Known in the Catholic world as the plenipotentiary envoy of the Ecumenical Patriarchate at the Council Vatican II, Andre Scrima was the most important mediator in relations between Pope Paul VI and Athenagoras Patriarch, in the early... more
Known in the Catholic world as the plenipotentiary envoy of the Ecumenical Patriarchate at the Council Vatican II, Andre Scrima was the most important mediator in relations between Pope Paul VI and Athenagoras Patriarch, in the early sixties (XXth c.) Moreover, it appears from the Council documents, that Andrei Scrima was urged by Pope Montini even in the drafting of the final version of the Dogmatic Constitution Dei Verbum. The revelation becomes a theme of reflection even in the seventies when Andrei Scrima place of lessons in theology and comparative philosophy at the Faculty of Theology and the Faculty of Religious Studies at the University Saint-Joseph, Beirut. Apart from a brief biographical introduction, the article aims to describe the Scrima considerations regarding the revelation as the synthesis and the organic unity of Tradition, created by the convergence of the evangelical content and its transmission through the traditions, the vehicle and / or the link between the Christ who gives the gift of revelation and our soul, as subject to a theandric path next to the Holy Spirit. According to Scrima, the reality lived, shared with the divine is the theological path of the person, distinguishing it clearly from the conceptual knowledge that is proposed by theology. According to Scrima, however, the mystical language is not conceptual, which is why the reflection on the path theandric soul union with the Holy Spirit, could be revealed through the phenomenology, such as taught in the sixties in the seminaries conducted by the philosopher Enrico Castelli Gattinara in Rome.
Scris sub semnul anului omagial al Sfinţilor Împăraţi Constantin şi Elena, articolul de faţă propune o analiză sui generis a așezămintelor monastice aflate sub ocrotirea sfinților pomeniţi. Clasificarea locaşurilor bisericeşti după hramul... more
Scris sub semnul anului omagial al Sfinţilor Împăraţi Constantin şi Elena, articolul de faţă propune o analiză sui generis a așezămintelor monastice aflate sub ocrotirea sfinților pomeniţi. Clasificarea locaşurilor bisericeşti după hramul lor este mai mult decât o simplă analiză cantitativă, rezultatele acestui demers permițând o serie de corelații și interpretări atât în planul bisericesc, cât și în cel socio-cultural. Cercetarea întreprinsă scoate la iveală existenţa un grup de așezăminte monastice închinate Sf. Împărați care preiau, fidel, caracteristici generale ale peisajului mănăstiresc contemporan, dar care etalează şi o serie de nuanțe proprii, datorate identității și unicității care caracterizează fiecare locaș în parte.