Slovenian Architecture
Recent papers in Slovenian Architecture
My Master thesis focuses on the mostly unknown life, education and work of the Slovenian architect France Tomažič. The thesis first presents his life and then the complex relationship between profesor Plečnik and assistant Tomažič in the... more
In the mid-seventies, stimulated by a climate of ever-increasing openness to the West, the Slovenian architectural debate was enriched with new nuances through the contribution of the journal "Arhitektov bilten". Born in 1964 as the... more
This article deals with the Neo-gothic architectural projects of Josip Vancaš in Croatia, Italy and Slovenia. Among the notable achievements of this segment of his entire production are: design for the church front in Buia, Italy, the... more
Po zaključku 2. svetovne vojne, ko je komunistična partija prevzela oblast, Jugoslavija pa je postala del vzhodnega, komunističnega bloka, je sovjetski družbeno- politični model prevladal na vseh družbenih področjih – od ustave do... more
Reševanje delavskega stanovanjskega vprašanja med obema vojnama je v Sloveniji pogojeno z arhitekturo modernizma. V tem obdobju je v arhitekturni stroki stanovanje postalo osrednja tema, ob tem pa je arhitektura želela delovati tudi... more
Po zaključku 2. svetovne vojne, ko je komunistična partija prevzela oblast, Jugoslavija pa je postala del vzhodnega, komunističnega bloka, je sovjetski družbenopolitični model prevladal na vseh družbenih področjih – od ustave do... more
From 1945 onwards, the transition from avant-gardes and constructivism to socialist realism of the Soviet Union became a model for other socialist “brother countries”. Following this model defined geopolitical position of each country in... more
The homepage, summary and index of my doctoral thesis
This was the closing address at the symposium Neue Slowenische Kunst 1984-1992. It explored transgressive uses of cultural and political monumentalism via the designs of the NSK Architecture Section Graditelji.