Recent papers in Scattering
It is shown that the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern of a tilted aperture screen can be interpreted as a ' monocular view of the Ewald sphere. Two of those patterns recorded at opposite tilting angles are used to give a stereoscopic... more
The realistic performance of a multi-input multi-output (MIMO) communication system depends strongly on the spatial correlation properties introduced by clustering in the propagation environment. Simulating realistic correlated channels... more
Background: Double Charge Exchange (DCE) nuclear reactions have recently attracted much interest as tools to provide experimentally driven information about the Nuclear Matrix Elements of interest in the context of neutrino-less double... more
System-on-chip (SoC) architectures are called to be the platform for an ever increasing number of interactive applications. One of the most time- consuming tasks is to define communication interfaces between the different components... more
Angular Domain Imaging (ADI) is a high resolution, ballistic imaging method that utilizes the angular spectrum of photons to filter multiply-scattered photons which have a wide distribution of angles from ballistic and quasi-ballistic... more
Vector formalism for stimulated Brillouin scattering amplification in birefringent fibers is used to model the fiber as an equivalent, pseudo-linear, polarization-dependent gain medium. Implications on slow and fast light setups are... more
Tarantula is an aggressive floating point machine targeted at technical, scientific and bioinformatics workloads, originally planned as a follow-on candidate to the EV8 processor [6, 5]. Tarantula adds to the EV8 core a vector unit... more
Spotlighting is one illumination field where the application of light emitting diodes (LED) creates many advantages. Commonly, the system for spot lights consists of a LED light engine and collimating secondary optics. Through angular or... more
This paper reports experimental measurements of the radiation characteristics of green algae used for carbon dioxide fixation via photosynthesis. The generated biomass can be used to produce not only biofuels but also feed for animal and... more
The detection of concealed weapons at a distance is a critical security issue that has been a great challenge for different imaging approaches. In this paper we discuss the use of ultrasonics in a novel way to probe for metallic and... more
Neste trabalho, compósitos de elastômero termoplástico de poliuretano (TPU) foram preparados com diferentes teores de argila (0, 1, 3 e 10% m/m). A argila Cloisite 30B (C30B) foi incorporada na matriz de TPU via processamento por fusão... more
In this work, we pave the route towards the engineering of strong and spectrally sharp Fano resonances in plasmonic nanostructures and derive analytical formulas for their line shape as a function of their electromagnetic response.... more
Phase velocity of a surface acoustic wave (SAW) varies when the electric field associated with the wave interacts with a conductive material located above the propagation plane. In this paper, we propose a general method to approximate... more
The group theoretical treatment of bound and scattering state problems is extended to include band structure. We show that one can realize Hamiltonians with periodic potentials as dynamical symmetries, where representation theory provides... more
The image quality of electro-optical sensors in the (lower-altitude marine) atmosphere is limited by aerosols, which cause contrast reduction due to transmission losses and impact on the thermal signature of objects by scattering solar... more
Starting with the exact solution for the scattering of a plane P wave by a homogeneous spherical inclusion, various types of approximate solutions are developed and discussed. The standard Rayleigh and Mie approximations are extended to... more
In this review, we discuss the use of inorganic nanoparticles, mainly zinc oxide (ZnO) and titanium dioxide (TiO 2 ), for sunscreen applications considering their intrinsic physical properties and the Mie theory. These properties cause,... more
Afrstract-A method is described for enlcrdating the dynamical (frequency-dependent) properties of varions microstrip discontinuities such as unsymmetrical crossings, T junctions, right-angle bends, impedance steps, and filter elements.... more
We study planar waves in a circulating, draining fluid flow, which: (i) exhibit an analogue of the Aharonov–Bohm (AB) effect in Quantum Mechanics; (ii) obey a Klein–Gordon equation on an ‘effective spacetime’ which resembles the Kerr... more
The detection of concealed weapons at a distance is a critical security issue that has been a great challenge for different imaging approaches. In this paper we discuss the use of ultrasonics in a novel way to probe for metallic and... more
Scattering of an arbitrary elastic wave incident upon a spherically symmetric inclusion is considered and solutions are developed in terms of the spherical vector system of Petrashen, which produces results in terms of displacements... more
The recently introduced random walker segmentation algorithm of has been shown to have desirable theoretical properties and to perform well on a wide variety of images in practice. However, this algorithm requires user-specified labels... more
The optical properties of human cranial bones were measured in the wavelength range 800-2000 nm. The measurements were carried out using the commercially available spectrophotometer with an integrating sphere. The inverse addingdoubling... more
Resonances, which are also described as autoionizing or quasi-bound states, play an important role in the scattering of atoms and ions with electrons. The current article is an overview of the main methods, including a recently-proposed... more
When the mechanisms of fading channels were first modeled in the 1950s and 1960s, the ideas were primarily applied to over-the-horizon communications covering a wide range of frequency bands. The 3-30 MHz high-frequency (HF) band is used... more
because it gave each of their organizations the opportunity and means to upgrade and improve upon existing instrumentation and equipment necessary to support their research reactor's operations as well as their research initiatives. In... more
Global illumination effects such as inter-reflections, diffusion and sub-surface scattering severely degrade the performance of structured light-based 3D scanning.
Many imaging systems deal with phase measurements using coherent radiation in order to illuminate objects. The reflected scattered return carries information on physical and geometrical properties of illuminated objects. It can be... more
In this paper, general mixing formulas are derived for discrete scatterers immersed in a host medium. The inclusion particles are assumed to be ellipsoidal. The electric field inside the scatterers is determined by quasi-static analysis,... more
The theoretical/experimental work done in the area of digital phase-locked loops (DPLL) from 1960 to 1980 is surveyed. The survey is motivated by the fact that microprocessor technology is advancing rapidly to the extent that... more
Point defect thermodynamics at the solidevapor equilibrium and point defect diffusion is reviewed in cadmium telluride with an emphasis on recent experimental findings. Principles and benefit of respective experimental methods studying... more
Most high-speed multiple-access networks on the market, or those currently under design, operate in a limited geographical environment and are devoted either to data-only or voice-only transmission. However, challenges issued by the... more
Humanitarian demining aims for a total clearance of all types of landmines from infected areas and infrastructures as efficiently and as safely and as rapidly as possible while keeping cost to minimum. It requires that each individual... more
Visual appearance of objects comes from the interpretation by the human visual system of a light signal issued from the objects. Describing or predicting appearance is therefore a question of light and requires notions about light... more
this topic of research, and guiding me through to its completion. I also thank my parents who have supported me in every way throughout my education. And a very special thanks to Anne who has supported and encouraged me at all times, but... more
This paper presents several methods based on signal strength and wave scattering models for tracking a user. The received-signal level method is first used in combination with maximum likelihood (ML) estimation and triangulation to obtain... more
This paper presents a general strategy for the electrical performance and Signal Integrity assessment of electrically long multi-chip links. A black-box time-domain macromodel is first derived from tabulated frequency responses in... more
This paper reports on the use of digitally-enhanced print-based interfaces to support both individual and social information gap tasks. The interactive social nature of language learning can be supported through social scaffolding... more
Raman spectroscopy has evolved into an important fast, direct and nondestructive technique in pharmaceutical analysis. Usually, the focus in this field is mainly on the active ingredients and not on the excipients present in the drugs. A... more