The article is an attempt to analyze the relation between religion and politics in the American culture of last few decades. Liberals of western civilization very often look on the religion as an anachronism – something connected with a... more
The article is an attempt to analyze the relation between religion and politics in the American culture of last few decades. Liberals of western civilization very often look on the religion as an anachronism – something connected with a personal wishful thinking or with the prayers of monks closed in a congregation than with the modern political life. But the religion is an important component of the present-day culture in America. A good example of this is the modern use of prayer as a form of political action. The research concentrates on two different forms of religious prayer - 'the civil prayer’ and 'the imprecatory prayer’. As we will see, these two forms of confessional practice differ almost everything, but they share a common political context.
This thesis has provided an understanding and re-examination of the political conflict of the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas in 1993. In addition, it has shown that the government siege could have been less violent and has justified the... more
This thesis has provided an understanding and re-examination of the political conflict of the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas in 1993. In addition, it has shown that the government siege could have been less violent and has justified the acts of certain individual players within the conflict. Without a doubt, everyone has their own pre-understanding and reassessment of the event. The first part dealt with the social context of religion in the United States and at within the state of Texas. It describes the diverse religious environment, history, and conditions for participants and their religion there. At the same time, it quickly familiarized readers with the phenomena of new religious movements. The second part was focused on the development of Branch Davidians and described the forming of the group from its roots in Adventism and previous leaders through the final version with David Koresh. The presentation of the Branch Davidians represented was important for understanding their behavior in following chapters. The last fundamental part was dedicated to the initiators of the conflict and its consequences. The hypothesis was confirmed that the Branch Davidians were not the only initiators of the conflict. The principle role of inciting the conflict was played by disgruntled Branch Davidian apostates and anti-cult movement players. Other initiators included the United States government, the Branch Davidians, news media, and and the general public. In the end, it was shown that the Waco incident has not gone away and has explained the positive and negative impacts on the religious situation in the United States. In addition, it was shown that this event has stayed within in the consciousness of American people and became a historical fact in American religion. Because of the lack of information about this topic in the Czech language, I hope this thesis has been helpful for any people interested. In addition, it has been served as a memoir for the victims.
Für die dynamisch wachsende, heterogene amerikanische Siedlergesellschaft hat Glaube und Religion eine integrative Funktion. Die Relevanz von Ethnic Churches wird in dem Aufsatz am Beispiel zweier maronitischer Gemeinden in den USA... more
Für die dynamisch wachsende, heterogene amerikanische Siedlergesellschaft hat Glaube und Religion eine integrative Funktion. Die Relevanz von Ethnic Churches wird in dem Aufsatz am Beispiel zweier maronitischer Gemeinden in den USA verdeutlicht, um folgende zentrale Fragestellung zu beantworten: Wie sichern maronitische Gemeinschaften ihre ethnische Identität und ihren Fortbestand? Folgende Unterfragen lassen sich mit Blick auf die USA ausdifferenzieren: Wie behalten maronitische Gemeinden eine Bedeutung für nachkommende Generationen, die vollständig in die amerikanische Gesellschaft integriert sind? Warum finden Prozesse der Öffnung statt und wie bewahren Ethnic Churches, die sich transformieren, ihre kulturelle Differenz? Welche Rolle spielen gruppeninterne Trennlinien bei maronitischen Gemeinschaften?
Jedną z najbardziej istotnych i zasadniczych rzeczy w studiach nad nowymi ruchami religijnymi (NRR) jest zrozumienie mechanizmu powstania tychże ruchów wraz z ich przeżywalnością lub trwałością instytutu przywództwa religijnego. Autorytet... more
Jedną z najbardziej istotnych i zasadniczych rzeczy w studiach nad nowymi ruchami religijnymi (NRR) jest zrozumienie mechanizmu powstania tychże ruchów wraz z ich przeżywalnością lub trwałością instytutu przywództwa religijnego. Autorytet osoby założycielskiej dla pierwszej generacji członków religii in statu nascendi stanowi niemal nieodzowny, sankcjonujący oraz spajający całą grupę wiernych element. Niżej, na przykładzie Kościoła Zjednoczeniowego, jest ukazany mechanizm, jak to się odbywa w wybranym synkretycznym NRR proweniencji orientalnej po śmierci jego założyciela.
Religious vote for Donald Trump The Role of Religion in United States presidential electionsThe text focuses on the role of religion in the last presi-dential election in the U. S., particularly on the questi-on why Donald Trump gained... more
Religious vote for Donald Trump The Role of Religion in United States presidential electionsThe text focuses on the role of religion in the last presi-dential election in the U. S., particularly on the questi-on why Donald Trump gained such a signi%icant support among conservative Christians. The author describes so-cial atmosphere in current American society in general as well as the disillusion and disappointment of Evange-lical Christians by what happened in the past when they voted for the candidates promising them %ight for their values in the context of culture wars. Anti-system pro-gram of Trump, inspite of his own image being far from conservative Christian ideal, was much more attractive for them last year, regardless of the fact that there were some typical Evangelicals among the contenders in the Republican primaries.
Chapter 5 of “Was America Founded as a Christian Nation?” by John Fea dealing with the earliest communities in North America, namely Jamestown and Massachusetts Bay of the XVII century, exposes the bitter irony of how having escaped from... more
Chapter 5 of “Was America Founded as a Christian Nation?” by John Fea dealing with the earliest communities in North America, namely Jamestown and Massachusetts Bay of the XVII century, exposes the bitter irony of how having escaped from the Old World’s abuse of religion, the early Christian communities in North America over the course of years recreated many evils that had mired Christianity in Europe.
In spite of harsh criticism for doing so, many communities adopted biblical and classical names in the nineteenth century, putting scriptural referents to use in particular locales for pressing political reasons.