Queueing theory
Recent papers in Queueing theory
This chapter concerns the mathematical modeling and analysis of secondary (or auxiliary) storage devices, which often comprise the principal bottleneck in the overall performance of computer systems. The presentation begins with... more
A simple MP system consisting of an input-output facility and a central processor is modeled as a two-parameter Markov chain. The conditions for stability are demonstrated, and the steady-state joint probabilities are calculated... more
In his paper, Pearce presents a method for determining the stationary probabilities of a G/Mt/1 system, the service mechanism being such that it operates regardless of whether or not customers are present. This note is an attempt to... more
In this paper we adopt the view of auxiliary stor&g9 devices in a oomputer system-typically disks and drums -as service facilities, responding to data transmission requests from active tasks •. The enormous disparities in processing rates... more
Capacity decisions in service operations often involve a trade-off between the operating cost and the service level offered to customers. Although the cost of attaining a pre-specified service level has been well-studied, there isn't much... more
The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm, has opened up the possibility of using the ubiquity of small devices to route information without the necessity of being connected to a Wide Area Network (WAN). Use cases of IoT devices sending... more
In many IoT applications, sensor data is sent remotely to be processed, but only the freshest result is of interest. In this paper we investigate a feedback mechanism that aborts the processing of stale data at the remote end to reduce... more
Performance modeling is an important topic in capacity planning and overload control for web servers. We present an M/GNK*PS queueing model of a web server. The arrival process of HTTP requests is assumed to he Poissonian and the semce... more
In order to deliver service in quality specially in banking system the queuing model was appropriate in order to suggest waiting time, service rate and etc for efficient service delivery of better implementation of banking system.... more
A number of nonlinear programming algorithms are proposed to obtain the approximate solutions for nonproduct form multiclass queueing network models, as well as priority queueing networks. Using sensitivity analysis, we develop an... more
This paper analyzes the performance of a MAC scheme for wireless local area networks (WLANs) that makes use of distributed queues to improve radio channel utilization. Analytical values for the maximum throughput performance are derived... more
This paper introduces an approach for determining the performability of repairable degradable systems based upon combining Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets and product-form queueing network models. The novel feature of the proposed... more
This paper introduces an approach for determining the performability of repairable degradable systems based upon combining Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets and product-form queueing network models. The novel feature of the proposed... more
The overpopulated cities complain about the congestion and the pollution made by conventional transport system. The Vehicle Sharing Systems come as a great solution for these problems. The vehicles can be Electrical Cars, Electrical... more
The overpopulated cities complain about the congestion and the pollution made by conventional transport system. The Vehicle Sharing Systems come as a great solution for these problems. The vehicles can be Electrical Cars, Electrical... more
Background Tuberculosis (TB) remains a threat to public health globally and is one of the top infectious killer diseases in Africa and Asia. The government and international partners have strategically intervened by cascading chest... more
The Low Extra Delay Background Transport (LED-BAT) protocol is a recently standardized protocol that aims to offer a scavenger service (i.e. the goal is to exploit the remaining and unused capacity of a link). LEDBAT is a delay-based... more
Delay-based congestion control algorithms provide higher throughput and stability than traditional loss-based AIMD algorithms, but they are inherently unfair against older connections when the queuing and the propagation delay cannot be... more
We consider the problem of simultaneous scheduling and resource allocation of an incoming flow of requests to a set of computing units. By representing each computing unit as a node, we model the overall system as a multiqueue scheme.... more
Dynamic queueing networks (DQN) model queueing systems where demand varies strongly with time, such as airport terminals. With rapidly rising global air passenger traffic placing increasing pressure on airport terminals, efficient... more
In asymptotic regimes, both in time and space (network size), the derivation of network capacity results is grossly simplified by brushing aside queueing behavior in non-Jackson networks. This simplifying double-limit model, however,... more
This paper considers the distribution of a general peak age of information (AoI) model and develops a general analysis approach for probabilistic performance guarantee from the time-domain perspective. Firstly, a general relationship... more
To meet the growth of real-time and multimedia traffic, the next generation of satellite networks with a guarantee of quality of service (QoS) is indeed, urgent. In this paper, we support the multi-layered satellite network as the... more
Length Rate Quotient (LRQ) is the first algorithm of interleaved shaping -a novel concept proposed to provide per-flow shaping for a flow aggregate without per-flow queuing. This concept has been adopted by Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN)... more
Multiclass FIFO is used in communication networks such as in input-queueing routers/switches and in wireless networks. For the concern of providing service guarantees in such networks, it is crucial to have analytical results, e.g.... more
High-intensity concurrent arrivals of request packets in Internet traffic can cause dependence of event-to-event-times of the requests being served, which causes non-memoryless, modelled with heavy-tail distributions unlike common known... more
We present a search and rescue problem as a final project for an undergraduate-level Introduction to Robotics course. To successfully complete the project, a participating robot has to solve four sub-problems that are currently among the... more
This paper briefly discusses the various attendance monitoring technologies from manual to automated monitoring systems. Also, the Authors discussed on the impacts through strengthening the key features in contributing a more timely and... more
The legal system in Nigeria is be-deviled with delayed justice which has become a source of concern to many person. This is very much peculiar to those who feel that the judiciary is too slow in resolving legal issues in Nigeria. In... more
Ao4 -Average Total Costs at Iteration 100 and 1000 (Replication. No.3) .
This paper studies the effects of tuning delay of transmitters in packet-based optical broadcast networks. We consider scheduling of random traffic with tunable transmitters and fixed-tuned receivers and obtain the degradation imposed by... more
This letter considers a problem that arises in the context of statistical, state-dependent resource allocation in communication networks. Specifically, the problem concerns a single-server discrete-time queue with state-dependent... more
This paper prcseirts aj'2edback contrd design for isolated ramp metering cmtrol. This feedback control design, i:nlike the existing isolated feedback ramp controllers, Glso ta1:es into account (he ramp queue length. Using a !ionlizmr Hm... more
This paper presents a mathematical framework for dynamic congestion pricing. The objective is to calculate an optimal toll using the optimal control theory. The problem consists of tolled lanes or routes and alternate non-tolled lanes or... more
This paper presents a mathematical model for dynamic congestion pricing at a toll where alternate lane or routes are available. The model developed is based on traffic conservation law and queueing, and moreover uses fundamental... more
Queueing models provide a useful tool for predicting the performance of many service systems including computer systems, telecommunication systems, computer/communication networks and flexible manufacturing systems. Traditional queueing... more
Previous covering models for emergency service consider all the calls to be of the same importance and impose the same waiting time constraints independently of the service's priority. This type of constraint is clearly inappropriate in... more
There have been many queuing analyses for a single server queue fed by an M/G/∞ traffic process, in which G is a Pareto Distribution, that focus on certain limiting conditions. In this paper we enhance the so-called Quasi-Stationary (QS)... more
This paper exploits classical control theory to design congestion control algorithms for "best effort" traffic in ATM networks. The control goal is the full utilisation of network links without incurring cell losses. A fluid model... more
We model the hospital as seeking to balance the costs to itself in providing care, as well as the societal cost of people waiting for care. We use queuing theory to show that the optimal capacity and the corresponding optimal occupancy... more
Queues are not merely an object to study. Queues are real world problems faced by customers at a busi- ness station that kill their valuable time. This results in decreased customer interest and the progress trends towards a loss. This is... more
The relationship between setup time reduction and performance improvement in the stochastic closed manufacturing cell is addressed. The improved cell performance is linked with the potential competitive advantage of the firm in the... more
This study aims to determine the Single Channel -Single Phase Teller queuing system at PT. Bank BJB KCP Gedebage Bandung. Where there is a decrease in the percentage of queue visits in 2023 by 14.21%. Descriptive Qualitative Method by... more
This paper develops an improved analysis of ATM switching architectures adopting a replicated banyan interconnection network provided with dedicated input and output queues, one per switch inlet and outlet. Two different plane selection... more
Hazard rates play an important role in various areas, e.g., reliability theory, survival analysis, biostatistics, queueing theory and actuarial studies. Mixtures of distributions are also of a great preeminence in such areas as most... more