Throughout history, a lot of literature has been written concerning the relationship between the sweet and innocent heroine and the dangerous, stereotypical bad boy-hero. We see this phenomenon reoccurring over and over again, in novels... more
Throughout history, a lot of literature has been written concerning the relationship between the sweet and innocent heroine and the dangerous, stereotypical bad boy-hero. We see this phenomenon reoccurring over and over again, in novels from hundreds of years ago, but also in novels written in modern times as well. Why is the Byronic Hero so fascinating? In this thesis I will research the Byronic Hero, and take a look at who he is as a character. Moreover, I will investigate some of the typical characteristics of the Byronic Hero, and explore his obsession with possession and control. Correspondingly, I will study how he dominates and seduces. Lastly, I want to see how revealing his mysterious secrets will show us who he really is. Furthermore, as examples of these characteristics I will throughout this thesis use the characters of two modern Byronic Heroes; Edward Cullen from Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series and Christian Grey from E. L. James’ trilogy Fifty Shades of Grey, as well as one contemporary Byronic Hero that is crucial in this context; Mr. Rochester from Charlotte Brontë’s Victorian novel Jane Eyre.
A novel theory for the origins of Lehi’s vision of the Tree of Life has been offered by Rick Grunder, who argues that the story was inspired by a June 1829 visit to Rochester where Joseph could have seen a “great and spacious building,” a... more
A novel theory for the origins of Lehi’s vision of the Tree of Life has been offered by Rick Grunder, who argues that the story was inspired by a June 1829 visit to Rochester where Joseph could have seen a “great and spacious building,” a river, an iron railing, and even fruit trees. The purported source for the great and spacious building, the Reynolds Arcade, has even been suggested by one critic as a place where Joseph might have found “rare maps,” such as a map of Arabia that could have guided his fabrication of Lehi’s trail. As beautiful as such theories may be to their champions, they utterly fail to account for Nephi’s text.
Among the shortcomings of Grunder’s theory and creative extensions of it, the timing is problematic, for Joseph’s visit to Rochester likely occurred well after 1 Nephi was dictated. The proposed parallels offer little explanatory power for Book of Mormon creation. (For comparison, two online appendices for this article have been provided to illustrate how interesting random parallels can be found that may be more compelling than those Grunder offers.) Further, any inspiration from a visit to Rochester as the plates of Nephi were being translated fails to account for the influence of Lehi’s vision and Nephi’s text on other portions of the Book of Mormon that were translated long before Joseph’s trip to Rochester. Finally, Nephi’s account of the vision of the Tree of Life and surrounding text cannot be reasonably explained by Grunder’s theory of last-minute fabrication inspired by Rochester or by any other theory of modern fabrication, as it is far too rooted in the ancient world and far too artfully crafted to have come from Joseph Smith and his environment.
Τα τελευταία χρόνια παρατηρείται στην ελληνική εκπαιδευτική κοινότητα μια στροφή προς τη συνεκπαίδευση ατόμων με αναπηρία και μη μέσα σε κοινές σχολικές τάξεις. Ωστόσο, παρατηρούνται ελλείψεις σε υλικοτεχνικές υποδομές και εξειδικευμένο... more
Τα τελευταία χρόνια παρατηρείται στην ελληνική εκπαιδευτική κοινότητα μια στροφή προς τη συνεκπαίδευση ατόμων με αναπηρία και μη μέσα σε κοινές σχολικές τάξεις. Ωστόσο, παρατηρούνται ελλείψεις σε υλικοτεχνικές υποδομές και εξειδικευμένο προσωπικό, καθώς επίσης και μια διστακτικότητα από την πλευρά των εκπαιδευτικών απέναντι στη συνεκπαίδευση ατόμων με αισθητηριακές αναπηρίες. Η παρούσα ερευνητική εργασία μελετά τους τρόπους επικοινωνίας μεταξύ ατόμων με αντίθετες αισθητηριακές δυσλειτουργίες, όπως η κώφωση και η τυφλότητα, με σκοπό να ελέγξει αν και κατά πόσο μπορούν να επικοινωνήσουν αποτελεσματικά μέσα σε ένα κοινό πλαίσιο, ώστε μελλοντικά να καταφέρουν να συνεργαστούν και να συνεκπαιδευτούν.
Τα κοινωνικά και οικονομικά προβλήματα που αντιμετωπίζει η χώρα μας τα τελευταία χρόνια οδήγησαν στην περιθωριοποίηση των ατόμων με αναπηρία (ΑμεΑ). Μέσα σε ένα τέτοιο πλαίσιο, η εκπαιδευτική κοινότητα με τη στροφή προς τη συνεκπαίδευση... more
Τα κοινωνικά και οικονομικά προβλήματα που αντιμετωπίζει η χώρα μας τα τελευταία χρόνια οδήγησαν στην περιθωριοποίηση των ατόμων με αναπηρία (ΑμεΑ). Μέσα σε ένα τέτοιο πλαίσιο, η εκπαιδευτική κοινότητα με τη στροφή προς τη συνεκπαίδευση των ΑμεΑ στα γενικά σχολεία αλλά και το Ελληνικό Κράτος με μια σειρά νόμων κατοχύρωσαν το δικαίωμα για ισότητα στη μάθηση, παραβλέποντας ανασταλτικούς παράγοντες όπως την ελλιπή κατάρτιση των εκπαιδευτικών και τις ελλείψεις σε υλικοτεχνικό εξοπλισμό. Η παρούσα εργασία, αναγνωρίζοντας την ανάγκη για επικοινωνία και συνεργασία μέσα στη σχολική τάξη, επιδιώκει να δώσει την ευκαιρία σε μαθητές και εκπαιδευτικούς να γνωρίσουν τον ιδιαίτερο κώδικα επικοινωνίας των συμμαθητών τους με αισθητηριακές αναπηρίες, όπως τύφλωση ή κώφωση, ώστε να επιτύχουν μια ουσιαστική επικοινωνία. Τέλος, μέσα από τη βιβλιογραφική ανασκόπηση προκύπτουν ορισμένες λύσεις ώστε το σύστημα την συνεκπαίδευσης να γίνει πιο λειτουργικό.
The introduction of three-color Kodachrome in 1935 was possible thanks to the long collaboration between the independent inventors Leopold Mannes and Leopold Godowsky and the managers of the Kodak Research Laboratory at Rochester, New... more
The introduction of three-color Kodachrome in 1935 was possible thanks to the long collaboration between the independent inventors Leopold Mannes and Leopold Godowsky and the managers of the Kodak Research Laboratory at Rochester, New York. This paper considers this long research work initiated in 1917 by examining the technological solutions Mannes and Godowsky progressively followed, in the historical context of the first cinematographic additive processes. Besides the technological context, the paper analyzes the evolution of Mannes and Godowsky position into Kodak research. Working independently at the beginning, the two young men were funded by their families first, then by the Eastman Kodak Company and Kuhn, Loeb & Co, experimenting in their personal laboratory. In a second step, Mannes and Godowsky were finally employed by Kodak in 1931 as consultant researchers and incorporated with the team of the Kodak Research Laboratory at Rochester. In the mid-1930s Mannes and Godowsky were able to develop a two-color cinematographic process, which finally evolved in the three-color Kodachrome process. This innovative process was announced in April 1935, despite the fact that the Kodak researchers did not succeed in finding a correct developing process for exposed films. An immense amount of work was done in the American laboratory to find a correct sequence of chromogenic development in the summer 1935. This long research odyssey ended when the Kodak research team managed to drastically simplify the developing process of exposed Kodachrome rolls in 1938, encouraged by the recent German competition and the Agfa Color Neu process.
Paper published in the Vol. 14 No. 01 "Colour Photography and Film" of Color Culture and Science Journal, April 2022. DOI:
Why picture the author? What were we hoping to see? A critique and a celebration of three recent British literary bio-pics: Bright Star (Keats), The Libertine (Rochester), & Becoming Jane (Austen).
The life and work of Engineer and head of water works for the city of Rochester, Joseph Nelson Tubbs. Details about his family, career, military service during the Civil War and public work for the city.
Among all the places that inspired Dickens’ work, Rochester High Street is perhaps the most remarkable for the intensity of its association with the novelist. Fortunately, modernisation has not been able to encroach upon High Street to... more
Among all the places that inspired Dickens’ work, Rochester High Street is perhaps the most remarkable for the intensity of its association with the novelist. Fortunately, modernisation has not been able to encroach upon High Street to eliminate the pristine nature of Dickensian memorabilia, as buildings in the area largely remain as they were during Dickens’ time. Walking on High Street gives the look and feel of Dickens’ world.
Rochester NY is an incredible place to live, work, and play. There is so much to do in this great city and it's extremely affordable. Find out in this real estate agent guide all there is to know about Rochester NY. If you're planning... more
Rochester NY is an incredible place to live, work, and play. There is so much to do in this great city and it's extremely affordable.
Find out in this real estate agent guide all there is to know about Rochester NY. If you're planning on making a move in or around Rochester NY, this guide will be extremely helpful.
You'll learn about the different neighborhoods, economic statistics, educational statistics, and other important things.
The life and work of Engineer and head of water works for the city of Rochester, Joseph Nelson Tubbs. Details about his family, career, military service during the Civil War and public work for the city.
Against my wishes, the Campus Times editors titled my letter to the editor "Join Struggle to Restructure University" which contradicts the intent of my letter.