to education designed to prepare young people for... more
A perspective is given regarding global mindset change: two key interrelated features underlying late modernity – economism and modern atomism – are critically contrasted with three key interrelated features underlying prospective... more
""Abstract This paper focuses on emergent signs of evolutionary change in human thinking that run parallel with many of the exponential changes manifesting in the external world. Weak signals are identified from the early twentieth... more
Mirja Hämäinen & Eeva K. Kallio With globalisation, workers today face challenges that language educators in higher education cannot ignore. As English is the globally shared language in working life, educators need to pay attention to... more
Pirjo Ståhle, Laura Mononen, Eeva K. Kallio, Päivi Tynjälä This chapter explores the links between scientific systems approaches and adult cognitive development. First, it describes the premises and basic concepts of systems thinking. It... more
This critical literature review traces the roots of how adult cognitive development and learning are conceptualised. It addresses some implicitly included historical and philosophical concepts, analysing especially the concept of change,... more
Radom je želja osvijestiti da je integralno mišljenje imanentno postmoderno, odnosno da je upravo takav pristup, tj. integralni aperspektivizam, preduvjet konstruktivnog postmodernizma. Ukratko su iznesene temeljne značajke... more